messages to abetterme33:
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from lust- :
Are you still around? Would love to reconnect!
from lust- :
You've accomplished so much this year! I really do hope you know how brilliant you are. So glad I 'know' you..xo
from lust- :
I'm sad that you get where I'm coming from with the novelty item post. You're more than that, Megan. At least to me you are!xo
from lust- :
Haha! They would definitely looove us in China. Hope you've been well, dollface.xo
from lust- :
Not going to Vegas. A friend thought she could do the trip buut it didn't work out. Hopefully I'll be doing a trip out East in a couple months, though. If we're ever in the same country, we should totally meet up. Go hiking and then to a Mongolian grill!xo
from lust- :
Do you have Skype? If so, add me: caughtupinthedance. I feel for ya on the recent happenings in your life, Megan. I know there are many people who say they're around for you if you need someone to talk to and I genuinely mean it as well. If you need another ear, I'm here! I know you know that you'll get through this and make it out stronger, no matter what the outcome.xo Keep your chin up!
from lust- :
Hope you enjoy Brida! I'm currently reading Eleven Minutes. It's about love. And, a prostitute. And, a prostitute who falls in love.
from lust- :
While part of me believes that it should always be easy if you're with the right person. Y'know soul mates and whatnot..there's another part of me that thinks relationships take effort and time. You need to devote time to get to know another person better and that friendship eventually turns in to love. But, then again, it would be nice to think about all that other fairy tale romanticism that there is only one person out there for you/me/everyone. And, that once we meet that person everything will fall in to place and things will be easy breezy. Honestly, I go more with my gut with these things. I can pretty much tell if I'm meant to be with a person after knowing them for a few days. But, I dunno. Maybe desperation comes in to play with me. I'm a sap. Haha. What's your take on the whole thing??
from lust- :
I have seen it! Very good. I played the 'penis game' with some of my classes in Poland. They loved it. Haha. Enjoy your weekend!
from lust- :
Thanks, doll.xo
from lust- :
I have read it! It's good. I should probably read it again. I'm sure I could re-learn a thing or two. How have you been, dear?
from lust- :
Restaurant in the sky? I'm guessing it's the one at the top of the CN Tower. Nope. Haven't ever been to that resto. But, I am heading in to the city tomorrow..maybe I can find a nice, rich man to treat me?xo
from lust- :
I was just angry at the twins! They've grown since I got back on the pill. Of course, my man friend likes it. Me? Not so much..whaw-whaww..
from lust- :
Haha. You're too cute, Megan..we should plan to go to them at the same time and it'll be like we're hanging out! = / That was lame. Sorry..hope your weekend's been ace!
from lust- :
Long story short, I was taking out the recycling and I heard her say to a customer, "some people don't know how to do recycling." And, the guy fully turned around and looked at me. When I came back I told her to do me a favour and not talk shit about me to customers. She said she was talking about other people who don't push boxes down properly and kept going on so I said, "OK, right..." and walked away. She had tears in her eyes and when I asked if she was okay she shook her head no then asked me if another girl had talked shit about her. Blahblahblah. I can't believe I already have to deal with drama at this place..
from lust- :
P.S. When's your birthday?
from lust- :
The girl I work with is plain annoying and way up her own ass. The thing with Holiday Work Visas is that you have to prove you're in the country for holiday and working just as a means to get a few extra dollars. You can't be there working your ass off and not really exploring. I'm sure there are ways to do both, though. Like, teaching? Hah.xo
from lust- :
Timothy's World Coffee. Worked there about two years ago. They got new owners a couple months after I left, though. It's a job...glad I finally have some sort of income coming in.
from lust- :
He went on a date with her when he was about 19, or so. He's 25 now. And, she's a couple years younger. We were at my place watching TV and a Degrassi re-run came on so he brought it up. He also said she used to cut and they had to use makeup to cover it up. I was all, "Oh, yeah, I did, too." And, he went, "I'm not talking about like cutting paper with scissors.." I said, "I know.." We shared a lot with each other that day. But, he wanted a girlfriend and I wasn't ready. Anyway, he has a girlfriend now and we don't talk anymore. Funny how people cut you out of their life when they want more..Ah, this is long. Sorry, love. Hope you're doing well.xo
from lust- :
I don't watch the new episodes of Degrassi so I don't know what those kids look like buuut when it first came out (again) I watched it all the time. I went to see The Used once and Spinner was there at the back. And, a guy I went on a date on once told me he dated Manny and she was mental. As in, she got drunk one night and peed by the steps on a tram in Toronto. Crazycrazy. There is an actual Degrassi St. (That I haven't seen, yet.) And, an actual school but I'm not sure if they just film there or if kids actually learn stuff..Thanks for the link! I'm reading it now.xo
from lust- :
It's kind of a hassle really. I deactivated it for over a year because of the ex, then was talked into getting it back while I was in Indo and it was useful for keeping in touch with people. But, I'd rather have people make more of an effort. I like to make things less easy, obviously. Hah. I have Skype, msn and I email people a lot. Plus, I have tons of address and have been sending out postcards and will try to keep at it while I'm back home. I just want some privacy and time to get back to my centre again while I'm back home. Hope that made sense!xo
from lust- :
I'm actually going to delete my FB a little after I get home and post all my travel pics on picassa or another public site. I shall send you the link in a couple weeks probably.xo
from lust- :
It may be his weirdly shaped head. Or, his nose. Or, the fact that he's Canadian. It'll be interesting to see where he ends up in the next five years.
from lust- :
Yeah. Poland. Good news is only two more weeks 'til I get to stuff my face with good food again!
from lust- :
I'm glad I made you laugh. Hope you're having a lovely day.xo
from lust- :
I wanna visit Iceland. It looks so vast and untouched. Why do I always pick the crazy places? Hah. Haven't heard much about the people, though..
from lust- :
I actually re-stumbled across your blog the other night. I don't mind that you referenced my post. People should know about it anyway. I complained to my students today and called my boss a mother fucker in Polish. They enjoyed that. Anyway, hope you're well, petal.xo
from lust- :
That brought tears to my eyes. I really hope the balance comes soon. You're an amazing person. Do you have Skype or Facebook? If so, you should add me and we can speak more. Search: [email protected]. Most of the time when I talk to my friends, I just want to know what they're up to. It's nice to keep my mind off things here. Hope your weekend was ace. Thanks again. I really appreciate your kind words.xo
from lust- :
Thanks, love. Hope your days have been happy.
from lust- :
Oh, it's kind of everything. We don't get any support from the teachers. We sit at the table in the staff room and stare out the window while they speak Polish to each other. There are a couple who speak English but all they ever say to us is "hi." The food sucks. Every big city looks the same. The people are rude and unfriendly. Did I mention the food sucks?! Oh &I'm pretty sure one of my students has been making racial remarks toward me which I need to address next week if it happens again. Yep. Good luck! If you ever decide to take off for another country just make sure it's not Poland.xo
from lust- :
Oh, nothing is okay. We're headed to Italy today and I'm hardly excited. That's how not okay things in Poland are. My flat mate and I have already decided to leave by Christmas. 10 more weeks is the countdown. How are things on your side? Are you still considering taking off for a foreign land?
from lust- :
I live near Toronto. I learned a bit of Bahasa Indonesia while I was there. It's a fairly easy language to learn, especially when you fully immerse yourself in it. Where are you thinking of going to teach when you're done your course?
from lust- :
Oxford Seminars. They helped with the placement after but I found my job in Indo by myself. It's much easier that way. I don't have a University Degree, though so I find only a few countries are willing to take me. Kinda sucks but ohhh well! I'm back in Canada, which is shit but I'm gunna work my ass off and try to get out again as soon as I can. Hope you're well.
from grapecloud :
Wow, I can leave you notes again! Did you get my e-mail? How have you been? From your Twitter, I can tell you've been all over! You should call me sometime. I call you, but you don't answer and it goes to your voicemail (which still isn't set up). There's all kinds of stuff I want to tell you. If you come to RI sometime, you can meet Mrs. Black, and Nigel (who is now dying, which is good because I'm sick of him). Bye!
from lust- :
Yes, I am! I only took a 60 hour course to teach English oversees, though. I spent March '09-March '10 teaching English to rich Indonesian kids. It was an adventure. How's your program?

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