messages to capt-jim:
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from lostlabrynth :
I was a Pure Geek
from sixweasels :
Just had to tell you I was fascinated by the ghost hunters information. Hope things get better at work soon!
from zencelt :
Welcome to the over 30 club! Heh, heh. There's a secret handshake and everything! Enjoy your birthday, Cap!
from hissandtell :
Well, a barramundi is a bloody big fish from around these parts, Captain. It's a variety of freshwater perch that grows to more than a metre and is considered extremely good eating. I suspect you'd not only eat it but enjoy it immensely, especially given the apparent cast-iron nature of your stomach as suggested by the number of items already crossed off your list. (Here's a little Oz fisherman's humour for you: a common joke is to phone the local fish markets and leave a phone number and the name "Barry Monday" with a message to call him back, because he's tied up on another line at the moment...) Love, R xxx
from candoor :
merry happy new year... hoping you are feeling well and enjoying life these days :)
from hissandtell :
Merry Yule, darling! Love, R xxx
from absinthesigh :
Dear Capt, My Dear Cat Buster was diagnosed with a heart murmur over three years ago. He went to a Kitty Cardiologist and is now taking Enacard (sp?) and Atenenol (sp?) I know those are both spelled horribly wrong!! Anyway, he is doing very well and because of the meds his condition has not progressed. He is 9 years old. If I can help just let me know, I know lots of tricks to get Puddytats to take their meds. with love, ophelia P.S. I sent you money awhile ago for your new 'puter but if you wanna/need to use that for your kitty that's okay. xox
from preshusthorn :
user; fuckingcunt pass; sluttytwat //i had no choice but to lock it. sorry for the inconvenience.
from lostlabrynth :
Username: dream Password: life
from sarkasmo :
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. My grandpa died after years of Alzheimer's in 1991. I was the first grandkid; he didn't know my name after 1984. He never forgot how much he hated lima beans, though. Odd.
from poolagirl :
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...........I grew up in a rural area, so I too know where meat comes from. Now, I'm a vegetarian. Just cause. On another note - I went to see the sailboats tonight - and thought of you. Arrrrgggh!
from preshusthorn :
thanks for adding me - preshusthorn
from inkdragon :
Yay! The kitty came home!
from poolagirl :
Thanks for making me a fave! After reading your log, I have done the same for you. Interesting entry about the bees. I went to a party on the 4th of July and was swarmed by thousands of bees for almost 3 hours. Four houses full of people were held prisoner by their maniacal behavior. Weird. I'm going sailing today. I will dedicate the hoisting of our pirate flag to you!
from poolagirl :
From one pirate to another - AHOY!
from inkdragon :
Should you watch for lost kitten flyers to be put up? If she really matters to someone they will post them, if not, she'll settle in just fine with you two!
from hissandtell :
Hey, I was sooper-dooper impressed with your geekiness, I must say. And I thought your sentiments today were nothing short of inspirational. Your entries usually make me laugh out loud (or, at the least smile a lot) but today I found myself nodding enthusiastically and appreciatively too, you born-again pagan you. Love, R xxx
from hissandtell :
New Zealand? OUCH! It's Australia, Cap'n. A little north-west of there. And we don't have those funny accents here. Or do unspeakable things to sheep, either.
from inkdragon :
Puking is awful and puking in public is worse. I hope you feel 100% better today.
from wilberteets :
Well, you didn't lie. That jibjab thing was hi-larious. I sent it to my Dad and he's going to get a big kick out of that. Thanks.
from zencelt :
Welcome to the world of the chubby and inferm ya wee twenty-something bastard! Now we can moan and groan about "old man" meds in unison.
from hissandtell :
It's a pleasure to meet you, Capt'n. I look forward to reading more. Love, R xxx
from wilberteets :
I'm dominating your notes page. But I have to comment, because of your scary ghost story. Kids are sensitive to things like that. I always believe my kid when she's freaked out. Animals are sensitive to spirits too. Dag used to stare and bark at thin air once in awhile.
from wilberteets :
I'm very sorry about your feathered friend. I was hoping he'd make it through.
from wilberteets :
That was a hilarious entry today about your hatred for your parrot. hehehe.
from wilberteets :
Thanks for doing the survey and for the sweet comment at the end.
from lealoo :
AGH!!!!! Now there's going to be bugs in my ears all day! Damn you and your anty ear.
from lealoo :
Glad I made the cut! I was nervous for a second there. Also, glad the Pup's vet visit went ok.
from golfwidow :
We hate you too. .:schmwah:. Hope the narsties get off your back soon.
from inkdragon :
Tried to post this in the guestbook, but I think it failed mid-stream! I don't think you should be embarrassed with Bertha's reaction. Dogs never read a situation wrong. She is in a brand new life, adjusting to an incredible amount of changes and this one she wasn't ready for. She was just overwhelmed. Poor baby.
from capt-anne :
Hey, that was cool! Are you going to publish your story online as you write it, in a NaNoWriMo journal? I sat down yesterday (in class, so it looked like I was taking notes, hehe) and wrote out a quick "outline" of my story. This is exciting... I want to start! :)

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