messages to where-ocar:
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from ticktrix :
I'm watching Frontline too - crazy shit! I'm been sick too and bored out of my mind - played a lot of this: I did drag myself to work yesterday because I knew the piles were forming on my desk. Tomorrow is the 7th day of sickness, so it should be over - yay!! Happy V-day to you, too!
from morticon :
Thank you! I HATE George Bush!
from ticktrix :
I went to Bermuda in 1985 (loved it!) and all I needed was an ID, but look into it in case things have changed since 9/11.
from goingloopy :
Thanks for adding me as a favorite. :)
from ticktrix :
I think about my two kitties dying all of time, too. Last night I lost 3 hours of sleep worrying about it. Ugh!
from ticktrix :
I am cracking up so hard about the Braum's patties!! That's classic!
from bluperspex :
i sense an acute disliking for old georgie. i don't know... something just tells me :)
from narnarbinx :
Happy Birthday!!!!!! = )
from ticktrix :
Hey girlie! Turn the keyboard upside down and beat on it till all of the food and other hidden goodies have fallen out. Ain't gravity grand? Peace.
from juilietta :
why is mitten man known as mitten man? I'd really like to know. I really enjoy your diary, and looking at your purchases. I like your style, although I'm not feeling that denim top with the pockets on the breasts.
from cybercoward :
are to me!
from acornotravez :
Hey - I just added you as a fave (camper link), and didn't want to be rude since I have my d locked, so you can email me at acornotravez at hotmail dot com, but if not, that's OK. :)
from beagle47 :
re: "won't the cats be happy..." ah, no, they're never happy. or, if they are, they'll never let you in on it. got dog? *ruff*
from heartracer :
oh man. i sent it to your dland email and it was thrown back at me. so i've sent it to the other address i have of yours. if you don't get anything form me, let me know.
from breaux :
just for your information, i live in peabody.

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