messages to secret-slit:
(click here to add new message):

from saphotos :
Hey we used to talk on here and read each other's diarys a long time ago. I was loopy8. Well Im all grown up now haha. =P
from pgn-mystique :
My parents are screwed up too (well, mostly my dad), so I understand exactly where you're coming from. I know we've never met and all, but if you need to talk I'll be happy to listen. [email protected]
from cherrykissme :
Oh. My. God. There you are!
from cherrykissme :
You're not a skank just because you like other people, too.
from cherrykissme :
Ha ha, I know you smoked weed! Don't lie! Just kidding... Wait, is marijuana called weed there?
from cherrykissme :
Time passes by really fast anymore. It's sad.
from cherrykissme :
Aww, that just means they like you!
from cobainschick :
just wanted to say well done on the 5 months :) Cxx
from cherrykissme :
Good to hear you're feeling better! Also, I give you my congratulations on your long standing stance against cutting. Mwuah! Ha ha... twat... I love that word!
from cherrykissme :
It's called 'teenage drama,' baby cakes, and you've got a few more years of it left for yourself. But, don't worry yourself so much! Instead of making it all look negative, try thinking of it positively. Like, maybe people are ignoring and you feel left out. Instead of thinking it's on purpose, think maybe they're really busy, or just make yourself hang out with them. They might not be really ignoring you. If they don't really like you, find new friends. There are tons of people in this world, you don't need them. On the subject of your boyfriend, just be yourself and if he doesn't like it, give him the boot and move on. Relationships are based on trust and acceptance, and if you're all worried about pleasing and being what he wants you to be, then you haven't achieved anything.
from dracoglass13 :
hey i'm sorry to hear about the trouble between you and your bf...i'm am definitely not the person to give advice on relationships cause i never know what to do in my own, but have you tried talking to him about how you feel he doesn't like you anymore...maybe that would help? but by no means am i trying to tell you what to do, please don't take it that way! but don't be upset i'm here if you need anything...alright i got tons of shit to do (like unpacking from a week in delaware with my family among numerous other things), but i'm definitely gonna check out your diary and see what's been up...thanks for response to my note <3
from pamperedpuma :
hey ive just come across your diary and I know how you feel. I used to cut. Sometimes I still do but it's not so much of a problem anymore. It's the depression I'm battling with. I even ended up in hospital cos of it. it ok if I add you? Cxx
from dracoglass13 :
hi, uh this might be wicked weird but i was surfing through people that belong to my rings and i found you...i guess i just ache for you. even though i hurt myself it makes me upset to see other people do it too. if you ever want to talk or anything, my AIM is darkphoenixryses. it helps to know someone is there who will listen to you and understand. i also think your layout is wicked cool. yeah, sorry if this has freaked you out but im here id you need anything
from cherrykissme :
Hee hee... twat.
from cherrykissme :
Okay, ignore him then. He's being an ass. Thanks for the compliment!
from cherrykissme :
First, maybe he didn't see you and you just thought he ignored you. Second, guy friends will be completely honest with you when it comes down to your appearance. It's a blessing because they won't try to butter you up when you're looking pretty ugly. Don't feel bad about it, do something about it. Thirdly, DON'T DO IT OR I'LL FLY OVER THERE AND KICK YOUR ASS. Peace, honey!
from cherrykissme :
from cherrykissme :
You should bite him.
from cherrykissme :
If it's not one thing, it's another, right?
from cherrykissme :
I just wanted a new diary name. The other one was getting old. Anyway, girlie, I'm sorry you messed up your ankle. Kisses for it to get better. I'm doing good. I got a date for prom and everything. Nice stuff.
from loopy8 :
I was only with Nick for a few weeks. He just broke up with me yesterday :(
from loopy8 :
Happy Birthday! Your 15?!? I thought you were older than that! lol well ttyl byes :P Oh ya and i changed the layout on my diary so cheak it out when you get the chance. xox -Sarah
from z-kidd :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm really sorry, I hadn't checked my email in forever, so I didn't get the birthday reminders on time soooo... I'll send you something sometime! Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
My plans kinda fell apart, but not in such a way that it destroys my Valentine's. I was going to bring Chris, but his family is taking a trip to Washington, so he wouldn't be there. I also asked Paul on a double-date for Sunday, but he was taking a trip to Michigan. So, I asked Espino, but he hasn't called me back yet. So I haven't a date, which is cool, because they're still be single people going. We're going bowling and for dinner. I plan to pick someone up there. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
Jo who?
from z-kidd :
Um, just tell her off and leave it at that. It doesn't matter what other people think of it. And if the person really cares for you, they won't care what she says. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
You shouldn't be happy if you found a place to cut. You're more likely to do it if you know you can hide it. Anyway, I'm sure you'll have a good time. Careful with the kisses... Kisses can be dangerous when improperly used! Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
OK, then... well, just open up to somebody. I mean, if you don't trust anybody then you'll always be sad because you'll feel lonely. And the only way to find people you trust is to go through a bunch of people. Aaah, you're not selfish unless you're not thinking of anybody but yourself, which apparently you're not, so you're cool. I didn't realize you went to a uniform school. Here it's always no uniform day. Sometimes it's dress like a slut day for some girls. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
My love life... is currently non-existant. I do have a thing for several boys, but nothing serious. My boyfriend broke up with me a while ago. I'm going to spend a good time being a flirt though. I like to be googly. Anyway... Um, if your depression persists and you have a bunch of mood swings and stuff, maybe you can talk to your staff at school if you don't want to go straight to your parents. My friend likes to tell her teachers everything! She even sat there and told a male teacher that she had an infection in her cervix! Nice! Anyway, W/B/S and T/C. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
++++HAPPY NEW YEAR++++ I love you! Heart, Z (Yes, I did copy and paste this to different people, but the love is still there!)
from z-kidd :
You need a few hugs... and a good spanking! Meow! I'm sure whatever is going on will get better. You are depressed too easily. I'm worried about you. Have you ever been to a psychiatrist or a doctor about it? That might help. You might be bipolar and not know it or something... Anyway, toodles. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
That's right, get em girl! Move in for the kill! Mreow! Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
smile! it'll get better. heart, Z
from z-kidd :
You stopped emailing me! I feel scandalized! Heart, Z
from loopy8 :
Hey ... I'm so sorry i forget what your e-mail adress is. Plese e-mail me. [email protected]
from z-kidd :
I'm going fucking insane over a guy, too, so don't feel bad. I can't believe I would date such a fucking pussy, it's unbelievable. Halloween is today, but today I am not doing anything but sitting on my ass hoping I'll be happy eventually. Hugs and kisses to you. Is you last name Wilson? Did you send me the birthday alarm? If that was you, wow, I thought you were older than me. Never mind. Oh my God, going crazy, write you later. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
Hey, haven't heard from you in a while. Write me. I'm doing OK, I guess, but I will never turn lesbian. You know why? Because girls are dicks, and they should have been given them instead of guys. I hope you feel better. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
WHHHAAAAaaaaaZZZZZzzzzzUUUUUUUuuuuuuupppppPPPPPP?!?!?! I am so bored. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
Things are weird like that. It was like that with Chris. These girls told me he would cheat on me, like my friend Ally. He cheated on her and she's still bitter about it. Then his friends are like he would never do that all. He likes you too much. So I don't know. I'll see how it all goes. Yeah, Halloween is all about parties and candy and spookies. I love Halloween. Anyway, don't worry about boyfriends too much. Your grades will all go to Hell and stuff. I hope mine don't, I'm already all fucked up. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
I'm sorry. I'm really out of it. I'll write you some more later. When I can together again. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
Oh ho ho ho, is that why you haven't been around often? Why you slick son-of-a-biznotch! What's his name? Where'd you meet him? Why do you like him? You know, give me the whole story. I have a craving for pumpkin pie. Must be all the Halloween decor that is going up around the house. Well, this weekend I went to my friend's birthday party. I'm writing this Sunday night here. Heart, Z
from whistlegirl :
I know the feeling son, i have a dance recital tomorrow with no way to cover up my marks, oh well people already think im a freak as it is. Chin up though champ, your a swanky kid!
from z-kidd :
Food technology is a funny name. It's like those people who consider food a delicate art. Anyway... exciting? No. It's pretty average around here. I've been bored. But I did gain much sleep over the weekend, which I won't have after a while. I am painting a watercolor for a friend as a present. It's turning out okay, but it keeps bleeding and running together. A pain the ass. I think I'll skip school so I can work on it. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
Hi, person. Much loves to you. Keep in touch. Cookery? We call it Foods and Nutritions. I assume cookery is food, right? I watched Trigger Happy TV yesterday. We don't have people dressed up as dogs in our streets. We just have a Naked Cowboy. Heart, Z
from hamiltonian :
from z-kidd :
Well, beat the bitch up and leave at that. I haven't much to complain about now. School sucks. I hate being there. I feel like I'm wasting time I could use for other things more important to me. It's boring. I'm failing things now. It makes me feel stupid and I don't like it. I will burn it to the ground (make sure everyone is out first) and dance on the ashes. Ashes. Otherwise, I'm getting off pretty well. I don't need to complain about anything. Heart, Z
from elle8790 :
Hi, i read your diary and it made me cry too. Because i know what it feels like and it reminded me. I had my 'best friend' choose drugs over me. It hurt, it still does. I live in England too (by the way you don't know me). Elle. p.s. Z-kidd, they have McDonalds in France. I've been there, their food is crap there too.
from z-kidd :
Meow! HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Someone's feeling really bitchy... I guess you won't be telling her anything anymore, right? You should talk to her before you go on an apocalyptic rampage. She MIGHT have a reason for what she did. Like... maybe you talked about him so much and for so long, she felt she needed to give you a little push to give you what you want. For now, get a little tea, lay down in something warm, and watch movies until you pass out. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
And what did this bad friend do, exactly? Well, whatever it is, don't take it too hard. Hating people is harder than forgiving people. I know, it's been trying for me to forgive people and I understand what it's like to feel betrayed. Well, I did have a pretty decent day. I had a really good morning, compared to others. Get to feeling better. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
Um, can I have your username and password please? send it to my mail: [email protected] if you want.
from z-kidd :
It's cool. Like I said, no damage done here. I heart Gothika. It's such a good movie. I've got a cold. A particularly nasty one. I hope I'll feel better tomorrow. I wouldn't want to go to school feeling like my legs are going to fall off. Well, my rack size, I've heard, is pretty decent, and I don't want it to be labeled itty bitty. I mean, it wouldn't hurt, but my rack is the thing that balances out my body shape. Strange how I look into all this. Well, talk to later. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
No plans yet, but it is only Wednesday. Here, anyway. I know I can't go anywhere Friday. MMmm, I'm at a lack of words today. The weather here has been pretty rainy, too. A hurricane hit Florida. It was a mean one. Ripped shit all to pieces. Remnants came up here. Mostly high wind and rain. Nothing was damaged, I think. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
Chin up, sweetheart, you'll feel better soon. Family is supposed to be a giant asshole. I know, mine is. I have an idea. When you feel really bad, draw a picture of the person or thing you're mad at, scribble it, stab it, crumple it up and throw it. Then proceed to step on it until it's flat, then throw it away and say, 'Ha, take that you bastard." That picture will know better to mess with you again. Heart Z
from z-kidd :
School is torture. I drag through everyday pretty much. Well, Friday was a good day. I have Algebra 2, US History, Art and Chemistry. US History is boooooring. So is Algebra. So how have you been? Heart, Z
from loopy8 :
Theats cool that your like friends with your mom now. e-mail me sometime bye :)
from z-kidd :
WHAZZUP HA HA HA HAAAAAA?!?! I feel sort of drugged. I had a bad day at school today. I had homework the first day in school in all but one class! And a bunch of people I knew have left school (good for them, let them get away from this hellhole). I went to a friend's going away party. She's going to be a foreign exchange student in Denmark. I have art. It's kind of nice. I want to something a little more EXCITING though. I hope it gets better. Well, lots of love. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
I hate babysitting. I sit there all day and try to keep the kids from fighting like I'm their mom or something. Anyway, school starts the 4th, so this coming Wednesday. The weather is considerably cooler than it was earlier this summer, but it's still sunny. It's rained a bit. Well, more like evil storms with big bolts of lightning and really loud thunder. I was in a really bad disposition those days. Funny how the weather affects your mood so much. I can't wait until I can take my studs out. My mom gave me all her retro earrings and stuff, I want to wear them. She gave me this one particular pair that are these big white hearts and they're so pretty. So how's everything on that end? Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
Today I am babysitting to earn a little cash because I don't nearly enough (I think). Just give your sister a little hug and a Happy Birthday. Just show her you remembered and you cared. That should be good. Worrying too much might send you to the funny farm, remember that. OOh, did you go to the London Tower? Well, it might not be called that... It's that haunted castle I believe. I want to see that. And, the clock tower... Big Ben, is it? I'm not very good with names. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
Oh, you said you'd been gone for a few days I just wanted to know what you had been up to, is all. Just asking, don't get offended. Your note sounded so scandalized. Anyway, first, on my bday, I went to church because I had spent the night with a friend and she went. Then we visiting a flea market. Then I hung out at her house. Then I went home for cake. I stole AVON lotion from her first. I got a black shirt, black skirt, new purse and new flip-flops from the family. They also said they would do all the chores for a week. The next day my grandma took me to have my ears pierced, and we had lunch. I also got gummy bracelets, a wristband, and a watch. That's it. For some reason, going to the church really fucked me up. That's what got me started on crying. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
I cried my whole birthday. I was worried sick about things and I nearly flipped. It all started when I went to church. I'll write about it. Besides that, everything was really good. Well, babe, I'll get back to you later. Heart, Z P.S. What were you doing while you've been out.
from loopy8 :
WoW i really like your diary. I'm going to read all of it. I only read one page. E-Mail me sometime my e-mail adress is [email protected] Read my diary 2! ~Sarah
from z-kidd :
Yeah it's Independence Day. Not a lot people do much more than set off tons of illegal fireworks. Hee hee. Oh, and lots of cook-outs. Does chuffed mean like stoked or really happy? I want to learn the English slang and stuff. Or like, how it's spoken over there. Like, I know some words have double meanings. Like a rubber is an eraser, but Americans usually refer that to a condom. Yeah, I learned from this comedian who went to England. That's where I heard of a spotted dick from. Well, we'll chat later. Heart Z
from z-kidd :
My friend said stuff like that. Then she turned into a slut puppy. Then she calls everyone else a slut. She likes to talk all about her little escapades. Nasty. Anyway, my grandma is thinking of taking up a paper route. She wants my mom to help her. My mom is thinking about it. I would, if I got halfs. I'm sleepy. I've slept all day but I'm still tired. People are still setting off fireworks from yesterday. Sometimes, people will still set them off a week later. Heart Z
from z-kidd :
*gasp* Lauren! You're a bad girl! Don't think I don't know what you mean about boys being more fun than girls! For shame! LoL. Where do you work now? I wish I had a job. I think I might be going to a Fourth of July party Saturday, even though the Fourth of July is on Sunday... I don't know what these people are thinking it doesn't make sense. Then I might to the lake for fireworks or something. I will not be cooped up in this forever! No! I'm trying to find a way to redesign my diary. Something w/o a template, but I don't know if it's possible w/o Gold. I'll try. Oh, and don't hold the crazy bitch thing against him. I mean, when I found out my friend cut herself, psycho came tumbling out of my mouth. It's a normal reaction. Not a GOOD reaction, but normal. He might be in shock like I was. I didn't mean it. He may not either. Heart Z
from z-kidd :
I think maybe you should ask him to stop being a stranger and be your friend again. Especially if this is making you feel really bad. His good intentions, or whatever, don't seem to be working. Besides, that's just mean. I mean, I did it before, too, and I feel really sucky about it. With my first b/f I broke up w/ him and completely separated from him and our friendship is pretty much dead. It sucks. See, I told you friends would come back. Guess what? It's going to my birthday in 17 days! Yay! A reason to spend money! Ha ha! I sort of want to get my hair done then. Maybe get my eyebrows waxed. You know, simple makeover to make me feel good. Maybe buy clothes if they're on sale and stuff. Maybe hit a thrift store or two with a friend. When's your birthday? I don't think you ever told me. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
When you say good, do you mean the dramatic bullshit and the horrible bore that my life is? Well, then it's good. Sigh. I'm feeling a bit off, too. I want out of my house. I'm not lonely, just feeling-- cramped. I need open air and sunshine. I need shopping sprees and friends. So, what happened with your best friend? Had a fight? I fight with all my friends. If they're really friends they'll stick around. This guy, do you see him often? Like, everyday? Do you talk to him everyday? Just wondering. Anyway, I'll catch up with you later. I need to go. Heart Z
from z-kidd :
Hi, haven't heard from you in a while. What's up? N-M-H... Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
Life is becoming a swirling mass of confusion and pain where the screaming never stops and I feel like my heart is going to explode... with a dash of anxiety. Actually, it's ok. I feel sort of awkward right now. Really friggin' awkward. Man, astrology is scary as a mofo. I mean, sometimes it doesn't make any sense, but when it does, it's terrifying. Yes, and I have money, which will be spent shortly. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
Yes, that doesn't sound very delicious from this end either. You know, I watched My Cousin Vinny, a movie about guys from New York in Alabama. It makes me think of all the different accents America has... There's the New Jersey accent, the New York (and depending from where in New York you're from) accent, a Southern accent, the Boston accent... A lot. Anyway, yes, I'm glad you can go out! I never liked the Red Hot Chili Peppers, though. Music never clicked with me... And this girl I do not like loved them and listening to a few of their songs reminds me of her and her badness. SPOOT! Have a nice time! Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
Yes, I need to stop telling people (especially my mom) my life story. My mom won't let me go anywhere or do anything much anymore because I let things slip about my crazy ass friends. I don't know, the way she describes them, things coming from her mouth, they sound like awful friends. Maybe I've just learned to ignore their faults and deal with it. I've basically given up on them. It's pointless to try and 'help' them or something, doesn't work. Not like they want to hear the truth anyway. The truth does hurt. I know I'm a hypocrite sometimes, but hearing it from others hurts worse. Yeah. I think if people are actually listening to those girls and not formulating their own opinions, they're not worth your time. I hate robot people. I used to be one. Let people make up my decisions for me and tell me who to hate. I try to find ways to rise above the drama, but sometimes you get stuck in it. It's a sticky thing. Very sticky. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
McDonald's, McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut! Yes, I heard they won't allow McDonald's in France because they think it's Satan's food. I never really bothered with the popularity shit, I ignore it all. It's not like any of the girls that like to run their mouth will do it to my face anyway. And even if they do, they don't do much else. It's all talk. Just leave it at that. They can say things that make you feel bad, or make you 'unpopular', but who's going to care what they thought or what they said when you're done and out of school? I don't know if you're really religious, but I always thought of it this way: let God handle the things people do. If they want to be assholes, they can have a talk with Him and sort it out themselves. If they want to run their mouths, then they can deal with it with Him. I know, my advice is never go because I don't give you a direct set of actions. Well, don't KILL anybody. That is bad. Very bad. Oh, and just because someone is bigger and older and maybe more 'popular' doesn't mean they can do shit, or that they will do shit, or if they matters if they do shit. Don't be scared of or hurt by anything these people do. Let them be shallow. They are young and stupid. Hell, they might be old and stupid, people will be people. You are your own person, you have your own priorities and your own life to live. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
They have McDonald's in England? It's also a bad job there, too? Wow... Yes, I had to deal with that, too. See this girl I was friends with hung out w/ this control freak of a girl. I would not bow down to this girl's whims and act like she was my god like everyone else did, so she did things to push me out. So I fucking left everyone, including my friend, because she was too stupid to realize what the hell was going on. She also probably enjoyed the fact that that bitch was doing that... Anyway, those dumbfucks are outta my life, I don't have to deal w/ those losers. They were all a bunch of fucking delusional liars who thought they were the shit because they were 'different' from the rest of school, but everybody hated them because they knew they were all liars. People like them make me sick. I did everything in my power to keep people from being their friends because I knew how they were anyway. I mean, what would YOU think if some girl you had just met said she and some other people raped a girl? Yeah, fuck that shit. School will always suck. One day, I'll open my own school, and it will be so much better, oh yes! Well, about that friend, if she doesn't listen to you about those girls, it's time to leave, because apparently she likes them to suck up better than she likes you. You don't need that. I, for one, would like better if I had no friends than false, uncaring ones. Time to find other people. I don't know, are you REALLY shy? I've never been that shy, so I always can talk to different people. Everyone thinks I'm weird because I talk to 'preps' and 'freaks' and 'losers' and everyone else. I think of them as people, not labels. Well, try talking to other people, maybe it would be better, and maybe you'll find a group away from them. Yeah, I'm always stuck w/ assholes. I'm above average, at least, but I'm stuck with people who can't count to ten or spell 'probably'. Sigh. Well, talk to later, babe. Heart, Z (PS My arm is so sore from typing so much so fast...)
from z-kidd :
Yeah, I figured as much. Do you hang out with these girls? Or are they just there? I can't say much about people picking on you and how to make them stop. I go with it, or ignore, or sometimes I let them have it. Biting sarcasm is the killer. Or, if they talk to you, say, "Why are you talking to me?" That'll stop them dead. This guy problem I can relate. Sadly, I haven't done anything about it. I just sit there and wish. I'm too shy to deal with this kind of stuff. School does suck. If it wasn't for the fact that I wouldn't get a very good job I would drop out now. I don't see the point of school. It's useless. Sure it educates people, but then they forget what they've learned. I wish it was hot here. It's fucking June and all it has done is rain! Fuck the rain! I'm sick of it ruining my summer. Well, babe, I g2g. I'll talk to you later. Heart, Z
from ocean-front :
Welcome to the Heath-Ledger-Diaryring. Thanks for joining!
from z-kidd :
I crave the sausages... Mmm, spicy sausages... Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
Aha, so your name is Lauren. I know a girl named Lauren at school. What's wrong with you? Are you stressin' school or something? School can be such a pain in the ass sometimes. Or is somebody making you upset? Like who? Feelin' weird... That's why you should not do pills! LoL! Just playin'. I had a nice supper, how about you? I made it myself. It was parmesean angel hair pasta with spicy sausages and peas. Mmmm. W/B. Have a good one! Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
Is it... Lauren? C'mon, don't make me search the freakin' baby name book... Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
I see... pudding... and... currents. I'm not so interested in that anymore. Spoot is just a made-up random word from the Angry Beavers cartoon. Uses are: spoothead, spoot (as used when in glee), or spoot (as used when in pain). It's just retarded. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
"Is it Laura? Anyway, born July 18, 1988. Sign is Cancer. You live in England? Bloody lobster-back! LoL! Just kidding. Tell me, I've always wanted to know... What exactly is a "spotted dick"? I've heard it's a type of food, but I didn't know for sure... Is it exactly what its name is? I have two half brothers, and two half sisters, but I only live with one half brother, and the other one comes to visit sometimes. I'm the oldest out of all them. I'm fifteen, turning sixteen. I am not really religious, but I do pray before I sleep and reflect on what God would think of me if I did something. It all comes down to what God thinks and not anybody else, really." You know, I thought I was adding that note to your note list, then I realized I had put it on mine! I'm a dumbass! Yeah, the person I'm feelin' I realize is not perfect, I realized from the start, but I kept forgiving them. I'm pretty sure they don't like me because I gave them Hell. Oh, looks-wise, I have dark brown hair, dark eyes, tannish complexion. I am short. I was sort of muscular, but then I stopped working out, and now I'm getting flabby. It's cool... Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
Oh, I almost forgot. I'm fifteen, going to be sixteen this July. And I also enjoy reading about religions and taboo and stuff. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
Yes, it is nice to be happy. Um... was does D.O.B. mean? Dumb Old Bitch... That's what I'd use it for. Yes, I enjoy kittens, talking, writing, daydreaming, drawing, getting hammered, dancing, hanging around, scary movies and comedies, museums, colors, taking pictures, the beach, comics, clothes and shoes and make up, and food. I do not like Scooby Doo, crybabies (you know, those people who whine to everyone and everybody and EVERYTHING and latch onto you and won't leave you alone), clingy people, clingy boyfriends, hypocrites, being in love (it sucks), music in which all they do is scream, when people I don't like like the same things I do, liars who ruin everything for you, smoking, control freaks, and just other stuff. Babe, I need some SUNSHINE! It's been raining forever now. Let me take a guess at what your name is... Is it... Heather? Have a nice day! Heart, Z. P.S. SPOOOOOOT!
from z-kidd :
Sorry, there was no P.S. SPOOT. Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
Dude, I saw this girl that looked like a dude making out with another girl at the bowling alley. They were ALL over each other. Actually, a bunch of girls in that party were having this big make out session. Like a huge lesbian orgy. And they were checking me and my friends out as we danced like the sluts we are. SPOOT! I hope you had a pleasant weekend. I am sexy. I wanted you to know that. Say you're sexy, too, it feels nice. Anyway, I come from Arizona, but I am currently living in place Satan carved out for his special rendevous called North Carolina. I do not like it here. But apparently, no place is any better. I also come from my mother. We do not need to dwell on that. You know what, other girls suck. You can't do guys, and you can't do girls cuz they're both trifling assholes. I will do myself then. LoL! That's good, hang out with people that you love. They usually can make you feel better. Or hang out with stupid drunks. So you can laugh at them when they start making out with strangers. Well, luzz ya, babe, talk to you later. Heart, Z P.S.
from thissidedown :
hey.. thanks for joining the billy talent diaryring <3 xx
from z-kidd :
Did you know that if you stare at the wall enough, images will pop up? Yeah, sorry I'm haunting your notes... I'm lonely. LoL! Heart, Z
from z-kidd :
I'm happy you're feeling a bit better. Taking baby steps is better than going nowhere at all. But why are you screaming at yourself? I don't think there's any reason to scream at yourself, I don't think you're doing anything wrong. Mmm, it makes me think of what my friend would say to me if I was sad: "Z, you need to get laid." LoL! But you shouldn't take her advice, she's a stoner! Well, babe, I'm going to wish you happiness and plenty of good luck, and go. Heart, Z. (P.S. Write me!)
from dark-doll :
June6th. Awww I really enjoyed reading your last entry. So sad. I can so relate to it as well. I feel the same way as you do, except for the cutting. I hope you feel better soon and stop this dangerous addiction before it kills you :(. Take care.
from z-kidd :
OK, great! I'll be here, I have hardly anything to do... except for fucking school work. I'm out of school and I still can't get away from work! They should pay me for this work... Ha ha! Anyway, talk to you later, and don't forget to keep your head up. Bitches are scared of confidence! DRIVE THOSE INFIDELS AWAY! Ha ha! Heart, Z!
from z-kidd :
I think this may sound weird to you, so I'll try not to make it sound weird. I read your diary, and I cried. I feel for you. No I don't pity you, no one wants pity here, do they? (And I'm not trying to be a goody-two-shoes, because those people suck.) It hurts me to see anybody hurt themselves for any reason. I've never met you, I don't know you, but it's tearing me up reading your entries and seeing that a person could be hurting like this. I'd like to be there for you if you need it. I don't want you hurting like this, it must be unbearable sometimes. I hope this note isn't offensive to you, I know notes like this can be sometimes, if someone really isn't looking for anything. I'm not going to judge you at all, I'll just be here if you need someone to talk to, because I think that's what everyone needs. Oh, I won't try to be your therapist. That's annoying as fuck, I know. Write to me if you want to take me up on this offer. I'd just like to talk to you. And just remember this-- not everyone hates you, and those who do just aren't worth your time. There's always a friend somewhere. Zandra... [email protected]

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