messages to losingtogain:
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from imabrat2 :
Can I have your password? You can e-mail me at [email protected]
from jenne1017 :
can I ask why you commented not in my "diet" journal but my everyday one? LOL. tried to read but you are locked...thanks for the advice!
from sarahsundae :
thanks for the comment about the size 8 and all. As much as I loved my topamax, it wasn't worth it to continue to take it. I wasn't on it that long (Just about 2 months) so I hope it doesn't have long term effects).
from orangeslush :
that sucks that someone sent you that email about the car...Just wanted to let you know it wasn't me :) (even though I have the link on my webpage, I don't harass people about choices they make). I understand how you feel about the mood swings too, mine have been awful and Im so sick of crying, at least i can blame mine on something though
from gonzostar :
thanks for the note, and i found the part you talked about me and i am touched. i'm glad i can be inspiration, even when i show how human i am and that i fall down too. ~holly
from mkboog :
Congats on the new suv!
from imabrat2 :
Good for you. Good luck with the new start.:-)
from imabrat2 :
I'm having a hard time too. Hang tough, we'll get there.
from gonzostar :
i've heard that ww online is a good way to go, although since i don't do ww i'm not positive. you might want to look into TOPS (taking off pounds sensibly) because they do weekly meetings with weigh-ins and a WAY cheaper. and maybe on another night of the week, too.
from curvy-loo :
Eh, up until recently depression was sucking the life outta me too. A lot of it had to do with the winter. I hope you're feeling up soon!
from atorridsoul :
HEY! I just started WW too 2/21 actually hey email me at [email protected] if you wanna chat and keep up with each others progress we're about the same weight and all and the same goals too!
from hollysdiet :
how did it go? i'm glad you went!
from orangeslush :
every meeting is different, depending on the leader and the crowd. but don't worry, no cult-like activity at all :) you just go, pay the fee (fill out some paperwork for your first time), get weighed and then the leader (ok that sounds a little cult-ish) gives some sort of motivational talk and people join in w/ experiences and stuff. its pretty mellow, at some point they will give out awards (5 lb stars/magnets etc), and if its your first time you will be asked to stay after and they will explain points and everything. The listed meeting times are when the actual meeting starts, weigh in starts 1/2 hour before so if you want to see the whole meeting you should get there a little early so you arent weighing in while its going on. My meetings last about 35-45 minutes, and the new member speil lasts about 20-30 minutes after that. good luck, hope you like it! thanks for adding me as a fav
from gonzostar :
hello! i see you have me and some of my favorite diaries listed on your profile. can't wait to see your entries. :) ~holly

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