Who Muses Whom?

My favorite diaries:

aloka profile - diary
comments: "We smelled of smoke, alcohol, & sweat - the sweet aroma of children of the night."
andnothingon profile - diary
comments: "lets us cynics and atheists have a torrid love affair and find a religion like poetry when we kiss"
beagle47 profile - diary
comments: "because, you see, eventually everyone looks back. and it is much better to look back in wonder as opposed to look back and wonder"
bellastile profile - diary
comments: "Why does it have to get that far?"
crayon profile - diary
comments: "but maybe, you now think, maybe she's not quite as over you as you thought she was. but maybe you're a bloody fool."
days-of-49 profile - diary
comments: "Madonna irritates me."
december7th profile - diary
comments: "distance is nothing but trouble."
devilscarpet profile - diary
comments: "I could change the world, if I knew how I wanted to change it."
dontyouwish profile - diary
comments: "which way do you look when there is a blank wall in every direction?"
dubyah profile - diary
comments: "its pretty tough being the worlds daddy"
fellbehind profile - diary
comments: "Even on a clear night, I can count the stars and actually finish. We're all going to die of cancer."
foetus profile - diary
comments: "i don't know you. I DON'T YOU. where's the f-ing love where's the f-ing love."
heartshaped profile - diary
comments: "a porno mouth and tragic eyes"
indrid-cold profile - diary
comments: "I will mine a different gold for you here than I mine elsewhere."
lovers- profile - diary
comments: "what do you LOVE"
madrad profile - diary
comments: "I miss Jesus."
othelladub profile - diary
comments: "She's a rasberry singer "
shutupmom profile - diary
simplefavour profile - diary
comments: "its amazing what a 650 pound piece of chrome, steel, rubber, gasoline and leather can do to a person's self esteem, ideologies, and overall outlook on life."
vampishone profile - diary
comments: "be wary of your moonshine shadow for it is a spry little imp"
vorago profile - diary
comments: "Life. That's about the gist of it. Life."
wicked-sezzy profile - diary
comments: "Dollar drink night may just be the creation of Beezlebub himself, and the sweet nectar known as Captian Morgan his liquid incarnation."
bmoviemaven profile - diary
comments: "and without hesitation i simply wrote back"
parlance profile - diary
comments: "Some people frustrate me to the point where I want to rip out my hair, make a voodoo doll out of it, then cut it into 34,934 pieces with a fucking machete."
fourbysix profile - diary
comments: [Green on red on yellow, on black. Oh, yeah.]
theducksays profile - diary
comments: �somewhere, lately buried, hidden between bleeding wrists and holding hands comes this feeling, awkward realization that i have no idea what to do next besides simply to hope you'll let me hold your hand just a while longer�
babyisblue profile - diary
comments: "i'm not sure i believe my own bullshit anymore... "

My favorite music:

James Cotton
comments: Tom Waits, Frank Sinatra, Tom Jones, Outkast, Everlast, Harry Connick Jr., Bright Eyes
Nikka Costa
comments: Toby Lightman, Fiona Apple, Joss Stone, Diana Krall
Counting Crows
comments: Squirrel Nut Zippers, Matchbox 20, Redheaded Stepchild, Everclear, The Strokes, American Hi-Fi, The Rolling Stones, The Clash, The Cult, The Pixies, AC/DC, The Flys, Dee Lite, Save Ferris, Maroon 5
comments: Early 90�s Everything, Blues, Jazz, Punk, Classic Rock, Alternative, Hip-Hop, Disco

My favorite movies:

Scotland, PA
comments: I've never been to Spain...
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
comments: Meet me in Montauk.
Pi / Spun / Go
comments: Everything can be understood in terms of numbers. / Oh god damn, getting fucked in a porn shop. / "Don't think you're something you're not. I used to have your job." "Look how far it got you."
comments: What if I made them scream apologies?
comments: Don�t believe a word he says.

My favorite authors:

comments: "Dead, I won't be forgotten." The 10th Muse~
Lewis Carroll
comments: "The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things: Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax-- Of cabbages--and kings-- And why the sea is boiling hot-- And whether pigs have wings."
Mitch Albom
comments: �It might seem strange to start a story with an ending. But all endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time.�
Jeanette Winterson
comments: "There is no autobiography, there is only art & lies."
Alan Lightman
comments: �A world without memory is a world of the present. The past exist only in books, in documents.�

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last updated: 2009-03-24 03:22:51
this user's total entries: 935
user since: 2002-10-30

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