Here is a list of lousrose's favourite diary entries by other members:
i wasn't there for you again by finalscore comment:   oh dana, don't you dare say this is just rambling. Fucking Group Therapy by black-abyss comment:   If you find happiness, tell me. The Porch by black-abyss comment:   "I'm lost. I'm so far gone, I'm beyond help. Everything I wake up to is a nightmare. And the battles rage in my mind leaving shreds of my destroyed self on the ground. I'm contaminated with bizarre thoughts that lead to self-destruction. I want to sleep forever. I'm tired, and it's time to go." Lonely Fucking Hospital! by black-abyss comment:   She has a gorgeous way with words. And I'm like her, the one trying to make everyone laugh, especially when I can't make myself laugh. Savage Thoughts by black-abyss comment:   I can't tell you how strongly I feel.. all of this - by opiod comment:   he never ceases to amaze me. see you in the morning by finalscore comment:   ah, once again, her words define perfection. and although this was written the day before: its the best entry for 9/11. this dizzy dance by insomniac84 comment:   i understand. flew too high and burnt the wing by finalscore comment:   welcome to my world. what more could your love do for me? by finalscore comment:   I get lonely about this sometimes, and then something true and heartwarming finds me again. you're going to hear me out this time by finalscore comment:   thoughts of anyone's childhood always makes me sad. I feel like I left part of myself back there with the memories of when times used to be okay. SELF PITY IS NOT A VIRTUE. by agitated comment:   I fucking love this entry... thank you Lauren. another day in paradise by pieceofme comment:   another brilliant piece.
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by lousrose as a favourite:
lousrose has 1 entries listed by scarlet-tear as favourites lousrose has 5 entries listed by finalscore as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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