messages to palmfrond:
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from jammerrs :
I really like the newlayout... Awesome!
from flutterbees :
Hope you are having a great day. I love ya girl.
from corndog5377 :
Mannn...I can't believe you forgot to tell the Manolo Blahnik story! LOL Pretty amazing, eh? Should we just call you Carrie Bradshaw Jr. now? *giggle*
from corndog5377 :
And I thank YOU for holding me accountable! :D You are doing a great job Tonny, and I am proud of you too! We are all making great strides with this, not only with our bodies, but with our minds, and our spirits too...and I want you to know I see the changes in all three of those things, in you. :) I love you Pinkie! Cor
from angelblshn :
i'm so sorry to hear about GG. i love you!
from froggler :
hi tonya! i am a kermit too! how cool! ~jamie~
from angelblshn :
awwwww, i should be there to help you clean out that storage room.... i'm soo good at it!!!! BTW... where's the GARBAGE CAN?!?!?! LOL Love you Tonny girl! 1/30/02
from froggler :
hi tonya- i have to say i love your hearts! the graphics on your page make it easy to read. your diary is cute and i love reading it! keep typin'!! ~jamie~
from froggler :
hi tonya- i have to say i love your hearts! the graphics on your page make it easy to read. your diary is cute and i love reading it! keep typin'!! ~jamie~
from angelblshn :
i so can not wait to see you tomorrow!!!!! Have a safe trip!
from flutterbees :
you are starting to get lots of entries girl, giggle. I went and archived them for you, but now you need to add a new one to have for January, hehe. Seriously though, I am pretty proud of you.
from angelblshn :
i'm so sorry that TN lost :( At least you are in the "Orange bowl" right??? And what better "bowl" to be in than the color of your own team!!! WOOHOOO GO TENN! (Hope i got all that right lol you know i'm not a sports person! LOL) i love you and miss you so much! Hope to see you some while Mikey is gone on this short cruise! *hugs* jen 12/9/01
from flutterbees :
I know that you feel bad that you haven't been around much, but I want you to know that we all do understand and that we are here when you are able to be. We love you and miss you bunches, but it doesn't change anything, promise.
from angelblshn :
Tonny, i had such a wonderful time with you this weekend. i can't even tell you how happy i was during the whole weekend. And it was all wonderful!!! All of it!! Even the part where YOU were the one forgetting things! *giggle* The games were wonderful, but it was so nice to just see you! i love you!! (11/04/01) jen
from flutterbees :
Yay!! I am so glad our team won!! I wish I had watched the game, but I was there in spirit. And you wouldn't have to twist my arm to get me to go to a game with you... I would love that oh so much!!
from flutterbees :
Tonya... I am so excited about seeing you in 15 days.. Wow, just 15 days!! I am so glad that we've gotten so close. You mean the world to me... even if you are a rock head, snicker.
from flutterbees :
Tonya... I remember how hard it was for you to talk to me the first few times, and I know how hard it is for you to make new friends, but I am so glad that you took a chance with me, and I am so glad that we've gotten so close. I so hope the next few weeks go by quickly so that I can see you. I can't wait for our visit in Ohio. I love you, and am so thankful for you.

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