Here is a list of island-'s favourite diary entries by other members:
Fuck you, ocean by cutie1083 comment:   I love you too! I will treasure that entry. Rant by cutie1083 comment:   How well do I identify with this... sigh Looooong day by island- comment:   The bible entry at the bottom is the important part. Yay by cutie1083 comment:   That person is me :) Thank you! Push Ups by brdwaybebe comment:   I think this is a powerful and moving story. 100% american by estratto comment:   Well, I don't hate most Americans but this post is rather clever. Secret Admirer by cutie1083 comment:   This reminds me of something. I'm not going to say what, but it does. Why I'm proud of me by island- comment:   Well, it's my entry, but I'm adding it. Read it and you'll know why. That's how I knew by heyjude85 comment:   People who are true to their religion are being true to themselves. quizzes by heyjude85 comment:   I love quizzes :D I want to come back to this another time AHHH Love **Sigh** by heyjude85 comment:   Just something that I think is quite true, because people get hypocritical about it. [backdated] November 10th 2001. by island- comment:   Well, I know it's one of my own entries, but it was one of the happiest days of my life, so I'm putting it in =] The Mirror (A Poem) by ladysy1ver comment:   What a superb poem! Not your typical entry by heyjude85 comment:   Entries in which the writer is honest and goes through a part of their life frankly and clearly are the best entries there are. The dare by thatkiss comment:   This entry is a mixture of funny, clever, and generally nice. Lonely by denise-ann comment:   As someone who has both been helped by friends and helped his own friends to get over sadness, I know that this entry is really great! 'Love' by denise-ann comment:   I think this poem is a really great one, and it's even better when you read it over a few times. - by mbs83 comment:   I admire the feeling that she shows for her boyfriend Rush (A Poem) by ladysy1ver comment:   This poem is really moving, even more so when re-read. Tips For Christian Men by brdwaybebe comment:   This to me is a really honest entry and I can see myself using the advice it gives.
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by island- as a favourite:
island- has 1 entries listed by liono as favourites island- has 3 entries listed by island- as favourites island- has 1 entries listed by ieatcheerios as favourites island- has 1 entries listed by heyjude85 as favourites island- has 1 entries listed by cutie1083 as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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