messages to cloudyday:
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from cdghost :
thank you miss gator for your kind words. may we continue reading each other's words until the world explodes!!!!!
from caresses :
I just love the way you write. Enjoy reading your diary very much.
from blackcharm :
Where are you? Okay I hope, you haven't updated in a long time.
from silver213 :
If it is me you are talking about as far as 'using' you I would really hope that you not think that way. If I didn't want you to come I wouldn't have invited you. You should know that. Anyway, I don't know if it was me. If it was me you were talking about we need to talk.
from cdghost :
hey, i enjoyed reading some of your entries.. saying telling you that I was here..take care..I will be back
from wusydney :
Hey V! Just dropping a line to see if you have a an apt set up for next year..if not, a girl at work and I found a sweet deal..and fairly cheap. Drop me a line if you wanna get the info and still need a place to live: [email protected] Caio!
from silver213 :
Hey Chica!! I am so sorry your highness. I have been completely busy with work. Can you ever forgive me?!? I hope that everything has been going well for you. Really I am sorry. Hey, if you ever have a friday off you should come to the beach with me and my friends. We are always over by the lifeguard tower. Once, again I am sorry. Bye!! By the way I will call you.
from wusydney :
hehe are you talking about who I think you are? Bathing is just not a religion to others as it is to us;-) The body is a temple, remember folks!
from wusydney :
hehe are you talking about who I think you are? Bathing is just not a religion to others as it is to us;-) The body is a temple, remember folks!
from wusydney :
Word to the V! If you work for VS they have competitive sale goals set everyday. Just a heads up. Hope to hear from you soon, girl!
from onlykeika :
never let go of dreams....because people who tell you that they aren't important don't really know because they probably have different dreams!
from cursedbear :
Hey.............if you are in need of new pictures for your site, rocks! They have a huge variety of pictures to choose from. Hopefully that will help out some. :)
from cursedbear :
Hey..................well, most of the time, really don't have a life, lol. But thank you much for adding me to your favorite list. You're one of my favorite reads too. And we seem to think alike, as Daria is one of my favorite shows to watch as well (especially when stressed out). :) Anyway, hope all is well. Later. *erin*
from dragonrider :
Wow another college student who believes in good old fun . Well stay trashed .... keep drinking and doing things that shouldnt be done.Thanx for the note
from eclectic117 :
My vote is for Kill them...he he he... I hate lack of privacy. But I guess getting your own place would work too...pretty layout!
from beautydefine :
Awww... thank you Cloudy! You're the sweetest!

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