messages to bambinodoll:
(click here to add new message):

from shilo322 :
why not just leave me alone? i mean you no harm. my diary and my life is my business. please stop buggin me!
from chickpea981 :
scratch that - I can talk at night only.
from chickpea981 :
well hook a bitch up with your screen name and I'll talk at ya! I've just been psychotically busy, it's nothing personal to you sweetness.
from lilfoxyvixen :
Awwww, well hell girl I never see you on AIM during the day!
from chickpea981 :
I'm slow - just finally caught up a bit. That whole vacation thing and all... congrats on moving! Obviously this comes with a promotion so congrats on that too!
from lilfoxyvixen :
Yeah I did.. see, I had it saved at home and I was trying to read at work.. and forgot it. Hey, can't help it, it's the blonde in me I guess ;)
from lilfoxyvixen :
nahhh, and I don't expect to..
from lilfoxyvixen :
ever hear from he-who-has-fallen-off-the-earth ?
from lilfoxyvixen :
Hey girlie! How are you doing?
from lilfoxyvixen :
Hey there! Checking in on you and see how you be... sorry, I have been MIA, this new job and stuff is kicking my arse! :)
from drmz-of-him :
Well, if all else fails I can just come to the hotel you'll be at and hang out for a little bit. I at least have to meet you!!! You can't come all the way up here, within a couple miles and not meet!
from drmz-of-him :
Me wuv you too!
from drmz-of-him :
1. Why do we allow ourselves to love men who have a history of hurting us? 2. What's the worst lie you've ever told? 3. Do you believe in love at first sight?
from drmz-of-him :
You're coming to Anchorage but you're not even gonna be here long enough to see me! *sniff* I see how y'are! *sigh*
from bootsnbuckls :
Oooo, looky here Shilo . ..I seemed to have broken the code to get inot Bambino's notes. Ooo. ..ahhh. Takes more than a finger up your ass to do it, I guess. LOL Oooo, and guess what I have here in my hot little hands. ~waives around a phone number to NavyMedicalLogisticsCommand~ Hmmm...seems he's screwed alot more people over than alot knew of. TTFN
from drmz-of-him :
Yay! You're coming to seeeeeeeeeeeeee meeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! You TOTALLY have to! If you don't at least stop in Anchorage, I will so totally and completely never speak to you again!!!
from drmz-of-him :
*crosses fingers* Good luck, luv!
from val922 :
Thanks for the compliments. Could I muster an id and password? I like to read whose reading me. Grin. [email protected]
from drmz-of-him :
Coz I'm a baa-aa-aad girl! *giggle* Miss you!
from lilfoxyvixen :
You are more than welcome.... that anger and sexy one is to die for!
from chickpea981 :
no fucking clue why I am even upset by all this, but I am. Makes zero sense. But hey, got a friend out of all of it, didn't I?
from lilfoxyvixen :
That's right sista! Us women gotta stick together in all of this shit! *snaps fingers*
from lilfoxyvixen :
Chin up!
from drmz-of-him :
Me wuv you, too!
from chickpea981 :
I got your IMs but I wasn't on at that time. I sent you one in return. If you would prefer email, feel free.
from drmz-of-him :
Me miss you, too!
from varekaipatch :
glad you like em, feeling is mutual of course.
from varekaipatch :
You are in a happy place. North east I mean :P
from lilfoxyvixen :
I'm not getting involved with YOU, it's your friend I had the problem with. She brought me in it by calling me out with the word "whore".
from bambinodoll :
Thanks sweetie, I appreciate ya! At the very least, I have only one way to go, right? Talk to you soon.
from varekaipatch :
keep your chin up darlin.
from varekaipatch :
I've got two up! Check it out!
from bambinodoll :
Ummm yeah . ..shhhh, ::holds her finger over her lips:: btw, where's your next post in your journal? I'm waiting...::taps her foot::
from varekaipatch :
be sure you do. I'll be expecting it. or maybe even a knock instead of a ring! *grins*
from bambinodoll :
Thanks for keeping me company last night Patrick . ., and a promise is a promise, I will take you up on that soon. Now, go post something new in your journal ...k? Luv ya!
from bambinodoll :
Thanks Patch . ., I miss you, and I'm glad I could inspire you. ::wink::
from varekaipatch :
Hey chicka. Yes, very good and yummy to read. And had quite a nice vision last night to fall asleep to :) Got a link for ya. It's my journal,
from bambinodoll :
Patrick . .? Hewwwoooo . ..are you there? You don't have a space for me to leave you a note . ..damn you. Sooo here I am, like a weirdo. .posting on my own noteboard. Ohh well. ...::blows him a kiss:: Much love Patrick!
from bambinodoll :
Ya like that . Patch? ::wink::
from varekaipatch :
Very lovely story
from drmz-of-him :
Thanks, luv. Miss you, too!
from chickpea981 :
awww *blush* I look forward to it, sweetness! I just left this on another persons notes (and I'm gonna leave it in another one) I forgot someone in the previous one... I'm convinced that blu-bikini, smurfygal, and mistycowgirl are all the same damn fool. If not, then each one of them needs to get a diary and prove their individuality. Otherwise, why make everyone think you have multiple personalities all obsessed with the same guy? all tools.
from chickpea981 :
I come here to leave you a note for adding me and Uh-oh! Drama! Don't you love it? You ever get the feeling that mistycowgirl and smurfygal are the same bitch? Whats up with all the copycat bitches obsessed with D-C? Anywho... I had a feeling you might be one of my lurkers and I thank you for adding me. Any chance you would let me into your little world darlin? if You decide to, my email is [email protected]. If not, I won't be offended.
from smurfygal :
Act like an adult? WTF... I wrote the same exact thing you did. >>If you only knew, bikini.<< ... >>No, if YOU only knew.<< Sounds like someone's panties are in a bunch.
from bambinodoll :
If you don't have the "Balls" to have a diary or email me and actually act like an adult, don't leave a note. Heaven knows the world is full of idiots, but why one in particular would insist on making waves without showing thier face.. is beyond me. It's called bravery, little one. ..try it sometime. Until then . .buck up and get a life. Obviously yours is a little too little.
from blu-bikini :
No, if YOU only knew. ;)
from drmz-of-him :
Hurt look? Being a goob is not a bad thing! =p with it, let me see what ya come up with!!! What is goin on in your life? I'm so out of the loop!
from sexislife :
hey you! [email protected] Hope you are well.
from drmz-of-him :
You're a goob! How's my tattoo design coming along? Huh huh huh? =p
from bambinodoll :
love you Patch!!!
from varekaipatch :
I've put myself in here! Come find me!
from eraser-head :
i can't stop looking at your picture, you are so beautiful i can't stand it
from eraser-head :
it was great talkin to you, you're amazing
from drmz-of-him :
Miss you...*sigh*
from drmz-of-him :
from drmz-of-him :
=( Let me back in, dammit!
from drmz-of-him :
Thanks, luv. Same to you...a day late. =) Hope things are well with you. I miss talkin to ya! Always, N.
from drmz-of-him :
You never have to thank me for that...its my pleasure.
from drmz-of-him :
I'm not sure what I'm being thanked for, but um, you're welcome! *kiss kiss* love ya, girly! Hope things are better =)
from drmz-of-him :
Huh? *giggle* Are you talkin about my entry? Or somethin else? I so confused! Anywho, thanks for the note...
from sexislife :
Greetings! I would love to be added to your password list. [email protected] (Yes - VERY cheesy email address). Thanks and best wishes.
from lonetrvlr78 :
just thought i'd drop a note. new to this site and looking for someone to chat with. your name is on a few sites that i've come across. i haven't even posted anything yet...
from rickscafe :
or rather [email protected]
from rickscafe :
Well I just went supergold and things are still screwy, I am HTML illerterate. but i do have a dairy email, its [email protected].
from rickscafe :
Hey Bambinodoll. I just wanted to say thanks for leaving me a note a while ago. I've been busy and have just now tried to see your blog, but it needs a password???
from chickpea981 :
FYI he was branded MY property once upon a time. I've passed the torch to Foxy so to speak.
from dark-cowboy :
I'm sure that would be interesting to hear sometime. I just posted Part 2. I'll save the last for tomorrow I think.
from dark-cowboy :
Glad you seem to like my entries...hopefully I keep it exciting for ya.
from adulterous-k :
Thanks for adding me - always gratified someone's reading. x

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