messages to andnothingon:
(click here to add new message):

from raven72d :
back? or at LJ?
from beagle47 :
damned! (late...)
from simplymine :
And is there nothing left you want to say? I think there might be secret desires left in you, still. Come back. I know it's been awhile, but I'll help you clear the cobwebs. xoxo
from raven72d :
I'm at LJ as Fort_Kanji... Come visit.
from raven72d :
whatever happened to you?
from raven72d :
Even if the horse eats the violin-- I love your writing.
from raven72d :
You're a delightful and alluring and intriguing discovery... You're a voice I'd like to hear in a coffeeshop at two inthe morning...
from sadmoonbeam :
where are you?
from muse11 :
Oh my, a new template!! Lovely!
from bitch-haven :
Feelin Bitchy lately??? Then come to Bitch-Haven and tell us all about it!!!
from sadmoonbeam :
digital whores on a thursday. now i've heard it all.
from muse11 :
Thank you for your kind words on my update. Thank you for updating your words so often.
from sadmoonbeam :
[may your christmas be white][may the change of the year bring more andnothingon-words]
from poul :
jewish mothers are to be listened to very carefully, and ignored. trust this arrogant kohen.
from raven72d :
I loved the wading-off-Coney-Island entry!
from raven72d :
Cubic zirconium is a vur' good thing. And I do love your entries, girl.
from sadmoonbeam :
I am 90% 'should i?'. I am 21 grams words; fake, but still brilliant in my mind of your mind. [Love�]
from muse11 :
Best of luck on exams!!
from eyefugitive :
I love your poetry. All of it. You don't write enough of it down. Why does Jordan get the monopoly?
from sadmoonbeam :
'wanting you' is beautiful.
from poul :
beat up? i am concerned :)...if it survived, scan it for me, please
from sadmoonbeam :
yes your writing sucks my brain out, wondergal.
from rainforme :
missed again. wasn't offended by your reading. thanks and bye.
from rainforme :
you missed the point. never once referred to it as normal. that comes from your mind.
from rainforme :
from muse11 :
Beautiful heart
from poul :
your own design? i am off to venice, email me coordinates of your postcard receptacle. no time for book shopping now, but i'll get it, thanks for recommendation.
from poul :
public demands photo of the tattoo :)
from how-odd :
your writing is very beautiful. -Nic
from poul :
typewriter? hoot! what type? have photos? i just bought another one. . smooth like voice of barry white.
from simplymine :
it's the aura of something amazing. Some rock out there that has a soft center. Just Like Me. Now that your thoughts have trangressed over my eyes I'm alwyas wrapped in the echos of your mind.
from poul :
weird is good. freak is good. normal people scare me.
from heatherkai :
You want to know the funniest part? I'm only 15.
from poul :
that's beautiful
from heatherkai :
i think you should read "this side of paradise" by f.scott fitzgerald. I think you would like it.
from muse11 :
i do like this new template, however, the feel is slightly off. that is merely an opinion. theres something odd about it, i don't know why, but it reminds me of something. and what is this book you speak off?? i thought of the amityville story.....maybe thats whats odd about it?? *ps* i'm not feeling mine either, but you need to clear your plate before you take another bite
from muse11 :
whats this??? I'm off line for a few days and you have a new template?? eegads woman!! still, nice....
from poul :
thank you. i felt your presence for a while now.
from heatherkai :
thank you for your note. i love your writing so much.
from spotliterr :
I absolutely adore your template. Just thought you should know. Your writing is great too. *hmmm* Maybe I should have highlighted that part first. Laura
from sadmoonbeam :
I'd love to see such a movie.
from sillynikki :
i likes,i likes..good stuff.your a excelllent writter.
from redivivus :
Very nice!
from chadmuska :
i think preceptions is kinda overrated too. and i also read it.
from fallen7 :
My family has to, you would think I'd be smarter, but no. I'm trying hard to eat up those angry feelings, but its not working so far. I'll try the pop culture idea though =)
from fallen7 :
Thanks for stopping by my diary, its nice to know that someone reads it. I need to meet more people who think too much, then we can all go insane together.

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