Here is a list of finalscore's favourite diary entries by other members:
usedtabethat. by labeled-girl comment:   . sitting in dispassionate furniture by mcearstix comment:   not to take for granted the joys of being an only child at times, but i wish i had lived in a huge, chaotic family and hated it most of the time but some of the time, loved it with everything i was worth. (silence) by usb-port comment:   sounds like something i said before, or i just relate, haha. 1953 to now. (for my pa) by labeled-girl comment:   . ... by happydaggerz comment:   yep. "somewhere other than inside the out there." -- epilogue. by labeled-girl comment:   "i wish you could have met him." Jack Is Tired Of Caring by i-am-jack comment:   that slow, silent dying "somewhere other than inside the out there." -- part forty four. by labeled-girl comment:   their story just means so much. too much by aquietboy comment:   in the promised land the world as through a lense. by waterstain comment:   "you know how some people are dancers, and some people are musicians, and some people are painters, and some people are writers, and regardless of whether they're getting paid to do it, that's just what they are? a painter with no paint will still see the world as on a canvas, and a musician will make music even without instruments, and a dancer will dance even if no one is watching." The Weakerthans - (Hospital Vespers) by neutiquam comment:   a lot of people my family knew died this year. less last year, more next year. he sees people dying. i see people living against the odds. by waterstain comment:   have i ever mentioned how much i admire her? i know what she means about feeling her sincerest or knowing where she belongs. and for some reason, i can understand why she would want to die of cancer, or stay in that hospital. profound entry, even if "extraordinarily long." god-shaped hole by the29th comment:   struck a chord. a big chair somewhere. by labeled-girl comment:   - My Morning by petrichor comment:   "A man looks down, eyes stinging with tears that will not come for his slow, quiet ache." friday the 13th by amorrequiem comment:   well, wow. i wish i had something more to say and i'm sure somewhere, i probably do. ha. "My love was too much like perfection so I had to cut it out." by the29th comment:   her entries have always seemed to be exactly what i've thought before. i mean, i know i can relate to others, but hers are simply uncanny. and this one was truly alike, and i know it must be special because the address is all made up of 03's and 04's, two numbers that mean something to me. haha. wander me home. by labeled-girl comment:   forgiveness. I am by the29th comment:   i related and i understood and ... i am drop the knife by justenough comment:   it reminds me of someone whom i love. and what they have done for me. wolverine. by labeled-girl comment:   they're still so beautiful together There is always hope by lousrose comment:   "I attach myself to strangers and movies and things that aren't real because they all seem to have something that I don't." i made my life to be everyone else's Phantom Tears by sicktrick comment:   it makes sense Silence by sicktrick comment:   she won't be able to see why i liked this [ she reminds me of a revolution ] new poem (edited) by javabill comment:   most couldn't do it kodak crashing. by labeled-girl comment:   this is why i take so many pictures. and, she expresses everything just so beautifully. some spring days may turn out cool by lightfallsup comment:   thousand dead voices if i could change my ways, i would. by agitated comment:   "too many people have seen me bleed and cry and cut and scream without ever actually even knowing the color of my blood or the sound of my voice." satellite discomfort by sxb comment:   no reason to not love it, right? GONNA CLOSE THE SHUTTERS AND PLAY 'TIL THE PAPER COMES by shutupmom comment:   is this a song? THATS WHAT SHE SAID by shutupmom comment:   what better reason? Welcome to Gap, May I Sniff Your Panties? by dizboy comment:   hahahaha. scardy cat by soulofashoe comment:   sometimes i fall more in love with people because of the conversations i imagined we had. the real slim shady by perceptions comment:   ... i used to sing along by iremainyours comment:   i don't know if it's obvious but -- obsequie by lightfallsup comment:   and we need each other crash and burn by forthebored comment:   ah. that is so true. just raw. and wonderful. great. um, i'm speaking intelligently today, aren't i? i blame it on amazement. A Single, Solitary Tear by vilemiasma comment:   wow. never saw it like that. Walking Away by doveseye comment:   i have a feeling i'll turn out like this because of -- "do you think of me at night? when you die inside?" written on 10.05.02 by fallsapart comment:   ahh. that's beauty. Deathcab For Cutie - Steadier Footing by neutiquam comment:   i have to sneeze and this guy is great. i hope he writes every day too. this is not the way to ambivalent joy by knowing comment:   can't i just like it without explaining why? of those who fall gracefully by thisisjohn comment:   "gracefully fall back into the arms of grace." i like too much Just another entry by lousrose comment:   exploding, no weaknesses, saying nothing at all. dana = moved. supernova bright by quantum87 comment:   sigh, i hate writing these comments. it was lovely and supernova bright. trial and error,while time heals all by elliewear comment:   she's so beautiful and writes so well and thinks so much and god i love her. the last of by sxb comment:   i'd like to give you reasons why i like this, but either i don't know or something's stopping me from saying. i think i know but .. -- beautiful. screwed up e letter to sarah's dad by perceptions comment:   this is how you communicate disintegrated by quantum87 comment:   wah, i love this girl. i ... can relate? to this one. i hate saying that. "i didn't expect you to do anything. so you didn't." she's beautiful. the audition by moon-dusty comment:   i never heard it put that way, but i like it. Sadness by lousrose comment:   everything is sad to me as well. sadness is hardly shown but it's overrated at the same time. Bridge Over Troubled Water by dizboy comment:   his 9/11 entry is on my favourites too. i just love how he writes. simple, but profound. and emotional. not fake and cluttered and overdone. this entry made me laugh too. smart guy we have here folks. blissful little miss leading, she's learning about bleeding. but what is love if not exquisite art..? by agitated comment:   i thought things would be different but they never are what i expect. and i like this entry of hers. you. by drawtheline comment:   i feel the same way for her. 0101 by thisisjohn comment:   this is me alone awakened by thisisjohn comment:   i get tired of being so awake the edge by thisisjohn comment:   i .. don't know what to say. it's so easy to fall Ms Leslie names a blessing by msleslie comment:   awwww. very touching. war stories by msleslie comment:   what a sad ending. did i mention i really admire msleslie? and not just for being a war veteran, for everything! War Stories by msleslie comment:   okay i don't know if this is in order. but it's still part of the story. [ a sad and horrific one at that ] I found my buddy by msleslie comment:   wahhh. poor ms leslie. i want to say more but i don't think there's much you can say for a killed friend. i admire craig and ms leslie so much, really. War stories by msleslie comment:   ms leslie is *so* amazing. i was really interested in the war part of ms leslie's life, and then found it on the diary and was happy. wah i want to donate to the surgery but mom won't let me. insert whining here. go read this! see what war was like? Heart attack Friday by lousrose comment:   whitney is so awesome and caring. i loved this entry because she tied in a bad experience with really beautiful words, at the end. and i hope ditty's okay. :/ didn't i give you everything? by toadieschick comment:   one of the reasons i'm so panicky about what kind of person i am and blahblah, is because my biggest fear is making someone i love write an entry like this. i never want them to think they weren't enough for me, even if i don't show that. close your eyes. by godfuck comment:   let's pretend happy end. Cake - Sad Songs and waltzes by neutiquam comment:   perfect. this is pain, this is hate by knowing comment:   grrr. again, hit close to home. a little too close. some of these words just sound like me! i can't get over that, and i especially hate it because i don't like ... sounding conceited? er, anyway. amazing one. yes. all of them are! i adore this diary. I am the whore of the buisness world. by knowing comment:   this hit very close to home. SELF PITY IS NOT A VIRTUE. by agitated comment:   i've never liked harsh words like this, that just make anyone they're talking about look petty. it's just persuasion [ isn't everything? ]. however, it does have a good theme. i liked it. iloveyou by girlgenie comment:   yes. do that. our little story started long ago by girlgenie comment:   sounded nice, i suppose. Hash anyone? by lousrose comment:   i .. don't know why i really liked this one. it just had great images. and sounded nice. well, the rain and sitting outside did. she's really cool, too. I Believe You Can Fly by eeelissa comment:   can you just imagine that? it's really bizarre. but that's so awesome. wrongs by britecabaret comment:   i love the points he makes sometimes. and i also love 9/11 entries. Motivation. by royfly comment:   i wish everyone would feel privileged. ENTRY ONE: September 11th, Two-Thousand and One by dizboy comment:   this entry made me ashamed of my 9/11 entry. because it's really moving. it reminded me just how much pain i, or maybe everyone, felt during that time. john is so great. you're so vain, you probably think this entry is about you by spidersoma comment:   i can definitely understand this one. i've cracked like it a few times but i always come back to sympathy to others. feeling wierd by ceasetoexist comment:   we know nothing but that's why we still look for everything i am sad, and unhappy.... by tvzero comment:   you remind me of quatre, and quatre is the source of everything beautiful. dead like nails. by godfuck comment:   because it was beautiful. help me, help me. by godfuck comment:   i know. [ "me? me." ] Matthew Good Band - Fated by neutiquam comment:   because. um. i love this guy. and this entry is just -- wonderful. truth, right? even if you "let them down." Bush-Fest 2002 by dizboy comment:   you learn something new each day. and it's fun to tell people they can strengthen their genitals and NO ONE WILL KNOW. by the way, john is great. ben by tvzero comment:   "everyone has a ben." gay people by eeelissa comment:   see you in the city. seeing is believing by andtheworld comment:   not a good thing to read when you feel the same way, because it seemed to make things even more helpless -- but, truthful and wonderful nonetheless. No Life vs. New Life by jwinokur comment:   her smile and his words makes things out like it will always get better. wish away by fallsapart comment:   i ... love this diary. anything written hits my mind and makes me remember or think of a part of my life. this one just made me blink back unshed tears. dan by perceptions comment:   the people he writes about are really ... people. "no, this is how i try to kill myself." maybe it's all about miscommunication by perceptions comment:   okay, you know how some things are so funny that you really can NOT stop laughing by your own will, and you finally do when you just can't take in anymore breath? okay, i'm sure you do. and then do you know how you'll print out this hilarious thing and show everyone, but you keep laughing while they're reading it and it ruins it for them? yeah, that part sucks. non sequitur, #9 by perceptions comment:   i think i read this over and over again until people got mad that i stopped answering them. non sequitur, #1 by perceptions comment:   he made me want to be a mail-person just for a moment, so i could read people's postcards. non sequitur, #5 by perceptions comment:   there are times i feel truly insane, and this is basically what goes through your head. non sequitur, #7 by perceptions comment:   that's an interesting point there, bobby. [ that's right, talk like you actually know him ] non sequitur, #3 by perceptions comment:   do i have to come up with something to say about each one? well. this one. it has anger and sadness and pointlessness in it. which makes you think that maybe everything you're feeling isn't so stupid after all. to the city my soul is having an affair with by usb-port comment:   new orleans. exploring my stalker side by waterstain comment:   great ending, for one thing. it also makes you believe you could go out any day at any time and find out strange secrets about people. which, in its own way, makes you feel very powerful.
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