messages to giftofflesh:
(click here to add new message):

from elgan :
Have fun! Talk to you when you get back.
from elgan :
I hope things work out too. Thinking of you. Mwahs!
from biggoomba :
hey Gift! sure do lock your notes and still expect notes.! .hope your life is moving along nicely, seems you have it together in several depts. .. all is well here in Dorktopia,, all the best Bigggoomba
from giftofflesh :
from elgan :
Where have you been girl? What's this rape thing last year? You never told me any of this. I can log into any number of instant messengers if you want to chat. Just tell me which.
from elgan :
Thanks so much for your note. I think it's fabulous that you got that job--and a car too! Wow! Lucky you! I just got back from two weeks in the Dominican Republic, and I'll be writing a diary entry as soon as I get the energy up to do so. Love you! Miss you!
from daath :
Hey there, Michelle. I've been fantastic. Besides studying for a midterm later this week, life couldn't be better. Hope all is well with you.
from biggoomba :
hey Giftie hows Dlands most prolific yellow Submarinist? a car and a steady gig- nice work there... - don't trust anyone over 17-I rarely do Bggmb
from elgan :
You haven't been forgotten. Never.
from elgan :
I'm looking forward to seeing you online soon. I miss you!
from kittecat :
i think that the chat it broken for like the 80th time now. it sucks. i miss talking to you! well talk to you later! love breeana
from kittecat :
its been forever since i been on here and i thought of you! so i just stopped by to say hey and hows life for you?
from jackthripper :
Thank you for the well wishes. I hope things are well with you too, darling one. I don't seem to "get out" much into diaryland anymore. Unfair to you all, I realize. I plan to change that soon. Love to you.
from elgan :
Here's wishing you luck at the mall. (((( hugs ))))
from elgan :
Wow, that's a great idea! I wish you lots of luck with it. A job, and freedom! That�s incredible. I knew you were a smart cookie! ((hugs))
from kittecat :
i *heart* you more!!! :P heheehe talk to ya later! love bree!
from kittecat :
I LOVE YOU FLESHY!!! hehehe im doin alright
from kittecat :
hey flesh i havent talked to you in forever!!! i miss ya!!! love breeana
from elgan :
Oh, honey, I'm so sorry about your puppy. * hugs *
from daath :
I poke at thee :) [hugs]
from daath :
It's been a busy time this past week, but I should be online to unwind around nowish.
from elgan :
Aw. I would gladly give you a hug and a shoulder to cry on if only I were closer to you, physically, that is. Mwah!
from elgan :
I cannot speak for all middleaged women, but one of the reasons I get all dewy over other people's babies is because I am NOT going to have anymore myself, and precisely because I can give this one back and not feed it or change its diaper. Thank the gourd those days are behind me!
from jackthripper :
I am sorry I didn't respond sooner, love. I have been away taking care of things and just recently got back. Catching up takes longer than it seems but I'm making good time, I think. I hope your holidays were all you hoped for. Love you, beloved.
from biggoomba :
Hi GoF- thanks for your note, even if we are fake internet people I am a real person..more or less real,hope you are well and doing art and staying on the beam of joy & glory. So if chat ever gets fixed let me know during these loooooong winter nights and shooooort attention spans,, we all live in your yellow submarine- Dland hall of fame wants you - stay good and that ought to do it cheers bggmb
from elgan :
Happy New Year, sugar. Talk to you soon.
from moanbitch :
Well, I didn't know. Thanks for the user and pswd names. He just said Hi to me and I was like go away I'm busy. So yeah. ~me
from honeychic28 :
Hiya, I was sitting here staring at my computer screen and an IM popped up on my screen. It was Anthony saying hi. I didn't know, how come you didn't tell me? If it was in your diary, I told you a couple weeks ago that I don't have a pswd. Why did you lock your diary in the first place? ~me
from jackthripper :
Most definately. *grins*. In fact, I demand it!:)
from jackthripper :
Haha. You tease me, love, truly.
from jackthripper :
Any time you like. I'd love to see the look on your face when you realize I speak total and utter truth...of course, you'd be gasping in sweet relief by then. *grins*
from jackthripper :
hehe. Giggle on. I could go on for hours.
from jackthripper :
Oooh..I just felt a chill...a very pleasurable chill that is *winks and shimmies*
from honeychic28 :
I lost your pswd and stuff so I can't see what you wrote.......*cries*
from giftofflesh :
*leaves self a note*
from daath :
[huggles back] Hope you've been well!
from elgan :
Nice painting! <3
from honeychic28 :
my ass ain't that big...! Anyways...i can't just stop being lazy. Its hard...ya know..its like...hard......but thats okay cuz i like hard things... ;)
from honeychic28 :
Yeah well maybe i'm too lazy to do that shit. *moons her*
from biggoomba :
so the spoiling worked- or the forbidden comparrisons? BDDMb
from biggoomba :
so the spoiling worked- or the forbidden comparrisons? BDDMb
from elgan :
I love you too, sweetie, but you have to fix the html in your template, because it's impossible to leave you a note. I have to go to someone else's notes page and then type your name into the address.
from honeychic28 :
I love you more, Michi.
from daath :
Hehe, thank you, I well and truly needed that. Hopefully we'll get a chance to talk soon. Miss ya much.
from hunterwolf :
from elgan :
Such a shayna punim!
from honeychic28 :
Michi, you're never on Yahoo anymore. What's up? I can't even read your diary anymore. If you don't want me to read it, fine. But, I'm still gonna continue throwing a fit.
from kittecat :
your very welcome!!! :)
from kittecat :
i emailed it to you!!! so check it!!! love breeana
from elgan :
Yes, you are good, and don't you forget it, bubbalooie!
from moanbitch :
Hey puffball!...What? Don't make that face...I couldn't think of anything that was better than goofball...
from jackthripper :
I'll look for you, love.
from elgan :
I too have AIM! What a coincidence!
from zeus101 :
Hey Michi, its Jamie. I'm to lazy to log on my username...*dumps water on her head* Yay now can I have a password and stuff so I gets to read your Diary?
from prettye :
good but bored
from prettye :
hey whats up how have u been
from prettye :
hey whats up just wanted to say hey and write back hope to talk to u soon bye
from kittecat :
your very welcome..hey im me!!! at kittiecats_cats i have yahoo so tada!!! talk with you later!!! love bree
from kittecat :
from kittecat :
weres my email?? *sigh* i hate love KC
from kittecat :
from kittecat :
*gasp* your diary is locked!!! whats up with that?? can i have to password?? and the user name please??? i un locked mine..just for you!!! tee hee love bree
from kittecat :
i dont want my mom and dad to read it...its unlock i'll update in a little bit!! woot!!! love bree
from hunterwolf : back
from fuckkofff :
hey sup? havent been on for u been?
from daath :
[hugs back]
from jackthripper :
Yes indeed, my dear. The entry fits on several levels...makes me wonder when we will all wake up.
from prettye :
sorry for what
from jackthripper :
I am very proud of you.
from biggoomba :
jike eh> har de hard hard - strangle you with a twist tie for that one amd put you out on the curb ee those elements attanged as ABCause and effect and hospital at end I draw and paint certain conclusions.. so next time stamp ADVERSIMENT ADVERTISEMENT or something to alert us clueless leh=gions who woild catre if you live ot diet now look out for thye good Celestial whom I tild as she I love and trust to do right.. because she knows what lifde is and all that annoying honiur stuff .. so gifyt of fish- have a nice day and heavens sakes DUCK
from biggoomba :
hey G of F- is your left hand unwell as I hear it may be? please stay whole and stay good, this is crowding out all the joy you deserve. make a fist and let me know how you fare 0- the world is still beautiful but its stioll hard - joy to thee let in your heart and let it walk around there- there is a lot of life left to live and it life is building & forgiving says me ggoomb
from kittecat :
from prettye :
hey whats up just wanted to say hey and write back bye
from daath :
[hugs you back] I hope all is well with you. My 'net connection is down right now at home, but hopefully it'll be back soon.
from kittecat :
weres my name on your favorite diarys???? ^_^ see ya later!!
from elgan :
I love you Michelle.
from hunterwolf :
hey...sorry i missed your birthday...*hugs and gives really late birthday gift* sorry...forgive me...
from daath :
Thank you for adding me [hugs]
from elgan :
Oh no! I've forgotten your password! Help!
from jakes-bro :
Hey i had fun talking to you at the chat room see ya
from kittecat :
your welcome you are just so cool!!! hahahaha see ya later
from kittecat :
from elgan :
Happy Birthday, my favourite gift of fleas!
from theedward :
Happy Birthday! And thanks for the favourite.
from cammella :
And you are one of my many minions
from cammella :
I heart you as're my sugar berry muffin!
from hunterwolf :
Hey....I found your profile....AND saw the note you left. Just saying hi.
from realmensk8 :
i hate you deeply
from elgan :
from honeychic28 :
Hey you, it has been forever. I don't have as much free time anymore..Always spending time with Aaron. I'm glad you and Anthony are happy. So am I. Which reminds me I've got to find some spare time and change my template of my diary. Make it something less depressing. Well hope to talk to you soon. ~Jamie
from elgan :
I meant "I haven't run away". D'oh!
from elgan :
I have run away, promise! I'm just incredibly swamped at school and home. I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel until May 1 (taxes are due April 30). I will look for you on Yahoo, I've been remiss with all that stuff too.
from honeychic28 :
*Sneaks up behind Michelle and puts an ice cube down her shirt* Hehe, we haven't talked in a while so I thought I'd just drop by and say Hi. Interesting entry about your shopping -Jamie
from elgan :
Happy New Year! *pokes*
from fall4deciet :
hello. i never really talked to you or got to know you. but i was clicking around and i remember chatting with you for a very short second a long time back. the point of this note is just to say that it is sad that there actually will come a day when we all will leave a farewell entry. im sorry to hear that you have left. good luck for anything you may need to conquer in the future. take care, ~cela
from elgan :
Sorry to read your last entry. I, for one, would love to hear about your heated debates with your law teacher about music and such. Don't be a stranger!
from elgan :
Hey, cutie! I'm still around, just busy as heck. We will hook up soon, I promise!
from spotofblue :
Jeeze, thats bleak, surely there are some decent points to it all?
from honeychic28 :
from elgan :
Argh! You've locked me out and I can't get in! Help!
from honeychic28 :
Hiya Michelle, I just finished reading your latest entry. Very haunting...but really good.
from fuckkofff :
hey. im doing fine. how bout u? goodbye
from snow-angel15 :
scratch that out.
from snow-angel15 :
Why isn't diaryland chat not working????
from snow-angel15 :
Oh yes I forgot to leave a note before but I just wanted to say that ur recent entry is great!!!! Gifted writer is what I call ya!
from bob-dole :
I want to be a whore now... you've given me the motivation to take on life as this new career... Thanks =D <3
from celestial31 :
from celestial31 :
Hey, neither can I, IT'S NOT JUST ME! (i'm feeling, relieved, and yet...)
from elgan :
May I read, please?
from celestial31 :
can I have a username/password, please? please?
from honeychic28 :
Hehe, I like the poem "Whores". Thanks alot, it was a laugh thats for sure. I hope you see or hear from Ryan. ByeBye Take care. ~dog lover
from fuckkofff :
hey, sorry my parents suk ass they wouldnt let me on the fuckin computer. sorry. holla back a time i can talk to u at. later
from fuckkofff :
hey!! holla back
from celestial31 :
from celestial31 :
hahahaha, naughty now, don't get too wild >:|
from honeychic28 :
Awww, Sweetie that was a inspiring entry. It was beautiful. -_- You're a better writer than I am! byebye -Jamie *Vivian is yummy!*
from ayla-ellen :
:-) its true.why lie?
from ayla-ellen :
truly beautiful x
from honeychic28 :
My darling, i not really in a sober mood so please excuse me well..bye

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