Bambino's Escape Place . . .

" kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder..."

My favorite diaries:

rain-dog profile - diary
comments: The soon-to-be famous film maker! .'s ya!
dark-cowboy profile - diary
comments: can you say LIAR? ...I'm sure you can.
rickscafe profile - diary
comments: It's a great life. . .as long as it's not mine. Andy rocks!
sexislife profile - diary
comments: Can't get enough of your love . ..::sings;: ohh wait, can't get enough of the stories!
drmz-of-him profile - diary
comments: Northern ho!! ....she's heading up north without even coming to see me. . .boooo ::wink:: love ya Noelie!!
amb1valent-k profile - diary
comments: bouncin' from one . . .to a new one .. . ...yipppee. ..I love it.
bootsnbuckls profile - diary
comments: My over protective, lovey. ..exquisite and sexy best friend.
varekaipatch profile - diary
comments: A true friend , through and through.
shilo322 profile - diary
chickpea981 profile - diary
comments: a friend earned through the bullshit
lilfoxyvixen profile - diary
comments: knows the bullshit has to end.
val922 profile - diary
comments: Love her karma wisdom
wickedwife profile - diary
comments: Wowsa!! Someone lend me a towel

My favorite music:

Green Day
comments: From Longview ...yay!!
Nickel Back
comments: ..A little piece of my soul, hammered into a group that belts it out just right, at the right time.
Keith Urban
comments: Yes, country. I am a country girl ya know . .!
Sara Evans
comments: Just fell in love with her voice. .. .got to!!

My favorite movies:

Sound of Music
comments: Has to be one of my all time favorites. ... I know it's kinda corny, a musical . ...but it's a classic, and you gotta love it!!
Robin Hood: Prince of Theives
comments: What can I say . ., it's all gooood!
Practical Magic
comments: I can't resist a good Sandra Bullock movie ...and this has it all, a little magic, a bit of destiny . ..and romance!
City Of Angels
comments: "..if I only had one breath of her hair, one kiss from her lips, just'd be all worth it"
Tomb Raider
comments: Yes!! . ..Angelina Jolie . ..a kick ass movie, that gets me pumped and makes me feel empowered. Don't ask me why, I just like 'em.

My favorite authors:

comments: "And if she faintly glimmers here, and paled is her light . ..yet alway in her proper sphere, she's mistress of the night."
Dali Lama
comments: a deepening realisation that our happiness as individuals depends on the happiness of other "sentient beings," including our perceived enemies.

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last updated: 2005-09-02 18:47:34
this user's total entries: 173
user since: 2004-05-20

AOL IM name: Loudmcleod68
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Yahoo Messenger name: Sinslittlelesson
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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