messages to miyakochann:
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from anipixie :
hey. reading your latest entry on machines and whatnot. the thing about brave new world, 1984, anthem, and lord of the rings is that they are all fantasy. all of them. the point of the first three is so we can change it. we can our future if we see what's wrong and want to change it. i know how you feel though. my sophomore and junior year that's all i thought about. hope you feel better. the world looks less bleak after you figure a few things out, though i'm not sure what they are. they change for everyone. hope you had a great halloween. you guys went to a part right? was it fun? =)
from kakyuu99 :
Ahh! I love those Dashboard lyrics. He's such a fucking lyrical genious. Love, -Moi
from anipixie :
hey... that is quite an ambitious schedule you've got there. try not to burn yourself out. oh and the computer class thing, it might change by the time you get to your senior year but it's normally a semester class unless you want to test out of it (which to my understanding is quite difficult, not the actual typing part. the setting it up part) and then liz said you have to take a class with government some supplementary thing and economics. i hate centennial. but like i said ambitious. but don't you want to have fun your senior year?? =) bye sweetie.
from kakyuu99 :
I just found out that Concordia University here in Montreal has a very interesting Digital Arts department, and since you're not online, I'm putting the link here for you to show Damann...
from kakyuu99 :
from hataruxchan :
Sorry_Ok...continuing...Kat, I luv your 101 list about yourself...very cool...enjoyed it...If i had a list i know this would be on it..." I use this "..." way to much when typing" its so true... <center>Hataru<b>X</b>Chan</center>
from hataruxchan :
Kat_I luv your
from anipixie :
oh dearie. what happened? did he say anything to you? or was it just false? much love. hopefully i will see you tonight
from anipixie :
my darling katherine. how much do i love you??? its ten thirty. i think i'm wasted. =) see you tomorrow.
from rainyday6 :
well lianrinc seems to feel pretty copycat-esque, but what about ME? ^__^ yes I share all three of your guys' views. Talk to me. I'm all aloooone. I have no friends. okay so maybe I do but they are all scared of intimidated or something.
from leanrinc :
I feel unoriginal now that someone has left a note for the same reason I am about to. I am Wiccan, and reading your reaction to the Wiccan question on the religion survey intrigued me greatly! I love finding others and hearing their views of this wonderful religion :D Sadly, it is not only Christians that are misled... I've found many who take things like Exodus 22:18 literally. I would love to talk to you... if you could pleae leave me a note on my diary at titled TorridSoul or Dauntless Lightning it would be much appreciated. Blessed Be -<br>*LeanRinc*
from dream-bow :
Hi! I read your opinions on religion (the survey), and I was very intrigued. Though I disagree with some of your comments, I must say, you seem very bright (so, um... congratulations?). *cough* Anyway, just thought I'd drop you a note. I really don't know why. For sheer pleasure, I guess. So, I'll leave you in peace now. (BTW, I also found Memoirs of a Geisha an incredible book).

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