messages to dreamer9481:
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from sillybeautie :
i hope your able to get into the college of your seem like a really bright your college will happen
from amorchica129 :
Thank you so very much for the note. We definitely could use more kind caring people like you in this world. =) Take care and much love... Elena Marie
from barbiegirl04 :
awe..I like your template!stop by and mine and leave a note..I'm feeling!!kool diary keepa writin!!
from dreamgal100 :
koolie diary!
from amorchica129 :
You'll find him. Keep the faith. Sometimes, what you're looking for is right under your nose...
from amorchica129 :
I love that song. I think it relates to my life too. You'll get things straightened out though. Sometimes, it just takes time.
from amorchica129 :
It's kinda freaky how we feel the same way, huh? Anyway, I guess I just have to learn that I shouldn't listen to my jaded mind sometimes. I get to see him tonight so hopefully, I will have my faith restored in men soon. I just don't wanna mess this up with my weird thoughts. And if you ever need to talk to anybody about ANYTHING at all, my s/n on AIM is amorchica129 or [email protected] on msn. Have a great weekend... =)
from amorchica129 :
Man, you do know EXACTLY what I'm going through here. I'm just so scared of getting used or hurt again. And it's just so not fair to him, you know? He hasn't done anything wrong. He's just been amazing, even taking care of me when I didn't feel well. I know I just need to get over whatever this feeling is. Thanks so much for your advice. I'm gonna take it to heart and see what happens! Good luck with everything... =)
from blindessence :
Hey, first I wanted to say that I love your design. The second thing I wanted to say was that I know what you're feeling about wanting to find someone decent and to end the lonely cycle. But don't worry about it, everything works out in the end...
from bbygirl994 :
Hey:-) Thank you for the note. Yeah, losing weight is very hard. I've tried so many times and failed, but this time I think that I am really going to do least I hope so. Anyways, just wanted to say thanks!! :-)
from amorchica129 :
aw, thatz so sweet... thank u... i really do appreciate it... =)

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