messages to bumblebee07:
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from d1mndn3r0ugh :
I miss you.
from bitterwineuk :
hello, thank you for adding me to your fave diaries. talk about strange but I found this template on Sunday and considered using it in one of my diaries "" what a strange coincidence. :)
from mommy4ever :
duh - I left a msg for you on my notes page - haha - try kerimathews on msn msgr
from mommy4ever :
Yea I do - dropofsunshine02 on Yahoo. I just emailed ya too! :o)
from mommy4ever :
That is awesome. I am from the Sugarcreek area, which is about 2 hrs south of Cleveland down 77. It took me 3 months after I got off the pill to get preg. with my son. I hated being preg. I was sick for 4 months (which is rare, don't fret!!) And we moved 3 times in the time I was preg. (I think it gave me a bad memory!) I did love my labor though (I knew the pregnancy was almost over, and I was excited. I think I was happier during labor then the whole past 10 months!!). I woke up at like 3 am with contractions and by the time we got to the hospital I couldn't wait to get all the drugs they'd give me - even though I had swore them off up to the day I went into labor. 7 hours later I pushed 3 times and my little guy was born. Funny thing, the dr. didn't even make it to deliver him, the nurse had to! I didn't mind though, he was healthy. I wasn't one of those mom's who instantly fell madly in love with their baby either, It took me a couple days to realize his "real" parents weren't going to come get him and that we were actually his "REAL" parents. Now, I wake up every day and can't believe how much I love that little guy. Don't get scared off to easy though, it is TOTALLY worth it. The first time you see your baby's little smile you'll be ready to jump in the bag and make a few more!!
from mommy4ever :
Hi! How long have you & Chris been trying? The antisipation is half the fun of getting preg. so don't get frustrated - enjoy it. Not to mention practicing is a whole lot of fun too! I wish you the best of luck and God's blessings! I'll stay tuned!!
from d1mndn3r0ugh :
yeah, it's IE7...which I HATE btw...
from d1mndn3r0ugh :
hey honey! i can't see your diary entries at all. the entry is all mixed up with the links, etc. :( did you happen to buy the "pregnancy for dummies" books? I have two brand new copies with your name on them. ;) they are awesome books! xoxo love you.

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