messages to annegeluna:
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from simplify :
Happy belated birthday! Your trip sounds like it was perfect. We're planning a short trip to Pismo in July. I can't wait.
from simplify :
I don't know how I missed your previous entries- I am so sorry about your mom's cancer, but I'm glad to learn that she's fighting so bravely.
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I'm so glad you liked V. Sattui. Did you buy any wine?
from simplify :
thank you! we're so exctied.
from simplify :
one of our very good friends decided that we should all have rapper names. i was delacatherine (the friend called me catherine) andy was fab 5 andy and our friend was mc charlie b. the alarming thing is, we used those names with each other for a disturbingly long time.
from simplify :
thanks for your sympathy with the house hunting. california really is a great state and i'm so glad that i live her and i love west san jose, so i'm sure once a bid is accepted i'll think it was all worth it. (or something.) also- you bring up a good point about working more routines into your routine. writing out all that stuff got me thinking on the same plane.
from simplify :
i loved reading about your routine! also- there's an article about alameda in the most recent sunset.
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aww...that's a nice story about the ladybug. i especially like the imagery of you smiling at your index finger.
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hi there. i am excited about eating outside again, especially since we rearranged our veranda. the raised beds were here before us. we absolutely love them. it's a very tidy way to grow fruit and vegetables!
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thank you very much for your sweet note of well wishes. i'm doing much better now. i took my mom's advice and it helped a lot. sleep deprivation is not a good thing.
from simplify :
such a pretty yard! did you come up with the design yourselves?
from simplify :
i just saw that you have secretary and valley girl on your movie list and that cracked me up because those movies are extremely different and yet the same. thanks for the note. i wish i had known about the anthropologie sneakers before i made myself crazy. i tend to love their stuff. thanks for the good wishes for our trip. i think we're going to have fun. i really enjoy your diary!
from simplify :
what a great weekend! i feel so happy after reading it.
from simplify :
i noticed that you added me to your buddy list, so i read your diary. i can't wait to read more!

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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