messages to marienara:
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from xcedra :
<hugs> I have been reading your story... I like it! When are you going to post more (I keep forgetting to check these silly note things!) and, I can type either, but then, I only took one colledge course :P english of course.... creative writing... what a shock eh?
from llannalee :
And, obviously, from reading what I just posted. I can't speak/type English in the morning. ...Or any other language....*blargh* And I graduated from college?? Dude, that's just sad.
from llannalee :
The story seems to be taking off pretty well. I like the discussion you just posted about the "first" and "second" names for your story's society. Interesting idea. Kudos! Where did you come up with all the character names? (Oh, on it you want to delete notes that have been posted, you can do that. Just so you know. ^_^)
from moremandan :
Then take the bus from now on for all I care. Just, when you can't get a ride from us, don't press. I'm not the only one who feels this way, so you won't get off so easily.
from moremandan :
No, I can't say the same. But you know what? I don't go around getting upset evey time I can't persuade someone to take me somewhere. In case YOU haven't noticed, no one likes you bugging us all the time to do things just so you can have a ride. If we don't want to go, we're not going. LEAVE - IT - AT - THAT!!!
from moremandan :
I'm telling you as a friend and I'll try to be polite: get your own car, get a license, and get your own way around. I'm sick and tired of you thinkig you are so important that all else comes second. No more ...
from xcedra :
easy way to add pics to your page....without haveing to have gold membership.... find a picture on the web you like (or if you have a website that lets you put of pics you can put up your own then type <IMG SRC ="http//" height = 100 width = 100 boder = o> or if you go to smiley central they will give you the html for their smileys.... I like their smileys... anyway have fun!

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