messages to jnw77:
(click here to add new message):

from pernickety :
Hey, I still wish to read you! :D
from pinkbowshoe :
alrighty, super busy super woman! wow. go you. congratulations on getting in the program!!! THat's wonderful. YOu'll be great. Good luck and keep pushign through.
from sherpahigh :
Hey ya... Happy holidays... all the best... I hope you're well... Love, A. xoxox
from soldsanity :
I've been reading your diary for literally years now and it occurs to me I don't think I've ever messaged you once. Anyways I thought I would to tell you that I'm posting at from now on. Too many people close to home read soldsanity haha so I lose the ability to truly vent and become passionate without feeling foolish... Ramble on... Anyways you should hook me up with a login name and password for your diary! :D
from pinkbowshoe :
you locked up too?? can I have the u/n pwd??
from pinkbowshoe :
you're so awesome!! that made my day! :)
from pernickety :
You've been tagged! Look at my diary.. :)
from badbadzoot :
yesssss!!! we totally should! I've often thought about doing an online t-shirt shop. I know there's a lot of them, but heck, with our talents we would be da bomb at it! ha ha! much love xxxoooo ;-)
from pinkbowshoe :
thanks girlie girl. i think i am gonna quit. the thing that sucks about this situation in coaching---it's out in the open. EVERYONE knows they're dating. It was not secret or hid. it's like everywhere. That's whats rotten. Who's giving you a hard time (from your recent entrY?) it's a bit rough..sheesh. I'll kick their butts!! :)
from pinkbowshoe :
thanks jess for the support and the hugs. Remember it works both ways. I am here for you anytime as well. I appreciate the support and thanks again! (hugs) to you too sista!!
from badbadzoot :
every time I'm on MySpace I forget to look for you, here is my page:, my screen name is Mandy and my cat is my profile picture. See you 'round! much love xxxxxooooo
from badbadzoot :
GAH! I'm almost afraid to tell you this.... but I DO have an account with MySpace!! YIKES!!!! I haven't really like announced it to the world because I have it only to keep up with my church's youth group (because some of those people freak me out). Buuuuttt I made some exceptions letting some bands that I have no idea who they were on my friends list and I am sure willing to make an exception for you!!! Yikes- I'll link you my profile tomorrow, because DANG IT'S ALMOST TIME TO GO HOME! YIPPPEEEEE!!!!
from pinkbowshoe :
bleeeeeaaaaaaaakkkk!! Reading that just made my skin crawl. I'm SO glad I wasn't there!
from badbadzoot :
thank yooooooouuuuuuuu for voting for me! yay for buttons! and yay for seals! and pandas! and polar bears! and kitters! and puppies! and trees! and boooooo to computers!!!!!! let's go grab some pizza..... much love xxxxxooooooooo
from pinkbowshoe :
good job on your A's. I hope I get the same for my semester. I'm so glad to be able to read again. I find it hard to read while in school.
from pinkbowshoe :
haha! That happens to me, too! I thought am I only attractive to these people, and why?! but, oh well. It's still the case, I still get stares and stuff, but now that I'm with someone I look at it differently, more just for flattery sake.
from badbadzoot :
ha ha! thanks for filling out my survey! And you've NEVER seen Spongebob? Consider yourself lucky. I love Spongebob, but he's on the border between nincompoop and ridiculous.
from badbadzoot :
awe, tanks... my birthday is- oh my- oh dear- NEXT MONTH! aaaah! Nov. 13. I'll be 25... yikes. Where did the time go?
from badbadzoot :
thanks, I like your little pin-up cartoon, very cute! And I like this guys art, it's neat. So I think I'll keep it around before I do my own design.... and don't stop writing those poems, they're great.
from sirhcdetsiwt :
"An interesting character... definitely twisted, but in the best way possible." thank you.
from pinkbowshoe :
that was a very good entry. It's how I've been feeling the past few days. About getting married, trust issues. It's so complicated anymore. Watching Oprah and desperate housewives just shows how much our lives are changing. What happened to tradition? I only pray that my husband will be strong and firm like your dad to resist/ignore temptation. *sigh* that really was a great entry.
from soldsanity :
I like the way you think :) It's good to know there's other people in the world somewhat like me and were all chasing our romantic yet illusive tails in cyclical arguments of why!
from pernickety :
Ah, talk about raging hormones and best guy friends.. heeh heeh And then there's spring. What's a girl to do??
from fallmode :
i read your entries and see a lot of myself... A LOT. i have the craziest dreams... someone once told me it might be prozac... well, then when i read yours i thought they may just be right!
from sherpahigh :
Heya... I'm a friend of Davy's and I stopped to have a read. He and I don't speak as much as we should, but I do recognize your name from past conversations. You write the LONGEST entries on earth... I love it. I hope you feel better soon... and through it all... try to smile as much as you can. Lots of love, A.

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