messages to daydreamin9:
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from eloira :
Thanks for the note and the compliment! :) Hope you win a competition or two!
from minstrelite :
Hi again, Amanda. I wrote to everyone who I thought might be reading me to ask them to fill in their email address on my diary (there's a blank there for a mailing list) if they want to receive the newsletter that has to do with efforts to produce my musical play. Now I'm going through the list, because it seems that most of those readers don't exist anymore on D-Land (but you do). Anyway, you can subscribe if you want (it's free, of course) but let me know. Hope all is well with you!
from minstrelite :
Sure, you can quote me. Have a great day in the Lord!
from reviews-only :
Hi, people call me Pink. My review site has NO ONE pending right now. So reviews are really fast. :) Check it out. -Pink
from minstrelite :
Hi Amanda - it's nice to hear from you! Also, thank you for your compassion - I went back and read what I wrote two entries ago, and I guess it does come across that I've been in pain. At least it triggered a good study of Job. I was just reading Chapter 31 (the one just before Elihu speaks up) and it's almost funny, because Job is pressed to the point where he begins to justify himself and become totally self-righteous. I kinda think that that's what I've been doing, and it puts people off. But I'm still thankful for your caring. God bless you, sister!
from simonsnowman :
Your diary's nice.
from minstrelite :
Hey thanks Amanda. Guess you know what it feels like. I recently came across my old hand-written journals, and I realized that I never fell away from the Lord, despite my societally-induced decision to concede to a lukewarm church. Thank God for my present church, where the true Word of God is preached in truth and in love! May God bless you in your walk with him.
from sizzlinangel :
hey, I hope your head feels better and just wanted to let you know that God is always there for you!
from lightedpath :
Hello! Lighted Path is now up and running! You are more than welcome to come and add your site to our Christian Directory! Can't wait to see what God does in and through us as we all work together! - with much love, Christy
from minstrelite :
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm up late because it took me a long time to get the links to work in my entry. It's true what you say, for he promised, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you." Have a blessed night.
from minstrelite :
God bless you, too!
from sadgirl69 :
hey. i can tell your a good writter. keep up the good work. can i ask you something? do you ever feel like whats the use of getting close to people if they are just going to die or back stab you in some way? alot of people tell me im wrong for feeling this way but i dont know what to think. write me sometime if you want well bye! take care

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