messages to eudoria:
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from lucy3113 :
i tried to leave you a message in your guestbook! im unlocking on friday i decided, but i had an ex stalking me through my journal, i know you sympathize ;) thanks for reading, im glad someones out there!
from lucy3113 :
hi melissa...cheer up...the rain always makes me sad too!!!
from clauren :
I forgot to answer your one question, no I don't have sims online game. Unfortunatly the computer that has my sims game doesn't have a modem and so that stinks......IT sounds like it is fun!
from gonzostar :
the reason the entry is all wide is because of the picture in the bottom. it's big width widened the text. however, in the code she has is set so no text is visible on the non-faded part of the image. and the faded box is built in, the image would have to be modified in photoshop or something to make it wider. i hope the designer helps!
from p-brain :
Thank you for joining our tiny group of 23/24 year olds.
from clauren :
THanks for being a member of addict2sims diaryring. YOur diary is beautiful. And yes I would like to have some more hours in a day!!!!!
from angryquail :
Thanks for joining the alphabetize ring. For some reason your rings link isn't working. It is sending people to the members page. I suggest that you make a separate page for your rings, because if you just show them your page of rings, it doesn't allow people to go to the next person easily as posting the link does.

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