Here is a list of artgnome's favourite diary entries by other members:
Be good, Billy, or a fat person will steal your breakfast and sit on your face while you're sleeping by smoog comment:   This is the best commentary I have ever read about fat bigotry. Bless you Smoog! street art by thayer-p comment:   I love anyone who adds my pix! Janet Gets Political -- don't worry, it doesn't happen often by janetplnetoc comment:   media free thinking at it's best. this entry totally reflects what I feel about the New Orleans/Iraq/G.W. Bush situation. Push Ups by brdwaybebe comment:   This is a very good illustration about salvation! Windows 7 and Near Death Experiences by soapboxdiner comment:   This is the most hilarious because it is so sadly true computer experience through a retailer. makes me thank God for my computer guy Frank.
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by artgnome as a favourite:
artgnome has 1 entries listed by thayer-p as favourites artgnome has 2 entries listed by justmeasiam as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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