messages to meowmix52982:
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from raven72d :
The studio apt. sounds nice... Do remember: William and Robert Blake may not *actually* be the same person.
from raven72d :
Always quote prices in pounds or shillings or guineas or lira or marks... never in oy-ros. The Euro ("oy-ro")is an evil currency. Like the metric system, it's a tool of the Foreignji.
from raven72d :
I know! It sounds vur' Wm. Gibson.
from raven72d :
The Dublin internet cafe image is scary-but-alluring...
from raven72d :
Everyone needs a copy of Wright's Grammar of the Gothic Language. And is the secondhalf of the Anglo-Saxon word that means "contemplation of the dust" cognate to "anschauung" in German?
from raven72d :
You must go to Bangor, Maine just for the sake of continuity!
from raven72d :
I can't ever *find* Mars Bars in America... Snickers and Krackle and Three Musketeers, but never Mars Bars...
from una-sorella :
oh my gravy. i really contemplated getting that line from inferno for my first tattoo. that's probably one of my favorite quotes from italian literature. i have latin and english tats, and if i got italian now, i'd probably get "al di l�" because it means "the beyond" and i love it. wales sounds fun, yo.
from raven72d :
Try those three first... Especially "Crome Yellow"...
from raven72d :
Wuff! And thank you for the angel photo...
from raven72d :
I always thought they'd have sort of buzzing versions of the Pokemon voice.
from una-sorella :
hey! thanks for the note. tattoos are addictive.. what did you get? i can imagine the spine hurt; my ribs tat really killed me. it's funny- i'm often told that i remind someone of so-and-so. perhaps i'm the proverbial girl-next-door. if you're in italy this semester, be sure to ring me.
from raven72d :
I bought a King's College, Cambridge scarf... Scarves are wonderful... If you're in the British Isles, you must mail me a postcard... (And beware the batrachian Manx!)
from raven72d :
I loved "Something Wicked"... I read it one November in about Grade 6 or 7... Even the film was okay... And I found the idea of an evil carnival really creepy... By the way-- look for Charles Finney, "The Circus of Dr. Lao"...
from raven72d :
Wales? Among the suspect Welsh? Beware the batrachian Manx!
from una-sorella :
dude! you haven't updated in foreverrrrrrr! everything okay? thanks for the note about italy, btw. i leave tomorrow (sept 4) and am super nervous, but i know once i'm there it'll get easier. have a good flight!
from raven72d :
"Whale Rider" would be much more fun it was about Sand Whales (see the whale + accordion episode of "Courage the Cowardly Dog")
from una-sorella :
yo - where are you? what happened with shakespeare guy? tell!
from iluvjessee :
Howdy! Saw that you like Aerosmith. ^_^ Me 2. Also, you said you lived in VA. What part? I live there. :) Anyhoo, gonna check out the diary. God Bless! Feel free to visit mine too!
from una-sorella :
omg. that was wicked cute (the step-kiss thing). i am jealous because none of my dates worked out, so boo for me but hooray! you have summer romance! the best kind.
from una-sorella :
who from hhs is coming to visit? sorry, i'm curious.
from raven72d :
Penguins are most enigmatic... They do like Baroque architecture, however.
from raven72d :
Good luck with Shakespeare boy!
from una-sorella :
thanks for the message. i have date #1 (with the boy) today, eep! sounds like your date went well. keep us updated, yo.
from una-sorella :
i hope the shakespeare guy calls you. you've got me totally hooked on yr diary now.
from raven72d :
Hmmm... I don't recall what labradorite looks like... I'll have to check.
from una-sorella :
haha. i got a big kick out of your entry about college dorms. i'm sorry you hated your first year.. not to sound like a commercial or anything, but i really think you would enjoy the scene at smith college. bookbinding rules.
from raven72d :
My Animal Avatar for my sexual appetites is...a capybara! Get the David Palladini "Aquarian" Tarot deck... Vur' ARt Nouveau and lovely.
from raven72d :
You must e-mail me sometime and have long talks about books and life...
from raven72d :
Children's books can be a delight. I'm a major fan of Philip Pullman, Lemony Snickett, and any book with capybaras.
from una-sorella :
i think the name "fraoch" (sp?) is lovely. i am always a fan of names in other languages. btw, i love the quote "e quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle." perhaps something in latin? hope summer is okay.
from raven72d :
Tobias Hill, "The Love of Stones"... you must read it. And even alone, you still have friends. E-mail me soon.
from raven72d :
Grown Ups never understand performance art.
from raven72d :
Happy birthday, belatedly... I'd love to be able to do things involving bearer bonds and money laundering and offshore accounts... I just wish I had enough money to make it worthwhile... But then-- doing it would be about *doing it* because 'twas cool and cinematic, not about actually making money.
from una-sorella :
fuck. sorry about not wishing you a happy birthday; fuck. i know we haven't talked recently but i somehow feel bad cause i do read your diary regularly. in my not-21 mind, i'm raising a guinness to you in celebration. mmmm delicious.
from raven72d :
Don't abandon Fraoch...
from raven72d :
Such wonderful answers to the quiz questions... And you, my dear, must write/send notes more often!
from una-sorella :
yo meowmix. i take it you are back in the quon? i am here until june 1st, when i escape to nyc. perhaps we can grab coffee sometime next week and have a chat.
from raven72d :
I heard a female-vocal/acoustic ethereal-ballad version of "Don't Fear the Reaper". Now I want to hear a female-vocal/acoustic goth version of the Pokemon Season One Theme Song.
from raven72d :
Even Hell needs its upscale 'burbs... I wonder if Circle 10 is a gated community... But Blockbuster is doing the work of the devil, no question-- only carrying the gelded versions of controversial films, forcing you to have DVD...
from raven72d :
I get to go to the 5th level of Hell... And I'm Prokofiev, for whatever that's worth.
from raven72d :
sounds lovely...
from raven72d :
I like flute music, though... I was a great Rampal fan...
from una-sorella :
on my hip, black ink in typewritten letters: "borne back ceaselessly." the last line of the great gatsby: "so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past"
from raven72d :
I want to see Red Violin again...
from raven72d :
Yowp! That would break me from playing any team or competitive sport *ever*...
from raven72d :
SEa otters are most pettable and friendly!
from poetdali :
I'm from australia, and you would love it!.. Just read your entry...i think if u come aussies will welcome with open hearts such beautiful white writing on a pink background. You have inspired my first entry.
from raven72d :
Someone, somewhere, must have written an historical-fiction piece about Harald Hardraada. I just can't find a title.
from una-sorella :
what do you have pierced? i had a pierced eyebrow last year, and now my right nostril has a little silver stud that sometimes looks like a zit. but i like it. piercings are soooo commonplace at smith, everybody and their mom has one. are they the same way at uminn? do you have any tattoos? okay, seeya.
from raven72d :
I do want my own borogrove... And perhaps a small mome rath (assuming that they look like prairie dogs or marmots).
from una-sorella :
whatsup. i say be with mw if you want to; he is a good guy, no matter what other people say. since i've come out i've realized that there are lots of assholes who think they know better than you do about who you should date. i say fuckem. if you love him, yo, go for it. and he's got his head up his bum if he doesn't realize how good you are for him. okay, peace.
from raven72d :
If you go to Wales, you must get the little corgis to rpotect you from the evil, batrachian Manxmen!
from una-sorella :
hey heather. this is lauren hare, from back in the day at homestead in the quon. came across your diary and wanted to say hey; hope all is well in minnesota. btw are you still studying italian? ciao.
from raven72d :
Just for the record: Pluto is my favorite planet, and I have a soft spot in my heart for its little moon Charon. Neptune's Triton is my favorite moon in the solar system. It says something about a person who has favorite planetary bodies.
from raven72d :
Hmmmm... Somehow I'm imagining Marianne Faithfull's voice... And obsessing over the plans for Morgoth's fortress...and wondering what lies beyond the Doors of Night.
from raven72d :
As a guy, I think I'd be a bit nervous if a girl did phonesex with a cold-hoarsened voice... A wee bit too much like having a guy (why am I imagining Carl from "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" as the ultimate nightmare?)on the other end... But the Silmarillion is fascinating-- all the more so if you read it in tandem with the 1991 Atlas of Middle-Earth. I like saying "Thangorodrim" and "Angband" to myself...
from raven72d :
I'm reading the Silmarillion again and fighting off a cold.
from raven72d :
Mome Raths are quite like badgers. Or tanukis. And I like the idea of Psyduck (or basset hound) Nazgul.
from raven72d :
"Altar Boys" is on my list of films to rent, then...
from raven72d :
Tell me about "Altar Boys"... It's not a film I know anything about (or as they say in Canuckia, *aboot*)...
from raven72d :
Your kind words do mean a lot. I hope that Christms went well for you!
from raven72d :
You play the flute? Vur' cool!
from raven72d :
Ahhh... then you should see the uncut version of "Caligula"... Way, way, *way* over the top...
from raven72d :
I loved the old "I, Claudius" series... And Patrick Stewart was also a great Lenin in the c. 1976 BBC "Fall of Eagles" series...
from raven72d :
Keep me clued in... I'm always alert to new odd films...
from raven72d :
I've heard of it vaguely... I'll keep an eye out. Did you see "Donnie Darko"?
from raven72d :
Definitely! It's a perfect semester break holiday activity!
from raven72d :
I have a taste for collecting the Truly and Outrageously Awful... which is why you *must* see Shatner (in Nehru jacket) speak Esperanto and fight the Giant (Stuffed) Demonic Goat in "Incubus"...
from raven72d :
The albums are so bad they're...amazing.
from raven72d :
When I was a vur' tiny hedgehog I heard Leonard Nimoy's two folk-song albums... But I missed Shatner's "Master Thespian" spoken word sci-fi album-- "The Transformed Man"...
from raven72d :
Ahhhh... But have you seen Shatner speak Esperanto in the 1960s art/horror film "Incubus"...?
from raven72d :
Once when I was at university, the dining hall had "Star Trek" Night... They served a pumpkin-cream soup labelled "Vulcan Gazpacho"...and an Engineering major came in full Spock drag-- uniform, make-up, ears... I was scarred for life.
from raven72d :
"Fraoch" is lovely... if only because there have been tow girls named Heather who were major romantic interludes in my life...
from raven72d :
I'd be vur' cautious about assigning Celtic or Norse values to LOTR characters... While Tolkien seems to have imagined the South and East as being something Moorish or even Mughal... Elvish was derived from his study of Finnish... and the Finns aren't Celtic *or* Norse... their language is linked to Estonian and Hungarian...
from raven72d :
Congrats on finishing accounting!

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