messages to the-babydoll:
(click here to add new message):

from crimsonlotus :
Writing this from work. Just wondering if you feel better. I passed out when I got home yesterday. Shopping with my mom is insanity. Feel free to text me whenever today. I'm gonna try to get some writing done. <3
from crimsonlotus :
hot pink, baby pink, black, and white. ♥
from crimsonlotus :
I just wanted to let you know that I read it, and that I hope you feel better now that you've been able to vent some of it out. I'm sorry I can't be of much help to you right now aside from listening. I don't trust myself to give advice because I'm in such a state of depression myself. I'm trying to fight it, but it's going to take time. All I can do is hope that you find some inner peace along the way as well. If nothing else just let it all out on here, and we'll sort out the pieces when we're both in better shape. :(
from crimsonlotus :
I forgive you. Thank you. ♥ ♥ ♥
from crimsonlotus :
Hope things are still going good chica-chick (yes, new nickname!). Don't forget I still need some questions from you so I can start making those lists. Also, forgive me for my constant Jin spazzing. It just simply cannot be helped at the moment. ♥ I've lost my damn mind over him. :D
from crimsonlotus :
*poke* *poke* *poke*
from crimsonlotus :
Yikes! I'm glad you're okay, chica! ♥
from crimsonlotus :
I am curious as to whether or not you have the password to this journal. I can't remember if I sent it to you or not...???
from crimsonlotus :
Send me questions, and I'll post them as entries over here. Anything at all. My notes are accessible through my actual page, and no one can read them except for you because my profile isn't visible. :) Be as creative as you possibly can. I have a feeling this will be really fun. If you wanna resend me some of the ones from the notebook that's fine too. I wouldn't mind having them archived. Haha! Anywho, I'm off to get ready for work. I close tonight, and work 8am-5pm tomorrow, so you might not get a response until day of rest. Gah. Later gator. ♥
from crimsonlotus :
The new D-land blog is up and running. Just wanted you to know.
from candy-dive :
Blog Update:
from candy-dive :
from candy-dive :
Just dropped in to say that you can still leave me notes at candy-dive because I'll check them everyday. ♥ Oh! And I posted a new drabble: I'll probably do a blog post later, as well as a couple of meme's. ♥ ♥ ♥ Is the cold better yet?
from candy-dive :
Oh yeah, and I still need your hot guys list...♥
from candy-dive : um...I've decided to move to LJ permanently. It's too hard trying to keep so many accounts, and since I'm over there the most---that's where I've decided to take up residence. Besides, my fandom is over there...and D-land is pretty much dead. I can't even find any good diaries to read here anymore and it's seriously annoying. Anywho, let me know if you want me to update you here with a note whenever I update. You'll have to use the account I set up for you over there to view any of my entries since my blog posts will me friends only. Only my fanfiction is public now. I hope it's not too much of a hassle for you. Let me know. ♥ Don't worry though, I'll still check here every day for your updates. :D
from candy-dive :
You had me at Ludacris. Haha! Nice. ♥
from candy-dive :
Okay, I know for a fact that I have the 25th off, so the goal now is for me to come stay with you on the 24th if that's okay. I'd come this weekend, but I'm pretty sure that I'm either going to start my period today or tomorrow and that would just be sucky. So does that sound good to you? ♥
from candy-dive :
Where is my Mandy and how is her foot? I need to know these things. *pouts*
from candy-dive :
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Yesterday was kinda weird. I honestly don't know when I'll be back over. I work 35 hours next week, and three of those days are full days---not to mention I work 5 days straight. So I'll have to see what they have me scheduled for next weekend. Other than that, you'll be happy to know that I'm now DLing Robyn's Body Talk Pt 1 and Part 2. I saw the video for "Hang With Me" on Demand and it's one of the cutest things ever. ♥
from candy-dive :
Give me a list of your hottest guys ever---in the order that you rank them! ♥
from candy-dive :
from candy-dive :
Oh, and just in case you still happen to like the GazettE, you might want to go here and watch this before it gets deleted:
from candy-dive :
I still don't know if/when I'll be able to get on today. So, I've brought you a peace offering in the meantime. It's a fancam of Koki doing his new song "Make U Wet Chapter 2." Enjoy. (OMG it's effing hot as fuck...*dies*) <3
from candy-dive :
Believe it or not, I think I'm actually going to be okay. In fact, I AM okay, because I feel like it's some kind of closure. February is three years since the break up...and the pain is finally starting to dull quite significantly. Thanks chica. *huggles* But I really do need to get back into bed. Maybe we can chat tomorrow while I'm home alone and doing! ♥ ♥ ♥
from candy-dive :
You know what? I say more power to you. I would be the last person to ever tell you what to like. It's not what makes me like you as a person. Everyone is different and deserves respect. It's just that a lot of people are shallow minded and evil, and it makes things difficult. Just know that I'm NEVER going to say anything negative about anything you're into. You like what you like, and I like what I like. We don't have to be the same, and it's not like we don't meet in the middle anyway. Our tastes tend to lean towards each other as it is, so it's really not a big thing where the two of us are concerned. As for you know who, I just wish that people would stop saying her name. I've been feeling like that for years. Saying her name gives her power, and I don't even like to think of old memories of her. I want her gone. I don't even want to joke about her or make fun of her. She's not in my life anymore---just like my ex. They do not exist to me. I'm just totally done. Hmm...carry on my dear. I'm anxious to read more. ♥ ♥ ♥
from candy-dive :
ILU ♥ :(
from candy-dive :
I hate that about the links too, but that's a Diaryland thing and not something that I can fix. The older pages regenerate over the course of a week or so, and fix themselves. Mine does it too. It's seriously annoying. Cool beans chica. I've been trying to find a Nick/Koki combo that would work without looking dumb. It's just hard to find photos of Nick against a white background---which is an absolute must for this layout. Argh.
from candy-dive :
The coding for the one that you told me about was all screwed up...I tried it here and none of the tables matched up. Gah. Anywho, I hope you like what I came up with. I can change the picture if you don't like Koki. Just send me links to what you're looking for. We can also change the gif's, but again, send me the links so that I can do it. Of course, if you hate this layout let me know. I'll figure something else out. ♥ ♥ ♥
from candy-dive :
Here. Have some Koki:
from candy-dive :
Cool beans chica. I'll set it up tomorrow. ♥
from candy-dive :
Also, when choosing one, make sure that it's wide enough to accommodate youtube videos and your music player. Basically, try to stay away from all the skinny ones because they'll stretch the layout and make things a little wonky. :/ Happy hunting.
from candy-dive :
Okay...I've tried everything that I can to get the coding sorted out on that layout...but it's just that it's so prehistoric that it's driving me insane. FS designers used incredibly basic html that causes a string of malfunctions if anything is moved or placed improperly. There's nothing that I can do to fix it at this point. I even attempted switching the photo to the proper 500px requirement, and it still didn't do any good. The links also no longer work for me. HOWEVER---If you go here: and find a layout that you like---I will install it for you with no problem. Just make sure that the one you like says that it's a 'website' template and not a myspace/xanga/whatever. That's where I got the base for the one that I'm using now, and the designers are much more up to date and fluent in CSS---which is what I'm more used to and prefer over html. Hope this isn't causing you too much of a headache. I've been having the same troubles with my layout these past few days though, so I totally understand what you're going through... :(
from candy-dive :
The links show up now, but everything else is still distorted. The box that contains the text doesn't expand when your entry gets longer. It's something to do with the original coding though. I can fix it if you want. Just send me the log in password.
from candy-dive :
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
from candy-dive :
This is me poking you because your diary is too quiet. *poke* *poke* *poke* ♥
from candy-dive :
I can't see your text unless I highlight it with my mouse...
from candy-dive :
Because reading this will probably make you lot...:
from candy-dive :
It never ceases to amaze me how similar we actually are. ♥
from candy-dive :
from candy-dive :
Also, I don't know if you ever went back and read all of my entries from the 7th, but I would really love it if you sent me the questions that you and Matt filled out in that notebook while I was there. I have plans for them because I like them. ♥
from candy-dive :
Because this one seems like you:
from candy-dive :
*pushes Koki in your direction* Maybe he can help with the back rubbing...*wink* Thank you. I'm glad you like it. I'm still working on it though. ;) I'm making the worlds most epic links list too. Today I posted all of my favorite fanfiction pages, so feel free to check them out whenever you get bored. They tend to help a lot. Yeah, I'm enjoying being over here again. I feel lighter. Expect lots of randomness from me now. :D ♥ ♥ ♥

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