Here is a list of sillyhobbit's favourite diary entries by other members:
Detachable Steering Wheels by kittyleopard comment:   haha, she cracks me up. Read the convo between her and her mom, it's HYSTERICAL! Operation Rescue The Pepper Shaker by lastande comment:   Gotta love Sam and her story telling My Spell Checker by onlyyouknow comment:   This is a poem, but it is soo hysterical! It proves that Bill gates should die. Ok...not really, but it does prove a point. I shows us that when...well...I won't spoil it, go cheque for your self! (hehe) Jonh 15:13 by jesus-freaks comment:   I don't know...I REALLY like this entry. I mean, this is like one of their first entries, and already I love them, but It makes me feel so thankful for the friends I have because each and every one of them has done this and I just want to thank God for blessing me with such great friends! Interested in finding out what I am talking about? CLICK! School by narrocca comment:   OMG! This is SO true about mornings! Ok...have to go to the bathroom before I pee myself Deep Stuff by larkin918 comment:   Wow. This has got to be one of the greatest statements ever made. It's true, but that is the scary part. It kinda inspires me. It's a must read, so CLICK NOW! Freedom. by arwenalways comment:   Wow. I swear. Shannon. Is. A. Born. Writer! Great persuation techniques and it is sooo TRUE! My journey through Lord of the Rings. by arwenalways comment:   This is the entire biography from begining to end of Shannon's journey through the world of Tolkien My eyes were GLUED to the screne the entire time. It's just a very inspiring entry... Lightswitch by brdwaybebe comment:   I don't know. I really like it because it just has this truth behind it and...just go read it. It makes me feel all warm inside Alter ego fight no. 2! by arwenalways comment:   ROTFLMFAO!!! Ok...sorry I keep putting billions of entries in my favorites, but this was just priceless! If you haven't seen the alter ego fights that Shannon has, go read it now!! the flying menace...hey, that sounds familiar by lastande comment:   ROTFLMFAO!!!!! OK...If you aren't a bee person (like poor Sam here) this is a must! God I love this entry! Fighting by arwenalways comment:   OMG! WHEN I READ THIS ENTRY I WAS LITTERALLY ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING MY FREAKIN' ASS OFF!!! IT WAS SOOOOOO HYSETRICAL! I HAD NO IDEA ARWEN COULD WRITE LIKE THAT! I MEAN I HAVE ALWAYS KNOW SHE COULD WRITE WELL, BUT SHE TOOK A WHOLE NEW ANGLE HERE! LMFAO!!!! "There is still hope." by lastande comment:   "Suddenly I wasn't just a Tolkien fan; I was one of his characters. I was thinking the way a character in the movie would." I choked when I read these words. Lastande's love for LOTR touched me more deeply than any other "fan" has done. I wanted to cry, but couldn't. It touched me soo much, this entry... I can't believe what time it is. by arwenalways comment:   I love what morgana writes in the evening! My crumb by lil-ink-blot comment:   This is soo true!! I'm too lazy to put all her poems in here (because they are sooo good and they are all my favorites!) so when you are in there, look at all of them! Route 78 by eliant comment:   Amazing...inspiring...philosophical...deep...hilarious. I love this entry. Two seperate topics, driving and space.
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by sillyhobbit as a favourite:
sillyhobbit has 9 entries listed by arwenalways as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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