messages to tokana:
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from ramblin-bill :
There's nothing wrong with Cintucky! Some really cool ramblin people live there! :-)
from ramblin-bill :
Hang in there. :-)
from epipie :
Dang it, I don't know. I really wanted to see Elvis Costello instead, but he already skipped town. I'm supposed to be saving money for a cruise. But I'm still scratching my chin on it. You live in FL?
from ramblin-bill :
I am looking forward to the 99! Or maybe you can one up me and everyone else who has 100 and go with... 101! :-)
from epipie :
Thanks for the kind words! I'm very flattered.. I know I'm doing something right when people start laughing.
from omayao :
it's only a temporary lock-out! i wasn't thinking and i used the computer at work to look at diaries and i have to clear out the temp files on the computer so nobody accidentally finds my diary in its history and reads it! it'll be back soon :)
from tokana :
I've been told similar by others. My problem is that so far, most of our plans keep us around Central Park and the South end of Manhattan. My understanding is that MOMA is in Queens. I'm afraid travel time would be too great. Any input?
from ndthsmdy :
personally, i think the museum of modern art (starry night, persistance of memory, and a lot more) is far better than the met
from omayao :
it's been awhile since i've been on diaryland...i like your new layout! fresh and springy
from tokana :
nice to see this area is so well used...hrm :-\
from ndthsmdy :
that's not really what i meant..but you're happy right now and that's what matters, so i'm not going to bore you with a convoluted explanation :-)
from tokana :
It may not seem like it from the post - but it has nothing to do with being validated as a decent person (that's not to say I don't need that from time to time). It truly is about feeling like a social mis-fit and being lonely. I genuinely wish that I had a circle of girl friends to go shopping with and see girly movies with. I just don't fit. Usually I can handle that fact, but every once in awhile - like when I wrote that post - it bugs me. You are right thought, when you feel a need to be validated, it has to be resolved internally, no lengthy list of friends will help on that one.
from ndthsmdy :
whenever i feel like i need other people to validate my being a decent human being, it doesn't matter how many names i can list
from omayao :
your story is intriguing. i'll be back to visit...
from warped-eve :
warpedeve is my aim username. im me for the password to my journal. you're allowed in anytime.
from warped-eve :
not a pretty girl - caught a light sneeze - fly away - highway 90... you're one of the only people i know who know's who jane jensen is. i fucking love her. she's amazing. and the other chicks rock out too. who's powder?
from warped-eve :
no. i'm more than excited, but my mouth is so sore. anyway. i'm emily. you're music favorites are amazing. do i know you?
from warped-eve :
oh most definatly. i got my tickets last year. are you going too? melissa ferrick is the night before at the social i think.

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