her kiss was almost gold...

"life is short and love is always over in the morning..."

-- Andrew Eldridge

My favorite diaries:

allmadhere profile - diary
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mix-tapes profile - diary
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smartypunk profile - diary
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london-times profile - diary
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oh-sweet-pea profile - diary
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terminal5 profile - diary

My favorite music:

jesus and mary chain
comments: "You took me near you took me far, up to the highest brightest star..."
pj harvey
comments: "do you remember the first kiss...stars shooting across the sky"
comments: "because friends don't waste wine when there's words to sell"
sisters of mercy
comments: "love is a many splintered thing..."
singapore sling
comments: overdriver

My favorite movies:

lost highway
comments: "I like to remember things my own way...How I remember them. Not necessarily the way they happened."
donnie darko
comments: �Donnie Darko. What the hell kind of name is that? It�s like a superhero or something.� �What makes you think I�m not?�
Fellini's 8 1/2
comments: "Life is a holiday, let us live it together..."
fight club
comments: "I wasn't really dying, I wasn't host to cancer or parasites; I was the warm little center that the life of this world crowded around."
queen margot
comments: "She loves as though she is seeking revenge."

My favorite authors:

henry miller
ernest hemingway
jeffrey steingarten
comments: Anaiis Nin, Edward Gorey, Anthony Bourdain, Anne Sexton, A.M. Homes, William Burroughs, Charles Bukowski, Martin Amis, Nick Hornby, Alice Munro, and too many more to list..Also can't live without Harpers & Saveur...

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last updated: 2008-05-17 18:31:13
this user's total entries: 406
user since: 2001-11-25

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