Here is a list of patootie's favourite diary entries by other members:
The drizzle... by ineednoname comment:   If this ever happened, I would watch the news more often just for the weather. old habits by diduknow comment:   I love this diary. Duh... by ineednoname comment:   This is something he would say. Wait a minute, my name isn't shit... by ineednoname comment:   "you just made me confuse my name with the word 'shit'" loser by mizundaztood comment:   This entry has always stuck in my mind. It was always funny to me. boys and girls of every age by finalscore comment:   Amen, sistah friend. My mother is weird by hardyz18 comment:   Her mom scares me My new pet by cloud9girl comment:   It's about a *shock* by cloud9girl comment:   I miss Rich Judy by eve6grl comment:   Sunny weather. Ow! My face (stupid knee)... by ineednoname comment:   "My knee is asleep." Relients Rule! by cloud9girl comment:   A car with no cruise control. Exploited again! by eve6grl comment:   Piggy-back ride for ten bucks. Harping by eve6grl comment:   I feel bad for her mom... Whinne-the-pooh by eve6grl comment:   I still don't get that damn cartoon.
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by patootie as a favourite:
patootie has 2 entries listed by mizundaztood as favourites patootie has 1 entries listed by lily-chi as favourites patootie has 5 entries listed by ineednoname as favourites patootie has 4 entries listed by hardyz18 as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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