messages to arianstar:
(click here to add new message):

from aphrodisiac9 :
Very interesting, I like your diary. Sorry about the breast thing, I hate mine too. ;) Good luck with getting the surgery.
from navydude83 :
Hey find me on laters
from xnavygrrl :
Girlfriend, I am so sorry about that crappy news about "the girls". That is so not fair! One doesn't even expect something like this to happen to them until they are much older! I'll be thinking about you.
from xnavygrrl :
I don't know how I missed that you updated, but I'm glad you did. I'm glad to know you're doing okay..
from xnavygrrl :
Miss you lots. Let me know if you're locked out. Leave me an email addy so I can email you the password..
from xnavygrrl :
Girl, what is up with you? I hope you're okay!
from xnavygrrl :
Girl, where the hell are you?
from xnavygrrl :
My pal, keep the password handy. It's only for a week that i gotta keep everyone locked out. I'm on a mission. They messed with the wrong female!
from xnavygrrl :
Girl, what is up? I hope you are doing well. I see in my stats that you still log on to my diary, so I know you're alive. Hey, why can't we put pictures in our profile? I wanted to do what you did but when I go to do it the page goes completely white. Weird, huh?
from wildrose1 :
some guys don't like to move to quick. I know a 20 year old straight single guy that was horrified that a girl was too aggressive. maybe you should just relax. see what happens. ((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))
from xnavygrrl :
I need your email addy so that I can send you a username and a password for my now locked diary.
from wildrose1 :
the first kiss sounded delicious. I am so glad you had a good time. I knew your break was coming. ((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))
from wildrose1 :
now you got me anticipating that first kiss. Good luck. ((((((((((((hugs))))))))))
from wildrose1 :
I am all about the feree meal. I wrote a messaqge to you in one of my recent entries if you have time to check it out. ((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))
from wildrose1 :
I am all about the feree meal. I wrote a messaqge to you in one of my recent entries if you have time to check it out. ((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))
from wildrose1 :
It feels so great to be the one and only special love in someone's life, but hurts equally when you long to be her. I too have learned this recently. ((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))
from wildrose1 :
stray away from him. he sounds dangerous emotionally and physically. ((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))
from wildrose1 :
from wildrose1 :
good luck with Rob (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))
from dyn4food :
So gross about the rat when you were working out!! I would have left too if I was there!! Well take care, and sorry i havent updated in forever...things are just...hard. But im still here if you want to talk!!
from fatalbreath :
I'm locking it now... user/pass is fatalbreath same as my old diary.
from xnavygrrl :
sorry you are so lonely. I hope things get better for you.
from wat-ser-face :
Can you please remove this diary from your buddy list... I want to make it impossible to trace my new one through this one. Thanks! Aly (please add my new one, I'll use the same name and pass though)
from navydude83 :
Thanks alot I appreciate it, and so u know IM fianlly in Ca not in San dog though, I was there for a few months while my ship was in decom process. T5hanks Again.
from navydude83 :
Hey its Isaac, Can I get the user name and password so I can see your diary?
from fatalbreath :
It's Aly... wat-ser-face... I've started a new diary called fatalbreath... please don't leave notes in my wat-ser-face one... I'm trying to keep this one hidden from people I know.
from alaska-husky :
um... I dont think the password works...
from wat-ser-face :
Thanks I got it! I'm going to go read it now :)
from wat-ser-face :
I'm trying to access but it's not working.
from wat-ser-face :
I will read. I promise. I love meeting new people, especially here.
from wat-ser-face :
can I have your pass?
from xnavygrrl :
hi. I understand why you had to lock your diary. hell, I've thought about it a couple of times....
from good-evil :
Hi there! We're a new review site and we're currently looking for diaries to review. If you'd like to submit your diary in for a review, pls feel free to visit us and request! Thanks and have a great day! - Good vs Evil Reviews (
from xnavygrrl :
I'm sorry you didn't make 2nd. I know how disappointing that is...hugs for you.
from xnavygrrl :
Thanks for the note. I appreciate it!
from xnavygrrl :
I'd like to add that maybe Hunter just enjoys the female form. :) Nothing wrong with that.
from xnavygrrl :
Maybe Sam doesn't know that there are plenty of butch gay men out there also. Just because Hunter plays with Barbie's doesn't mean he'll turn out to be gay. He'll only turn out to be gay if it's something genetically that he's predisposed to, not because of what you did. I mean, there are a lot of factors that come out when a person talks about their sexuality and just because a person has an affinity for barbies or high heels or makeup doesn't make them gay. Geez. You poor thing. My dear friend K is a manly man; he's ruggedy handsome, althletic and a good dancer, but he's also a queen. However, you wouldn't know it unless he told you. Oh, and he told me that he was a typical boy's boy as a child, no clues were given about his future. Don't feel funny because of Hunter liking barbie's okay?
from isaiyan :
call me!!!! what's going on??????
from xnavygrrl :
Girl, I must say, you have beautiful eyes. And your honey, hey it's only an eye, but I can tell he is dangerously handsome. I'm glad you survived a trip to the land of the "mormies".
from xnavygrrl :
Sounds like your tree is quite gorgeous too. Oh, and the dress you bought! Cute. You know, I think we are due some splurging every now and then. I bought myself that Gucci perfume a while ago, and I had to make myself not feel guilty. You shouldn't feel guilty either.
from xnavygrrl :
Girl, you are not alone. It's hard for me to be that reasonable mom, when all I know is mom replacements who got me to behave by spanking me till something broke or worse. And I still sneaked behind their backs. I want my daughter to do what I ask because she respects me, and cares what I think, and not because she's afraid of me. I think that this road is often the harder to take because it involves more patience. I feel your pain. Somedays as a mom, life is sweet. And there are days like that one where I just hated my ex for living across the country. I read what you wrote about feeling sad about being the only parent. It really sucks sometimes. I love you too.
from xnavygrrl :
You're welcome! And I do live vicariously through keeps my memories of it alive. The good and the bad. So I don't think I just imagined how much I loved and hated it at the same time. Love, Missy I'll keep writing!
from isaiyan :
WOW... this "Litterbox" that you speak of... did this person happen to make SKC recently? Does this person have white hair? LOL.. I'm glad i got out when I can. I feel for you my dear but hey... time is running out for that piece of shit crap boat. I can't wait until it sinks into oblivion.. on a happier note.. i was asked to go to the Coronado christmas party and i accepted. So i will see you there HOOCH.. and i will be HOOCHED out myself....
from xnavygrrl :
So sorry that you are going through this right now. I think you're beautiful, quite lovely, and it's disheartening that you don't know what a masterpiece you are. You are in my thoughts sweetheart. I hope it gets better.
from navydude83 :
Hey I will be getting underay if you want you can email me at [email protected] hope to talk to you soon.
from navydude83 :
Hey Thanks for youre note, It feels good to have someone out there to understand what we go thru evryday. Oh and I will be in SD preety soon, I need someone to show me around if you dont mind. Hope to talk to you later.
from xnavygrrl :
You tell him girl. What a pig!
from xnavygrrl :
Hey, that's awesome that you read my journal.I'm touched to find we have so much in common. I also have an anxiety disorder, but I'm coping. My life has been so different since I left the military. I make way more money, but it's not the same. I miss my friends, all of which are still in the military. I actually went to school in San Diego, at the NTC-SSC on RoseCrans in 1995. I loved San Diego. That was when things were happy, weren't confusing and were simple. I had my whole life ahead of me, and I wasn't worried about anything. I asked to go to Japan, Spain or Italy, ship or shore, they sent me to Jacksonville, Florida, shore, and I ended up at the most screwed up command with the biggest prick for a e-7 to answer to, in the fleet for 4 years. I wish you luck girlfriend. I don't know about you, but the Navy saved my life in a way. I was an orphaned city rat going nowhere but down. Now, I'm a divorced single mom but I can make it on my own and have since my philandering Navy husband walked out in Jan 1998. It's hard but I have my dignity. Don't give up. Stick it out as long as you can, and when you just don't give a crap anymore, that's probably your que to leave. Write often hon. My email is [email protected]. Much love. Be strong. Missy
from wildrose1 :
are you thriving off the bad times because they can only get better? (((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))
from wildrose1 :
feel better, my friend. (((((((((((hugs)))))))))))
from wildrose1 :
Even when you recover from an eating disorder you never feel good about your body. I am sorry to hear that you dilike your whole general look though. I know I haven't read you long and I don't know you but from what I have read, you seem great. Smart, honest and even funny sometimes. I used to obsess about my nose my butt my breast, etc.... I now have 2 children who don't care what I look like just that I am there for them. I saw the pic in your profile. What a beautiful girl. If you don't feel pretty than what is there for the trolls like me? I wish you the best, cuz you sound like you need a break. ((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))
from wildrose1 :
I love your diary. ((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))
from autumnal :
im in recovery for an eating disorder and if youd ever like to talk please feel free to leave me a note.
from rachim251 :
I read your diary and i dont think you are dumb at all. i hope you were being sarcastic. your diary and i hope things work out between you and this guy.
from caged-freed :
saw you were a member of the edsufferer diaryring and thought this new forum at caged-freed might interest you. check it out, if you can, and take care.
from caged-freed :
saw you were a member of the edsufferer diaryring and thought this new forum at caged-freed might interest you. check it out, if you can, and take care.
from miaohmia :
Hey there! Thanks for the encouragment. I am glad you added me. I will add you too. It helps to have encouragment and know someone out there is reading about my progress. I will look forward to getting to know you through your diary.
from ladyofamber :
fat?!!!!!???? your not fat your *GORGEOUS*
from lisamac :
i have a chad only his name is joseph and he's a big fucker too. he made plans with me for valentines day, take me up the coast for a weekend, didn't hear from him for a week, (and here's where i comiserate with you on the "i coulda made other plans cause i knew you were a flake/fake") and then he says "i just forgot." AND, he made plans with another girl. WTF. anyhow, hope your valentines day (not that valentines day is so great) is more eventful than mopping.
from necoka :
Good stuff. Good stuff. Lot's of questions to be answered...Why the navy?....You are the one with the child?....Is it Jared's?....What happened with this mystery guy?!...Obviously, I got sucked in here. Good stuff.
from isaiyan :
ohhhh its the bitch!!!

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