Here is a list of gwenllian's favourite diary entries by other members:
Not a Howl but a whimper by weetabix comment:   Beautiful poetry in spite of herself... Being Daddy. by proofrok comment:   Proof that fatherhood is sexy. The Rhythm of Children. by proofrok comment:   He's such an excellent father. I'm lucky. Sibling. by proofrok comment:   Excellent fiction. It runs in the family by weetabix comment:   Very well written and touching. Let them eat french cake by weetabix comment:   Freaking hilarious! Notes from the Derby by jehsika comment:   There's just something about the description that is like looking at the photographs she describes wanting to take. Excellent writing. In Defense of TV by seastreet comment:   Very well-argued and insightful. Providence Rats by johnpowers comment:   I love his poetry. #282 - more meaningless chatter by strawburygrl comment:   Despite our religious differences, we have a remarkably similar view of the afterlife. Except in my version, we don't drift off to endless sleep in the end. Fifty Things About Me by dana-elayne comment:   Our differences are so subtle: I actually prefer to drink with a straw, and when I separate my M&M's, I eat the green ones last. edging closer by dana-elayne comment:   More proof we were separated at birth. I know I've had these thoughts... Rachel and Elizabeth by trinity63 comment:   Real tears, folks. Real tears. Terminations by trinity63 comment:   I know how it feels to be pregnant at precisely the worst time. � Headlines � by johnpowers comment:   I love the imagery of the poem at the beginning. Ode to Billy Jo by trinity63 comment:   I don't have a Billy Jo in my past. But somehow, I understand anyway. Swapping. (NOT what you think.) by proofrok comment:   Trading places. Swapping, the climax.... by proofrok comment:   Continued.... T-Rex by grouse comment:   I did cry. There's nothing I can really say that does it justice. story by gingerbug comment:   Very stirring. Start the theme song from "2001".... It's Wedding story time by mattl414 comment:   Here come the grooms... Dad -- Part 1 (Building up to the coming out....) by mattl414 comment:   I feel for Matt. This story moved me to tears. Coming out to Dad (Dad -- Part 2) by mattl414 comment:   The conclusion. Hey Maw! That white stuff is falling from the sky on our plantation again!! by mattl414 comment:   A true (and hysterical) assessment of the typical Georgian reaction to that mysterious white stuff from the sky. Damn cookie bitches!!! (2nd entry) by mattl414 comment:   Damned cookie bitches! She's Gonna Kill Me When She Reads This!!! by proofrok comment:   Mmmmm.... Harry Potter. Oh! Sorry, I was preoccupied. What were you saying? rant rant rant by dana-elayne comment:   So true. Outside it is snowing and by johnpowers comment:   Great poetry. Thanksgiving by crankydragon comment:   Family meals and holidays. Lost and found in childhood by crankydragon comment:   Grandmothers make the best fodder for fond memories. Hot chocolate and childhood by crankydragon comment:   Mmmmm... Yummy memories of hot chocolate and childhood. This Could Only Happen To Me by trinity63 comment:   Oh.My.God. How hysterical. And gross. A Load of Crap. Literally. by ursamajor comment:   Mwa ha ha ha (*cough* *choke*). 723 by proofrok comment:   >;) For my lady(corny, and I don't care!!!) by proofrok comment:   Love is a many splendoured thing... To My Lady by proofrok comment:   Love this poem, too. ramble and sonnet by proofrok comment:   I love this poem. The Fantasy Goddess by proofrok comment:   Aw... shucks. Then again, there is fucking my wife... by proofrok comment:   I suddenly want a bath... Marvelous Fantasy Goddess nonetheless by proofrok comment:   Where's my fan? Is it hot in here? Quality Time of the Month by proofrok comment:   Quality time, indeed. Here's your fuck entry, diaryland perverts. by proofrok comment:   ;) Very Mine, my valentine (with a nod to Gertrude Stein) by proofrok comment:   Happy Valentine's Day! Beauty by proofrok comment:   *Blush*
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gwenllian has 1 entries listed by strawburygrl as favourites gwenllian has 1 entries listed by sodawater as favourites gwenllian has 1 entries listed by msspyndryft as favourites gwenllian has 1 entries listed by mightymaeve as favourites gwenllian has 1 entries listed by mangofarmer as favourites gwenllian has 1 entries listed by dana-elayne as favourites gwenllian has 1 entries listed by crankydragon as favourites gwenllian has 1 entries listed by aureate as favourites
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