messages to jenjen1:
(click here to add new message):

from imperfectlyy :
Due to some boredom tonight, I'm leaving a note for everyone that has me listed as a fave. Cool of me right? Oh yes. Maybe I'll stay on your lil list, some bastards have taken me off. Bastards. Wanna help me go and get 'em!? Anywho, this concludes my note. If you're lucky, you didn't get the "generic" one. =)
from justbadnews1 :
Okay, so I am on a mission to find someone from Florin High School. Do you go there, by any chance? And if you do, could you IM me at Loverstryst10 or E-mail me at [email protected]? It'd be great appreciated!
from jenne1017 :
well, and yourself?
from jenne1017 :
hi :o)
from imperfectlyy :
I don't have your password anymore! Can you leave it in a note again and I'll delete it as soon as I get it?
from lezbian :
I have a new diary, well I just changed the name really. I wrote an entry about if you'd like to list me as a favorite, you should now list "imperfectlyy" instead. =)
from devouredsoul :
hola! i agree how weird he is! how old are you m'dear?
from jenjen1 :
i know but i was quite proud of my verbal onslaut. i didn't know i could be so insulting yet entertaining
from lezbian :
Ok I looked at your live journal. That girl seemd a bit cranky...geeeeeezus.
from devouredsoul :
sonic the hedgehog, sonic he can really move, sonic he's got an attitude sonic he's the fastest thing alive he's the fastest thing alive. I love that thing! Its awesome! Atgaspain sucks...teehehe
from lezbian :
Alright then. I'll check it out.
from lezbian :
What is your livejournal address again?
from atgaspain :
Being a dyke is one thing. Displaying it in front of everyone, even me, is just fucked up. Everyone I see on your buddy list is one, very fucking silly. If you want to be a fucking dyke, go ahead, if you want. But, it's already too late to stop it from getting out of my head. No animal was meant to be a fucking homosexual. Silly ass.
from lezbian :
atgaspain is a man. He's got a wife and kid that he apparently hates. How sweet. That's why I think it's so pitiful of him. He's a grown man that SHOULD have a life, yet he's still harrassing teen girls. He got to a lot of people on my buddy list. Isn't that crazy?! The guy went through my buddy list just to harass more! Oh well...he pretty much stopped. What's this war that you're having?
from lezbian :
Hehe. He's just a tard. Don't mind him. I see him leaving notes all over the place. I've got this lil lesbian "clique" going on here and every time I see some of the "gay people's" notes, he's there saying something. Hell, he even left a note at some diary review site saying shit about me. Lil weirdo. With all the notes he left, it's apparent he has no life. And yes, I suspect he's gay and insanely insecure about it.
from atgaspain :
You fucking dyke. I'll fuck you up!
from lezbian :
hehe. Yeah, go right ahead
from lezbian :
Yeah I like it. But diaryland has spoiled me with it's easiness. hehe. And no, I don't know these people. They're just random dumbasses. What canya do? =)
from atgaspain :
Fuck you, too.
from lezbian :
Wasn't it though?! I've got about 3 people saying really stupid shit to me. In my guestbook too. I don't know why. They're trying to offend me. I just think they're being stupid...~sigh~ Anywho, I figured out the live journal, I'll leave it open just incase you need help with it. =)
from lezbian :
Yay! I get a coooooode!
from lezbian :
Oh yeah, sure, I'd love to have it. =)
from lezbian :
Well I'm sure you have enough to worry about with the probs with your girlfriend, so I wouldn't worry about crazy lil thoughts. Nothing has happened yet, and you don't know for a fact that anything will come of it, so there's no sense dwelling. That won't help anything will it?
from lezbian :
Well who ever said thinking is a crime? As long as you don't act upon it, then I don't see what the prob is. Everyone has fantasies and can't exactly control that. They're just thoughts, they don't necessarily mean anything...
from lezbian :
Hehe. I'm glad all is well. Lemme know if you need anything else!
from jenjen1 :
Also another thing, NEVER mess with any links besides the top 2 under "change your template". NEVER NEVER NEVER. Only mess with the first 2. You can't get in much trouble with those. NEVER ANYTHING BUT THE FIRST 2 LINKS!
from jenjen1 :
Ok, I customized all of your links. Be careful not to mess it up!
from lezbian :
Aww thanx for the compliments. You will only need to mess with 2 links under "change your template". The first link is for the main page (where you entries show up), the 2nd link is for your archives page (the one with the pinky template right now). If you want to change your entry page only, then change the html in the FIRST link, don't mess with anything else! (I hope that makes sense!)
from lezbian :
Oh yay! Go you! Good job! Now you did everything correctly, except that when you do your archives page, you put the archive html on the 2ND link of "change your template"
from jenjen1 :
Ok, I was working with these uploading image things and I figured out that if you don't upload anything more than 31 bytes, it does a lot better and the picture isn't so MASSIVE. You can see how many bytes they are in the upload images link. So go for under 31 bytes. That sample picture is 44 I think and it's HUGE...I wonder...
from lezbian :
Ok, whatcha do, is you go to a template site, I can give you some later, highlight and copy the html, go to "change your template", click on the first link, and replace all of the typing with what you just copied. That's all! Links get a lil more complicated, but I can tell you that later too.
from lezbian :
I also changed your template...let me know if you don't like it. I thought it was pretty...
from jenjen1 :
Ok, well I tried the uploading thing and it's MASSIVE! I don't know how to fix that since there's not much html to work hmmmm. I'll work with it.
from lezbian :
Yay! I'm glad you liked it! Now what do you want to do with this picture thing?
from jenjen1 :
I deleted your notes with your password so people can't just go open it and now I'm leaving you a note from your side. I'll see what I can do!
from lezbian :
Well I am the Html King...but since I'm not RIGHT there trying to do it, I don't know what to tell you. I'd ask for your password so I could figure things out, but that's a little too much to ask, and that's just I don't know where to begin.
from lezbian :
Well I don't have a gold membership so I don't know very much about uploading things. What's your exact problem? I'll see what I can do.
from lezbian :
Yes, I can identify with the hot dykes and one night stands. "Oh no, what if someone's watching??" ~grr~

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