Here is a list of emeraldblaze's favourite diary entries by other members:
Forever more by lovemenever comment:   comment pending opening farewell by sandandwater comment:   "A part of me wants hundreds of people to read this and tell other people about it and stuff because I'm so honest in it or something. I'll feel empty if I'm not. Maybe I'm codependent." I guess I like this entry due to the fact, that this quote from it more of less sums up my feelings of keeping a diary. Great job Andrew! by justjill comment:   I am With her on everythign she said here. I just don't get why some people do the things they do. I wish some one would find a resonable answer to my question. Self-Esteem: High and Low by leslieirene comment:   "To conclude, the reason I decided to write about self-esteem in it's different forms is because I have struggled with it thoughout my life. I am seeking to understand my decisions-both healthy and detrimental to my self-image- so that I may uplift my own esteem. That is my goal." Here here! The evil of full length mirrors by panyd comment:   I think every female has had this moment, I know what its like, far to well. I've been there to the point I stared to cry and my allanon had to come get me and hold me tight as we feld the story. here here, to putting the thoughts into words. Goddamn right, there are gay ducks by idiot-milk comment:   I think about this all the time, gald I ran across it Who Are These People I Talk About? by mawce comment:   I finaly got added to the "other nuts" and I must say I really liked what mawce had to say about me, it really made my day. Cancer and Beginnings by allanon comment:   This was the 1st emtry he wrote, I really liked the way he wrote and it all sounds like he was going to keep at this.
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emeraldblaze has 1 entries listed by ravenheart as favourites emeraldblaze has 1 entries listed by neuroticaa as favourites emeraldblaze has 1 entries listed by monkeypants2 as favourites emeraldblaze has 1 entries listed by gumphood as favourites emeraldblaze has 1 entries listed by dani-lou as favourites emeraldblaze has 1 entries listed by catz-eyes as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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