Badsnake Loosed

A 40yo Southern lesbian in a polyamorous relationship basks in a life so good you'll probably hate her guts. Topics of interest include BDSM, what was for dinner last night, date reports and laundry casualties, helpful butch household hints, porn critiques, scenes from public transportation, chores in chaps, news from the 'hood and hilarious neighbor antics, and Real World Polyamory (inside Rancho Lesbiano).

My favorite diaries:

abbeynormal profile - diary
anenigma profile - diary
gawain profile - diary
comments: The only man in Diaryland whose dick is bigger than mine.
lunachick42 profile - diary
mangoes profile - diary
marn profile - diary
comments: I would marry Marn if she were free and if Deb wouldn't mind.
miguelito profile - diary
comments: The ruler of my world.
rev-elation profile - diary
rubybluebird profile - diary
unclebob profile - diary
snowy profile - diary
pischina profile - diary
comments: Now in a new beginning.
naughtyzoot profile - diary
motherlode profile - diary
comments: The sexiest mom on D-land, plus extra double-happy fun points since she started working in the sex toy store.
itsmylife profile - diary
originalcyn profile - diary
jerseygrrl profile - diary
comments: The parallels are just eerie.
grouse profile - diary
comments: Living fully and thoughtfully in wide-open spaces.
haptotrope profile - diary
mechaieh profile - diary
comments: The only poet I've ever really liked.
augustdreams profile - diary
comments: Best MST3Ked spam ever. And cute.
lapisllong profile - diary
oblivia profile - diary
comments: An incredibly generous spirit and a poly shoulder to cry on.
dichroic profile - diary
comfortfood profile - diary
comments: Kickass recipes and rants from my fabulous sweetie. You asked for it, you got it.
weetabix profile - diary
comments: Our friend in Green Bay. I would be flirting seriously with Weet if Esteban didn't mind.
justjake profile - diary
comments: The boss of us.
anat profile - diary
comments: If you can't fuck 'em, carpool with 'em.
ladeeleroy profile - diary
comments: Always surprises and amazes me.
allisonhazen profile - diary
comments: Found thanks to Mechaieh

My favorite music:

Happy Texas soundtrack
Rickie Lee Jones
Annie Lennox
Alison Krauss
Dixie Chicks

My favorite movies:

Drop Dead Gorgeous
Twelfth Night
Sean of the Dead

My favorite authors:

Suzanne Brockmann
Laurell K. Hamilton
Zora Neale Hurston
Susie Bright
John Preston

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last updated: 2007-08-14 12:19:22
this user's total entries: 631
user since: 2000-12-20

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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