messages to the-crapture:
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from masala- :
And you think being 3/4 and yet knowing nothing about your heritage makes you any more qualified to bitch? :\ Anyhow, I completely agree that the way the government has dealt with the native population -- and actually, most non-rich, non-white people -- is absolutely disgusting. And I take the issue very seriously not only because I am 1/4 from a few different tribes, but also and MOSTLY because I am an American citizen and am ashamed of my government, as well as the way my fellow Americans, particularly those with the most opportunities to change things, could not care less about the shit that other people go through...
from moonferret :
You rock AND amuse... but alas, I must leave diaryland. I'm leaving d-land... come visit on blogger!
from booth-bitch :
Howdy love. Just a note to everyone on my buddy list: I had t lock up. The username and password are both "jumper". *Muah*
from booth-bitch :
Have you heard about Saddam's poems?
from booth-bitch :
Howdy love. Journey over to my xanga ( and do whatever you can to help. I'd appreciate it. Merci beaucoup. And, thats for adding me to your favorites. *Muah* :)
from sk8er-cowgrl :
Howdy love. Guess who's back? You can stalk me here: Be sure to leave your mark in the Bitch Box. Merci beaucoup. *Muah* :)
from moonferret :
hey there - THANK YOU for singing the praises of Ray Charles over Ronnie Reagan. OK, I won't cheer that the old geezer is gone (he was a human being after all), but COME ON people... doesn't anyone else remember what a nuke-happy freak he was until Gorbachev came along? Anyway, I was young at the time but I think people are romanticizing a perfectly ordinary president. All this week I kept feeling like I was missing something... I mean, he was old when he was in office! It's amazing he lived as long as he did. But I digress. Thanks for visiting my diary. :) You're a buddy now...
from sk8er-cowgrl :
Howdy love. This is just a note to everyone on my buddy list to let you know that my diary is now unlocked. Enjoy the archives. I hope all is well. If you need me, you know how to reach me. ([email protected]) *Muah* :)
from sk8er-cowgrl :
Howdy love. Just saying farewell to everyone on my buddy list. I won't be updating. Ever. Its been fun. I will continue to read your diary, though. Keep writing. If you ever need me, don't hesitate to email me: [email protected], okies? *Muah* :)
from sk8er-cowgrl :
from the-crapture :

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