Mango Chutney

Vanilla versus Mango Chutney, a great dichotomy.

See, vanilla is sweet, well liked and normal. It's traditional and conventional, the sweet side of life. It is suburbs, 2.5 kids and a mortgage. It's not necessarily bad, it can be very happy.

Mango chutney tastes really weird, but is kind of cool. It's the unconventional, the strange, the anti-establishment stuff. It�s about kink and alternative lifestyles and sexualities. It�s about questioning everything. It�s not necessarily bad, it can be very interesting.

The trick is to figure out where you are in the continuum.

It's all good.

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My favorite music:

Darryl's Grocery Bag
comments: A local punk band no one has ever heard of
Goo Goo Dolls
comments: My fav lullaby tape, nice and loud
Ani DiFranco
comments: Because Kali convinced me to give it and try and now I like Ani
Dawson's High
comments: I just like them
Other random people
comments: Like: Blink 182, Lit, Sarah Harmer, Gin Blossoms...

My favorite movies:

Pride and Prejudice
comments: 6 hours of A&E entertainment (I want Colin Firth)
12th Night
comments: Beautiful Shakespearean comedy
Much Ado About Nothing
comments: Same as above
Bridget Jones Diary
comments: I still want Colin Firth

My favorite authors:

Douglas Coupland
comments: I have completed my summer goal of reading all his books
Terry Pratchett
comments: This man is twisted. And completely brilliant.
Douglas Adams
comments: The answer is 42, but do you know the question?
Sharron Green
comments: I tend not to buy retail books, but I always buy hers
comments: For those bathtub moments

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last updated: 2005-07-10 18:35:37
this user's total entries: 1122
user since: 2000-12-27

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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