messages to corkster:
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from hisgirl- :
Hey if you want a fast and awesome review go to the link I posted. ---> They are honest and don't take much time at all! {I'm not any part of this review site, but I'd like to help it get started so I can review. Thanks for your help!} ---Kendra
from just-m :
Hi! I was just searching Dland and came across yours because you listed Love in the Afternoon as a fave movie. I'm being totally neurotic here, but, um, you spelled Audrey Hepburn's name wrong. I'm a compulsive spell-correcter. Sorry! lol
from spunkygypsy :
Oh goodness! The Lion. My pub. Beautiful cheap beer flowing like so much god-nectar. The Mount Olympus of Chatty Bars. Huzzah!
from pigfly :
I'm abusing your notes section to see if it's HTML friendly. Does this link work?
from spunkygypsy :
Hey there! Thanks for putting me on your favorite diaries-- I am much appreciative. I surfed around yours for a bit, and was quite amused; I especially liked the Sugarbitch story. Fabulous! Have a lovely day!
from dazy81 :
Thanks for joining the sleepnaked diaryring!
from pisceschrist :
someone who knows what cibo mato means is copasetic in my book.
from pigfly :
Well, what in sam hill didya go takin down that guestbook for? Ha! Ha! I'm the first post-it note person! And as far as your last entry goes, I feel ya. I find myself unable to be close friends with anyone for more than about a year because the first time they look at me cross-eyed I assume they hate me and quit talking to them. I think everyone gets sucked in by that paranoia every now and then. Peace out :)

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