messages to lamenting:
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from bengurion :
notice anything wrong here "it's not like we have a relationship. we were developing one, but he's willing to <b><i>through</i></b> out those seedlings for a rude, immature bitch, so obviously, like with every other aspect of my life he's been involved in, it wasn't worth anything.".
from bengurion :
i feel for you from the start. i love you. you are my everything
from bengurion :
i'm sorry. i'm a shithead...thus the shitty mood. but i love you beyond belief. xox <3 jason
from bengurion :
my feelings are huge. and they are all for you! i love you
from bengurion :
cheer up. just remember, my past is the past. you are everything else. my present and my future!!! i love you
from toyarmy :
how do you rock so much?
from araquiel :
update your diary!
from araquiel :
so I had a weird dream last night that could only have been inspired by your recent entry. Someone was giving me Tums (not like a present, but forcing me to take them in the way a doctor does), and after I chewed them up, whoever this dude was(it was a dude) said, "OK, now you have to vomit them back up." And I said, "Why?" He responded with, "Because...that's just what you do with medicine." It was weird. You need to beat the crap of this dude (who was in a uniform, coincidentally) and "give him what for." :) have a good day.
from araquiel :
hey cheer up. I dunno what you're up to, but gimmie a call or something if you have time! BTW, thanks for the cursive cd...its pretty good. update your diary!!!
from toyarmy :
hey, i know why people say awful things. truth or none. they have no life. that is thier life. taking the spotlight off themselves, they are terrible people and thats how they hide it by making someone else look even more terrible than themselves. when all along theyre only looking for worse for being so assanine.<P>i cant spell. i love you.
from araquiel :
sorry you're feeling nause.....nauscou...narwha....uh...sick to your stomach. Feel better. btw....espanol no ayuda la inferma.
from araquiel :
cheer up jizax...
from ultimaterab :
hey, thanks for reading my diary, it may sound weird, but i appreciate the fact that someone is reading it. im gonna put you in my favorite diary list, because we seem to share some common interests, such as the ska/punk music and the liking rpgs and reading. thanks again, and keep up the good work at your own diary!

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