messages to apiscesgirl:
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from fireflyez76 :
Thanks Cheryl for all your concern. Every prayer helps and TJ is fighting his way back. Today they are putting him on different vent and will eventually wean him from it. I will try to update when I can. I hope your doing better! *Jamie*
from fireflyez76 :
Please don't think your a shitty person, mom, or otherwise. Your just human. There is no such thing as a perfect mother. You really should talk to your Dr about the depression. I finally swallowed my pride after I had TJ and she put me on Sarafem. It actually helped. Hang in there. The winterblues are setting in because there is no damn warm weather on the East Coast! Topped with Cabin Fever and everyday stresses it's amazing we're not all jumping off the roof. Thankfully winter can't last forever... I hope.
from cats77 :
hey cheryl... it's me. and it seems like we're going through similar things... but kinda at different degrees. human beings aren't made to be super heros and sometimes we can't handle everything. and it's okay. you realize it, and that's a great thing... i do strongly encourage you to seek help, though. you're a good person. and an awesome friend. i'm sure a terrific mother and wife. i just don't want to see you go through this pain. i'm here if you need me, but if you want to be left alone, i understand. just remember that i love you.
from fireflyez76 :
I'm glad everything turned out ok with your baby's surgery. It's so scary and you just can never prepare yourself for it. If you ever want to talk I have yahoo IM- Fireflyez. :) -Jamie
from fireflyez76 :
I could of sworn a few days I was listed as a fave? Anyways, I really like your diary. Its nice to hear the life and times of another mom :)
from cats77 :
hey.... it's me. fyi.. there's a penpal diaryring. :) i just joined it. anyway... let me know if you need help joining... if you want to join, etc...
from soulepiphany :
Hey, thanks for listing me as a favorite! I'm kind of an attention-fiend, so stuff like that always makes me way too happy. :) enjoy your new diary! Don't let it feel intimidating. it will become second-nature to you, your favorite place to unload. :) ~sara
from triplecancer :
Cheryl is my soul sister & I love her deeply. She needs this diaryland more than anyone I know!!

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