I am Woman...

...sticking her tounge out at the world.

I live my life for me.

I am ego-centric.

I aim to make myself happy.

I am selfish.

I make no excuses.

My favorite diaries:

daisyfaerie profile - diary
comments: The Diary that started it all. She begat my diary and countless others. She is the BESTEST.
pigfly profile - diary
comments: My diary begat her diary. Wheeeee! Fun and thought provoking. And the entry about hallway manners is SO dead on.
boy-ashamed profile - diary
comments: It's like a soap opera. And you really start to care about the characters.
peasantwench profile - diary
comments: An enjoyable and addictive read.
spunkygypsy profile - diary
comments: I love a sexy woman. Go cunt power.
cluracan profile - diary
comments: Jason. Love him. He is the greatest.
blu-iguana profile - diary
comments: She deleted her entries, but maybe someday we'll read them in a book.

My favorite music:

Cibo Mato
comments: the name means food madness. the music is superb.
Rufus King
comments: he/they exists somewhere. i have his music off Napster, if i could only find a CD!!!

My favorite movies:

Love in the Afternoon
comments: Great Audry Hepborn flick
Roman Holiday
comments: Make sure its the Audry Hepborn one
comments: either the new one with Harrison Ford, or the old one with (surprise!) Audry Hepborn
When Harry met Sally...
comments: It makes me want, yet pisses me off at the same time. That's talent.
Dream for an Insomniac
comments: Did I spell that right? Probably not. It's very good. I love it.

My favorite authors:

Maeve Binchy
comments: Powerful, moving Irish author
Emily Dickinson
comments: wonderful poet! read what they don't teach you in high school
John Keats
comments: I am freakin adict! And his letters! Please, read his letters!!!
Nora Roberts
comments: Yes! Yes, by God, she writes Romance novels. She also writes moving stories that make me smile and laugh, which is a big deal. Maybe her stories don't meet intellectual standards set by whoever sets them, but screw that! She's my heroine!

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last updated: 2004-07-03 01:49:38
this user's total entries: 325
user since: 2001-03-28

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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