messages to chagrine:
(click here to add new message):
from tatsutahime : |
Elagu diarylandi uus kujundus! |
from tatsutahime : |
ja mida see "issand mis jutt" t�hendama peaks...? |
from tatsutahime : |
Heeh, ma alles n��d avastasin selle kirjakeste s�steemi. Buu! |
from dragonsnaps : |
My brother got into my diary. You can imagine the hell it caused me last night :\. I'm at [email protected], I don't prefer to leave the password information in a note, as my little brother got quite the nice long look at my whole life. So, email me your email (:]) or messenger name or whatever you prefer and I'll give you the password. Until then- |
from dragonsnaps : |
That COULD be a problem... :P |
from dragonsnaps : |
Thanks for adding me as a favorite. I hope to check out your diary sometime, think I could have the password? [email protected]. --Ren |
from agiel : |
Hey, just from reading your profile I'm interested in what you have to there any chance I could get the username/password to your seeeekrit diary? |
from lucian1054 : |
Thanks for adding me as a favorite. Eric |
from quell : |
Kas mul on ka mingi teoreetiline v�imalus teada su diary passwordi? Eeldusel et see eksisteerib. Ait�h. Have a nice day. |
from papayafruit : |
i miss my long lost estonian sister, talk to me talk to me |
from chaostheory- : |
hey, i.m quantum87. not sure if you remember me or not but i saw a message in quantum87 you left sometime ago about a password. well this is my new diary & it.s open. take care .xo. |
from fadedlight : |
um... password, please? i just changed mine back to "fuck" and "off" ... predictable, i know. |
from pinkseaweed : |
ma sain laulu k�tte n�id ;) tegin seda loogilist m�tlemist ja leidsin su failikesed �les ;) ait������h :))) |
from pinkseaweed : |
ikka otsin... :P sadamas k�isin ka... ;) ikka tahan, ikka tahan!!! ;) |
from pinkseaweed : |
ma praegu sain asja teisti �� lahendatud. ostsin mingi 35 meetrit traati :P ja k�isin abakhanis sobramas. ja roosat t�lli �ra karda - sain mingit valget v�rku. asja pani paika see, et v�rviline t�ll maksin 22 kr meeter aga toda valget sain mingist odavast kangahunnikust 6 kr meetri eest ja too om peris lai kah... :P nii et no roosa t�ll ja aiav�rk :) ps! kas sa tead m�nda inimest kes oleks n�us tiivad selga t�mbama trollis number 6 ja asjalikku n�gu tegema? :P irw |
from pinkseaweed : |
ja oledki olemas...? :D see on tore ;). ma �ritan v�lja uurida millal see tivoli �ldse lahti tehakse. mudu p��b �le aia ronima :P. sa mingi aeg kompressori kompromissi viitsid ette v�tta? *uurib* mul siin ei �nnetsu sugulast �ra r��kida et ta pannkooke teeks :( *nuuks* |
from pinkseaweed : |
ohoo :D. ma siis hakkan vaikselt shokolaadi ostma ja mingi aeg peaks kuup�evad paika klapitama :P. jube hirmus tuumateadus. ;) nii et ma ei olegi �ksi? t�de ON kusagil...? ;) |
from pinkseaweed : |
kui ma vaid teaks :P. lihtsalt on midgai, aga mai tea aint mida. see ei ole normaalne et kolme tunnu jooksul on 20 tujumuutust... muud nigu polegi. *muig* kle, sa selle tivoli asjaga oled siis n�us, eh? ;)) Modellindus on t�nap�eval jube tasuv t��... shokolaadi antakse n�iteks ;) :)) |
from fadedlight : |
I sort of knew you were offering to make a site for me, but i wasn't sure, so i didn't want to seem too presumptuous...... but near... i don't know if i will be anymore. i was going to go to europe and tour around, maybe visit my cousin in vienna... now i'm thinking about australia, which is quite far from you ;o)... but anyway... thank you for the offer of the website. your designs are really good, i think. if this is not coherant it's because i'm sleepy. oh and to unlock my diary -- it is "fuck" and "off"... not very original, i know, be ehhhhhh. |
from fadedlight : |
thank you so much... i'm maybe planning on coming to somewhere near you this summer (i need some time away)... it would be excellent to meet you... but thank you so much, and perhaps i can find something neuroscience themed, but i cannot design a webpage for my life! but you seem to have restored my flower (a second virginity), so thank you muchly for that.... and uh, you know, ... thanks ;o) |
from pinkseaweed : |
ohoo! seda vastust ma ei oodanudki :) v�ta oma aeg. kiiret pole :) |
from pinkseaweed : |
tere teisip�eva :) kuule, ma siin m�tlesin natukene ja otsustasin k�sida - kas sul on �kki selle layouti kood alles mis ma �kskord suvel kribasin? see k�tega ja must. ma tean et lootust selle s�ilivus avastada on v�ike, aga noh, lootus sureb viimasena. :p |
from strangelilme : |
i miss reading your diary...its locked for a reason...most things in life are. but i just wanted to let you know that ive always liked your writing. and i miss you. |
from pinkseaweed : |
oi! :D ma olen nii meelitatud kohe! :D *tahab sisimas pikima bloklisti saavutada* :)) unistada ju v�ib... ;) hehe. kasutaja nimi on greendiva . �llatav, mis? ;) kle, sul on ka moodas nimelises mini�hiskonnamudelis oma iskilik nurgake...? *m�ngib detektiivi* sul on proofilis v�ga kiusatust tekitav lause passwordide kohta... ;)) |
from fadedlight : |
no... but the thought that they are there and other people can read them is what embarrasses me. and you're one to talk, you who deleted your entire diary. ;o) |
from fadedlight : |
i delete some entries because they embarrass me i think... (happy new year, bella.) |
from dendara : |
ilusat uut aastat ja muid r��msaid ning sooje asju sulle :) |
from quell : |
mina �tleks et need on comment-specific, aga kui sa nii arvad, siis .. well, nothing i can do about it. ikka juhtub. |
from quell : |
leidsid, jah. aga yahoomail leidis et see on sp�mm, kui keegi sinna kirjutab. niiet �ra sinna kirjuta. kui kirjutada tahad,sest dlandis mind eiole ju, kirjuta lj-s. v siis, you know, where ever. |
from quell : |
it's enough, 40-50 pages. ja mulle meeldivad j�ulud, v�hemalt sel aastal. aga su questbook ei lasknud mul sp�mmida. kommenteerimistuju l�ks �ra selle peale kohe. |
from p-brain : |
Not if you save or buy "2nd hand". Got mine 4 years ago from one of my mother's ex'es. =) I feed on leftovers. =D |
from p-brain2 : |
Yep. A true Mac lover. A PC will never get passed my front door - unless I've hit my head and got amnesia. =) I'm sure there is a short cut for it but I haven't bothered to look through the manuals. Maybe I will someday. =) |
from p-brain : |
I have an iMac, dear. There's no "print screen" button anywhere on my keyboard. Otherwise I would have used it a long time ago. =) |
from papayafruit : |
dear chagrine, please excuse my ignorance of your beautiful language, I'm stuck with my french and english, I wish I could read what you have to say... you know I always found your thoughts to be rather interesting. much love, and perhaps one day I'll run away and live in your estonian closet. paya |
from pinkseaweed : |
ouch. vabandame. ma ei tahtnud tahtlikult masendust tekitada. lihtsalt tuleb nii v�lja. koolis olen ka see �el inimene kes tuletabs �ppimist meelde.... :P nii et polnud tahtlikult. ma rohkem ei k�si selle kohta ;). m�nda aega... ;) mida ma siis k�sin? *m�tleb* miks ahv puu otsast alla kukkus? |
from pinkseaweed : |
raamatut kui sellist sa mulle lubanud ei ole. mingit spetsiifilist igatahes mitte. :P. ma m�tlesin praegu seda Girl Interruppted t�lget. et kuda sellega lood ka on. vot seda m�tlesin. aga kui sul on m�nda head raamatut, siis sa v�id midagi pakkuda k�ll ;) hehe. vot tak |
from hirondelle : |
saaks next weekend kokku? |
from papayafruit : |
I miss you I miss you, and send you much love! |
from pinkseaweed : |
kivi kotti Varrakuga! :)) |
from quell : |
i think /you/ take things too personally. things that have nothing to do with you. or things you give a whole other context and give them another meaning so you /can/ take it personally. because, personally, i havent a clue /what/ i wrote that could elicit such a response. but i dont care either, because i didnt /mean/ it the way you took it. so thats /not/ my problem. |
from quell : |
lol. if that last one isnt ambiguous enough to make you laugh, im useless, or sth. i know i found it funny. cos i didnt mean it to be. that way. hmm. i like explaining things, it seems. i think that might come from my lack of thought. when im thinking. ill stop now, before i get the spamming nerve going. hope you come back to lj, tho. |
from quell : |
hmm. fistfuck hasnt worked for days. i think ive been bad. |
from pinkseaweed : |
tere hommikust. ma otsustasin korra läbi astuda. kas oleks mingi võimalus üks teatud password saada? *uurib ja puurib* Lepin ka sellega kui passi ei saa. vot tak. mnjah. lemmikväljend viimasel ajal.... :/ |
from chagrine : |
fist fuck, if i want you to see it. |
from vampyrasdead : |
Jah, ma paiknen Viljandis, ja mu toas ruumi leidub. Nii et, oled teretulnud. :) V�id mulle ka helistada - 053 967 389 - �ksikasjade kokkuleppimiseks. N�gudeni... |
from mustkass : |
ma miskip�rast arvasin, et sa seda k�sid. keegi teine lihtsalt ei kirjuta nii nagu sina. |
from mustkass : |
siis on hea. see koht ilma sinuta ei oleks enam see sama mu meelest |
from mustkass : |
kahju, et sa �ra l�petasid :( |
from vectorlover : |
pw? *puppy eyes* saaada mailile.. kui olen auditooriumis olemist v��rt... |
from pinkseaweed : |
selle kiire olemise kohta ma kahtlen :P. mingi aeg ma siin p�hiliselt vaatasin lakke ja m�tlesin kuidasp�eva �htusse saata. mul oli eile seda notesi linki vaja, ja siis l�ksin vaatama. ja vaatasin et ohoo. ma ist ennem ka juba siin ohootasin... ma tavaliselt astun sinna notsidesse siis kui mul tuleb mailipeale kiri et astu sisse :P. muidu mul on notsidega selline visiitabielu :P. ja eile ma tulin oma linki t�mbama ja hakkasin m�tlema et millal sa kirjutasid. huvitama hakkas. huvitav oli teada kui pikad juhtmed mul on :P.(eile ma olin paljudest asjadest huvitatud, n�iteks sai emaga mingist kotipoest r��gitud ja mul �nnestus taolist juttu ajada et selle poe asemele on sushi paar tehtud n�id. asi l�ppes sellega et eile �htul l�ksime siios vanalinna asja uurima et kas on pood alles v�i mitte :P) Ok ma j��n n��d oma monoloogiga vait vaikselt... |
from pinkseaweed : |
tere omingust :) kle,ma tahtsin siin sellist asja k�sida, et millal sa mulle notsidesse kirjutasid? ma t�na k�gematta sattusin sinna ja vaatasin et ohoo. ja hakkasin vaikselt mailiserereid vihkama. aga �ks asi hakkas mind huvitama, mis p�evast jutt k�is? :D. igatahes, kui sulkunagi pannkoogi isu tuleb ja juhtud linnas olema siis 058050918. *kirjutas suure saladuskatte all su antud numrbi �les* P�ikest :) xxx |
from fadedlight : |
heh heh. writing mean things about myself draws a crowd, eh? |
from vectorlover : |
umm.. saada mulle notesidesse pw ja username? kustutan kohe ��.. luban!.. :) |
from pinkseaweed : |
kuna ei taha teateid vastu v�tta, satub diaryland oma notesidega tule alla... miks p�evik ja miks internetis? sellep�rast et nagu sai �eldud, paber p�leb v�ga h�sti ja k�ike saab �ra kaotada. V�ga h�sti kusjuures. ja k�ekirja ma ka endal v�lja ei loe. suguv�sa viga. peaks mainina et j�lle hea kirjutis. nii et v�rviosas oleme n��d kokku leppinud? ei taha roosasid t�ppe kuhugi �kki...? v�ga s�nge oleks... ;) *muig*. �ks kompressori k�lastus v�ib k�ll kunagi tulla. polegi kaua aega head teed saanud... asi on vist nende vees �kki? nii et millal sulle sobib s�ngust defineerima tulla - t�na? homme? �lehomme? (reede on muidu �ks kahtlane p�ev nii et selle j�tame heaga v�lja...) nii et kolmap�ev v�i neljap�ev v�i esmasp�ev v�i teisip�ev v�i j�lle �ks kolmap�ev v�i j�rgmine neljap�ev v�i j�rgmine reede hoopis? *paneb l�puks suu kinni* |
from deadpainting : |
plath and girl interupted are amazing. woolf is my favorite author. you seem like a beautiful person. never stop. xoxo, Miss Takes |
from mustkass : |
peab vist tunnistama, et ma sattusin natuke liiga hoogu. *hides in shame* |
from mustkass : |
ma ei arvagi, et *k�ik* modelle vihkavad.. |
from p-brain : |
...had to stop myself from writing a sound well familiar in bed... :P Thanks for reminding me about the writing. =) |
from p-brain : |
Ahhhh. =) |
from pinkseaweed : |
j�rjekordne murphy seadus, starring The School Books :D. �pikutega lihtsalt ON nii. |
from p-brain : |
What I meant was: Yes, it's good to think through what you (in general) write, but to actually think of something to write when nothing has happened... then it seems a bit lame to think of something. |
from vbitch : |
you need to give me a password!!! |
from whysolonely : |
Saw you today :) Hihi. Bussiaknast, though... |
from piilu : |
i think those are the questions to YOU, not me. :) i can't help you. |
from piilu : |
as a consolation: you are not depressive by nature, in a great deal it's up to you, really. but it seems to me you prefer being what you are. over and out. |
from piilu : |
oh nonononono, i am definetly NOT the one. :) your darkness brings me down or frustrates me, so i'm not able to make you laugh. ever. :( sry. |
from piilu : |
all that hatred and anger in you. seems like you're gonna burst soon. :) i hope you'll meet someone who's gonna make you laugh once in a while, who will not be driven away. :) and i hope you can go to the festival and ease up a bit. :) |
from piilu : |
(healthy was what i meant, of course) |
from anikk : |
no, ma tahaksin kirjutada, aga ma ei tahtnud et minu s6brana saaks aru... Sa said aru, jah? Minu s6brana s6ber suri ja ma ei saa utleda midagi temale sellast, selleparast et, temal on liiga palju kiire tana... Ma kardan et, kui tema saab teada, tema oleks minule vihane. |
from luarvikgirl : |
no offence... i bet it's a funny reah. And oh yeah, me thinks Freud is a wanker!!! |
from luarvikgirl : |
well you should know, 'cos you're miss psychoanalyst!!! |
from vampodrama : |
nu...... ma tean. aga ega see ei t�henda, et ma seda parandada oskan. |
from vampodrama : |
*blink blink* misasi? *crack sizzle burn braincrash* |
from luarvikgirl : |
the thing is that i dont. Know anything. No thing. |
from luarvikgirl : |
nope, been thinkin' what do i know about group therapy:) |
from luarvikgirl : |
No, I'll pass it on. But I guess you'd have to work it out between the two of you. |
from luarvikgirl : |
i just bumped into her on the street, which i believe you have done too:) I'll let her know how you're feeling. |
from luarvikgirl : |
Me meeting people again? What do you mean. Sry for making you envious:) |
from dendara : |
ei ma ikka k�in siin vahetevahel.. lihtsalt harva on midagi �elda, v�i siis m�testatult �ra vormitud asja raske arvutilehele maalida.. :) ole tubli |
from fadedlight : |
hello there. can i have a password? are you okay? -k |
from mustkass : |
proovi seda [email protected] |
from anikk : |
I don't know how you'll take this, but sometimes we want things that aren't right for us... As someone who has been in university in some capacity for the past 9 years or so, I have applied for a lot of things that I have not gotten... But then I have found myself pursuing things I never dreamed I would want to, let alone be able to. It was always my dream to go and live permanently in either Estonia or Finland someday, but now I'm heading for Azerbaijan in the fall. If someone had told me five years ago that I would be going there of all places, I would have thought it was totally fucked-up... But now I'm excited - it's an adventure. It's nice to have plans, but life always manages to get in the way...but the silver lining is that it makes things all the more interesting... Anyway, sorry you didn't get in...Just keep trying to find your niche - you'll find it or else it will find you eventually. Incidentally, how old are you anyway? Just curious... |
from anikk : |
I have 'Mule Variations" and it's good... If you are thinking of buying it, you won't be disappointed... |
from papayafruit : |
Sending you love, love from accross the sea. Talk to me write me a story. -Papaya |
from whysolonely : |
Mhmh :) |
from anikk : |
on your comments about prozac... i worry more about the people who aren't on the drug, but should be. it's like insulin for a diabetic - i'm not going to give a diabetic shit for taking insulin; i would give them shit for not taking it when they needed it... |
from anikk : |
so, chagrine, kas sa oled queer? Andeeks, kui ma olen liiga uudishimulik! ...just trying to figure you out:) |
from vectorlover : |
:) mulle riisipuder majoneesiga maitseb oi kui h�sti! :) oleks mul ainult majoneesi... riisi ja ka riisihelbeid leidub... |
from vectorlover : |
:) mulle riisipuder majoneesiga maitseb oi kui h�sti! :) oleks mul ainult majoneesi... riisi ja ka riisihelbeid leidub... |
from quell : |
is it me now who has done sth wrong? then say what it is, im not exactly speedy gonzales these days in the getting the hint department. exams and essays take up my mind i have no time to decypher clues. |
from vampyrasdead : |
no, i don�t expect everybody to be homophobic, but sometimes it`s better not to test it out whether someone is or isn�t, esp when you have to live side by side with them. prejudices, they rule our lives. yeah, well... whatever. |
from vampyrasdead : |
Actually I�ve never thought that being a bi or a gay is a problem... these are the homophobic and narrow-minded people that love making problems out of everything. THEY are the only problem that exists out there. :p Hang on too. And, could I get your diary`s password? :) |
from vampyrasdead : |
Terv... Su kujundatud mustakindalise n�itsikuga template ehib n��d mu p�evikut. :) V�ga head kujundused sul darkdesign`is muideks. :) P�ikest! |
from luarvikgirl : |
Mail you where? |
from chagrine : |
Want password? Mail me. |
from piilu : |
Okidoki. :) PF mul p�he'i tuldki. :) m�tsin ise nendele, mille p��liskiri lihtsalt "numb", a la u2, linkin park ja cure. :) a n��d's m�tlemisainet juures. hmm.. kellel seda veel vaja oli.. :S :))) take care! |
from luarvikgirl : |
yeah, well... i'm all for second chances...:) |
from luarvikgirl : |
see, that is totally up to you. One could if y.o.u. were willing...:) |
from anikk : |
Tere! Ma ei teanud et siin Diarylandis oleks eestlased! Tervitades, Anikk :) |
from pinkseaweed : |
ma pole veel oma akadeemilise teega l�petanud, nii et kes teab, v�ibolla kunagi satun m�nda kooli kus sa k�inud oled ;) never say never nagu �eldakse :) Koplis on direktor neid normaalne k�ll. normaalsem kui meie oma igatahes. seal Kevadsilleril oli Kopli kool ka esindatud. Pooltes lugudes m�ngis neil direktor kitarril kaasa, minu oma sellist asja ei teeks ma kardan. rohkem korrutaks: vahetage ikka vahetusjalatseid. :P *pole kunagi oma diret naeratamas n�ind* |
from pinkseaweed : |
*paneb korbiv�rgi k�rvataha* �ldiselt ma hoian enamv�hem klubidest eemale, nii et loodame et ei satu sinna teele ;)) kooliga on nii et k�in Pelgurannas �hes koolis. S�le G�mnaasiumis kui n��d v�ga t�pseks minna. endine kaheksas keskkool. olen seal k�inud esimesest klassist peale mudu, kui mitte arvestada �hte n�dalat Kopli Kunstikoolis :P, aga ilge koht see Sg... peale �heksandat lasen jalga. laseks juba praegu aga pole enam m�tet. see Playbaci moodi asi on meil kas kolmandat aastat alles. lapsekingades... koolidega on nii et kui ikka ei sobi, siis peab �mbrust vahetama. |
from luarvikgirl : |
i never claimed that. On the contrary, i find your entries intelligent. |
from luarvikgirl : |
no, what i was trying to do was to have a nice civilised, intelligent conversation with you... oh well:) |
from luarvikgirl : |
Ho ho ho, chill woman. No offence meant, if you like to see it that way, then im sorry. I really am. Nevermind me... |
from zwerver : |
emmessennivestlus oli �eraasuga. ajendiks madli-maria tartu peal jalutamise ja muusikakuulamise jutt:) |
from luarvikgirl : |
so im not getting an answer? oh well... |
from luarvikgirl : |
um, so why excactly is it that you think you're gay? |
from lezbian : |
I just wanted to let you know that I read your diary. Check mine out if you'd like :) |
from mad-writer : |
I dunno why I thought there wouldn't be any... probably comes from growing up in America and having people say "Es-tone-ee-uh? What's that?" all the time. :) |
from quell : |
yeah. ok, im acting like a child. and i am talking about things i have no idea about. atleast i talk. sorry if i offend you. but im not the one running here. and i do apologize for offending you or making it seem you dont have the right to write whatever you want. i meant quite the opposite. i guess there is little use in trying to explain anything here, where misunderstandings are easy to happen due to the lack of.. sth human. |
from quell : |
write whatever the hell you please. why would i mind. its your diary, aint it? but youre acting like a little brat, you know that? or may be i grew up. |
from strangelilme : |
im always here...i know you dont know me...i dont know you too well. but i can always listen. if you wanted me to. you can always email me. [email protected]. its up to you. but if you need an here. its not much to offer...but its the best i can do. i hope you're feeling better... |
from mad-writer : |
For some reason, I never expected there to be another Estonian on Diaryland. Then I actually looked. :-D |
from fadedlight : |
When an individual smokes a cigarette, the nicotine travels to the brain where it binds to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, causing them to fire action potentials (2). This in turn causes the release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens. ;o) |
from papayafruit : |
oh maali, I wish I could talk to you again, I miss you. be sure to check this out its hot, my photo diary. your long lost canadian sister Papaya |
from twilight78 : |
uu la la lah... mida ma n222n.. te olete taas kord teinud uuendusi oma listis. ja mis k6ikse imelikum.. te olete vanad ja mahaj22tud p22vikud kustutanud.. uuu.. my greatest compliments, missy! :))) njah, eks sa ise ju tead kyll, miks see kustutamine nii erutav teema mo jaoks on.. |
from vampyrasdead : |
eksamid, huhh... *grins* ei suutnud enam Saussure`i ja Peirce`i m�rgiteooriate erinevustega ajusid k�rsatada, p�genesin k�berilma ja piinan n��d Kazaad. :D ma ei ole suutnud t�na jalga v�lja t�sta, juba tuule ulgumise kuulmine l�kkab tahtej�u pikali. edu ja vastupidamist �ppimisel sulle. :) |
from vampyrasdead : |
jah, sooviks t�esti v�hem tuult kui siin viienda korruse k�rgusel ulub... ja p�iksel sai vist aku t�hjaks peale kahen�dalast lakkamatut sillerdamist... *lohutuseks NIN ja semiootika eksamiks �ppimine* :)) |
from vampyrasdead : |
good afternoon... thx for your note. always happy to see more people around there like me... and i used to think i�m the only one and the alien...:D p�ikest! :) |
from chagrine : |
If you came here to ask for a password for my diary, you can log in with username "hasta" and password "lavista". It's not the diaryland people I am hiding from. :) |
from blackkachina : |
Hello darlin', I don't supose I could have the password and such for that beautiful diary of yours? |
from twilight78 : |
ahemm... may i please have a key? *kitten eyes* |
from pinkseaweed : |
head naistep�eva :) |
from pinkseaweed : |
sa ka MK? *m�tleb natuke* kahtlaselt tihti hakkavad need t�hed ette tulema ic :) mnis on mul v�ike account olemas k�ll jah, [email protected] |
from sigur-ros : |
i just want to let you know that i think your writting is great. |
from quell : |
commitment is yucky. serious talks are yucky. what else is yuckie. lemme think. jealousy is yucky too. and not to mention some weird sense of being responsible for someone other than yourself. thats yucky too. thats all i wanted to say. im being kicked out of the computer by evil fog. see yous, hun. |
from zwerver : |
hehh.. vaevalt mul loengus l�busam oleks olnud |
from zwerver : |
pole midagi, mul on endal k�ll hea meel et kohale tulin. P�RISELT ka:) |
from raven72d : |
Estonia... I was very briefly there, once... I remember grey fogs and the grey of the sea, the sound of the train as it passed by forests... And, yes, "The Master and Margarita" is brilliant... |
from pinkseaweed : |
*m�tleb* kardan et �ksteist me ei n�inud ic ;) *teinekord l�heb avalikule�ritusele punase proplelleriga selja peal.....* ;) kunagi kuskil n�idenis olin karlsonn :P koos saabastega kassiga :P ok kaldun teemast k�rvale ;) :) *taob potte ja panne* |
from pinkseaweed : |
*naerab natuke* p�ris norm oli :) valamutega sai nalja :P *m�tleb* p�ris naljakas oli. see �ks oli nagu sellise luuseri rolli saand. *naerab natuke j�lle* nii et v�ibolla t�esti n�gime. n�gi dmingit plixi circa meeter 65, l�hikesed juuksed, silm pluusi peal, paterdas �ksi seal ringi? :) t�na lehes oli et p�hap�eval olid showd �ra j��nd. rahvapuudusel. :I norm. |
from heavenly0ne : |
Thanks for the quote. I have posted everyone's quotes in my diary. The URL is Come on by and see what your fellow quoters had to give. |
from pinkseaweed : |
ok ma arfvan et paharet tuli k�tte - liblikas. see v�ttis suurema osa sellest koodide jamast �ra. ning kui n��d kiiremini l�ks siis vist oli liblikas ;) kui keegi tahab siis ikka kuidagi saab ikka teada sellest sourcist aga.... ;) stompil ma t�na k�isin. kella kolmesel. normaalne ma �tleks :) *��heb tikutopsiga m�ngima* :) mis arvamus sellest showst sul j�i muidu? |
from quell : |
and besides. it hurts to fight w/ you. even if its not a real one. so i wont. aga kolmap22val ma ju n22n sind ometigi, eksju *) |
from quell : |
d�iisas. ma just ytlesin et ma oma arust ei ole. dont have to yell at me, you know. |
from blackkachina : |
I love your diary and would love for you to read mine. username:Blackkachina, password: flaw. |
from quell : |
mis ses siis nii imelikku on, may i ask[qm] nothing lasts forever. everything is a silly phase, remember, i guess she got what she wanted out of it, i.e. her self-esteem back after the break-up with her ex, and it was time for the next phase. silly or not. people use people like that. besides, you just called me a replacement anyhoo. its prolly not what you meant, and its definately how i will see hear and percieve it, but thats what it sounded like. |
from pinkseaweed : |
hmmmm....... nii et peavadki �ra k�rbema.... no siis on ok.... ma kardan et vanad on minu normaalsuses ammu kahtlema hakanud. juhtub. vanamees �tles kunagi et olen selline "strange" t��p. hmm....... ok reede ��sel........ men��s pannkoogid! ;) |
from twilight78 : |
muig. mida muud. *l6petas spikri koostamise* t2hh toetuse eest... :) |
from vampodrama : |
oki doki. :) |
from vampodrama : |
t�itsa �ksk�ik.... millal ja kus aga soovid. :) |
from vampodrama : |
aga saaks siis kokku n�iteks reedel? kiisu ma saan v�tta alles laup�eval, sest siis ma transpordin ta ��rmiselt operatiivselt kohe P�rnusse ka. |
from vampodrama : |
hiiii :) tahan kyll :) kui vana kiisu on? selles m�ttes, et kas on kohe v�etav v�i peab ta veel kasvama? ja muuseas, ilmselt olen kuni 18ndani t�iesti Tallinnas olemas. :) |
from autumnal : |
sharp |
from vampodrama : |
see on hea k�simus. sest et ma ei tea seda eriti t�pselt ise ka. v�ib juhtuda, et ma kolin minema 15. aga v�ib ka juhtuda, et ma kolin minema 18. aga ma annan sulle teada, kui ma selle ise ka teada saan. |
from chagrine : |
shallallaa |
from chagrine : |
shallallaa |
from heavenly0ne : |
hello. I just wanted to go to all of the quoters diaries. Visit my guestbook or notes page with one of your favorite quotes. I want to do a diary ring showcase in my diary. I want the whole ring to participate, so please submit your entry real soon! |
from pinkseaweed : |
re: erm... ilus hommik? no enam v�hem... kas just hommik aga :P mulle meedib su layout :) extremly nice :) |
from twilight78 : |
ei nuh, t2hh mudugist... ma kohe meelitatud. aga oma html alaste teadmiste ja viimaste rakendamisega ei saa sinu ylik6va layoudile l2hedalegi... ja muide, nagu sa vist juba aimad, et see olid sina, kes andis t6uke ammu sygelenud m6ttele selle taustaga midagi ette v6tta. t2hh? :) |
from cutemia : |
hello! anything interesting happening? |
from shes-my-sin : |
vau.. and there i went thinking you think theres nothing worse than tv ;) aga :) trallalaa. t2na l2ks punane p2ike hallide pilvede taha looja. pretty :) |
from shes-my-sin : |
besides :) i dont think things can really go blank. BLANK blank. theres always something. |
from shes-my-sin : |
*keius jaw droppes to unknown depths and her eyes are abnormally large staring at the candle..* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! vau. ja. im speachless :) ::) hihh. ja mul on kollane. ja pool sinist vist ka. but still. methinks me is speechless :) lucky you :) |
from shes-my-sin : |
miss sunshine hits the books. literally. beats the books to a bloody pulp. they cant hurt me now.. ooh, not that they even tried or anything ;) i duno what im saying. i need sleep and i need to study and ive been sitting around all day trying to figure which to do. yes, im procastinating. or however its called. even if you dont see it, the sun always shines. but the clouds and the night and the stars and the moon want your attention too. but its always there. the sun. |
from shes-my-sin : |
exactly. and thats what billy corgan sings about. |
from shes-my-sin : |
i have no idea whatsoever. i havent felt half the things you described, i never had to choose, but if i had to, id go with whatever insincts i have. what feels best. what makes me happiest. and the loss of what would make everything go blank. but i really dont know. im no expert here, you know. |
from shes-my-sin : |
all of the feelings you described, and more. thats the confusing bit, you know. figuring out which you prefer. |
from shes-my-sin : |
hihh :) i guess we're both counting then :) |
from shes-my-sin : |
the pace wasnt much fun, but i enjoyed kairis place later, a lot :) the thing abotu THEM is that i dont like when they try to move in on MY friends. like fork-up-her-butt-chick tried with jev. ehh. or may be i just miss YOU :) |
from shes-my-sin : |
was she more fun tobe with than me, then[qm] yeah, anyhoo. glad you had a good time. |
from hirondelle : |
ha. we actually did have a cool road-trip. except that it was winter. hence the icy roads and stuff. and minus the incidents down at your place. ihhii. yeah. ma olen alles algaja, baby... |
from operaghostfr : |
You thought that I do not know no-big-silence? dang, wrong... mwahahhahahah... one of my faves among Rammstein and BlutEngel. Sorry, just wasnt able to resist :) :P |
from twilight78 : |
sa ytlesid, et v6in su poole p66rduda, kui j22n html teemal h2tta... *nuuks* et siis- kuidas sa tegid oma older entryd kahh k6ik sellsiteks nagu su uus template on? ma nii nyri, et ei suutnud seda kudagi v2lja m6telda... ehh... :( |
from vampodrama : |
aga seda v�iks ju proovida. huvi p�rast. et kas sa saad F40.1 diagnoosiks ja Cipralexi retsepti... |
from shes-my-sin : |
haa. ja note'i j2tan ma kaa. sest ma 2rkasin j2lle yles. sama une peale. ja nyyd ma j2tan sulle siia note'i. just cos i can. nighty nite. |
from shes-my-sin : |
yes. :) |
from vampodrama : |
secretaries are not this bad... I wish I was qualified enough to be one... because when I actually *was* one, my work day consisted of coffee, phonecalls and newspapers. and internet. and nothing else. ;) |
from shes-my-sin : |
want it now in an email or can you wait until the floppy with the rest of the pictures reaches you :) |
from shes-my-sin : |
youll see what a bumblebeeboy is :) it would make one helluva kickass tattoo :) |
from shes-my-sin : |
i didnt find the clown picture we were talking about. found some others tho, and a bumblebeeboy. thats a really cool one, tho it technically isnt a clown. |
from shes-my-sin : |
yeah, thats what i thought. either that, or a hug. |
from shes-my-sin : |
"I have no friends." hmm. what the hell am i then? and how are people who consider themselves to be your friends not take *this* personally? or may be i should just stop reading everyones diaries and journals. or may be i need to shut up. or may be i need reassurance when you say things like this. or may be i just need a hug. but am i gonna get any.. |
from twilight78 : |
oeh, 6igus. lugesin su entry l2bi eile 6htul veel. siis sain aru, et see ikka tallinnas. aga. olin nagu lubanud inimestega von kraali minna. st, et v6ibolla tulen. kuid arvatavasti ei j6ua, sry. veel 1 kalli... :) |
from twilight78 : |
eww.. sry, aga vist ei tule jahhh.. et siis see on ju tartus, v6i? pidite ju k6ik koos pidama. aga, pidutse siis korralikult! |
from twilight78 : |
tervist!!! ahtsin sulle head synnip2eva pidamist soovida!!! palju, palju, palju 6nne!!!!! kalli kaa... |
from dendara : |
loodan et ie pahanda kui �hte koodikest laenuks tirin :) kuni endal laiskuse putukas minema vudib |
from vampodrama : |
there are manic days? I don't even know what being manic is like... would be groovy I bet. :P |
from shes-my-sin : |
ehh. :) even if you dont get any money by then- i will. so it could be on me. just to get you there. cos they really do have some really cool movies. next saturday or sunday especially. and monday. and tuesday. well. yes. but. youre a total darling, you know. and the reacting thingie. idve probably reacted that way too, if it was any other place. but that place- may be i just didnt feel i belonged there, was gothic enough for the place, to announce my presence. who knows. i have funny reactions about things, somewhat predictably unpredictable. kalli. im weird ja sina oled kallis :) hugs, hun. *) |
from shes-my-sin : |
risk. |
from shes-my-sin : |
v�i sa oled lihtsalt liiga kallis. to rist you getting pissed at me for the stupid things i do. and the forum thing- you prolly would have known it was me if i had wanted anyone to know. i didnt. so i was anonymous there. sorry. so. wanna go to sadamteater sometime in early december[qm] i hear theyre showing some great films there. heh. right. i said i wouldnt bug people bout that. oops. ;) and. i guess things just look different from on the stage. like youre on top of the world or sth :) |
from vampodrama : |
and now you have lots of notes to read. ;) |
from vampodrama : |
OR I could promise not to update for a week? ;) |
from vampodrama : |
BUT since I love you so much I'll go back to my old design for the week... :) |
from vampodrama : |
eeeee... not that I'd have a slightest clue how to make things Netscape compatible... *eats fingers* |
from twilight78 : |
niih, otsekohesus eelk6ige. et siis sa oled nii lahe inimene, muide, ning mitte ainult siis ei m6elda t2helepanu sulle, kui omadega umbes oled. siis on lihtsalt see, et seda n2idatakse rohkem. aravata v6ib tegelikult, et sul on v v v v palju inimesi, kes vaatavad ja m6tlevad sust nii palju h2id asju, kuid kunagi, ei iialgi ei julge seda avaldada. sest sa oled nii hea. ja seda k6ike muud kaa, mida ei julge avaldada... :) k6ike head... <ja see ei ole seentest!!!> kalli |
from twilight78 : |
ill come. drink my ass off, but ill come. oma tegevuse eest tuleks nagu vastutada kah, vahel. love you. |
from twilight78 : |
dear estonian diaryland user! finally, we have decided to realize the idea of making somekind of meeting. so. time: this saturday (16 nov) kl 19.00. place: quitar safari, tln. so, anybody interested? well, let me please know. [email protected]. email me please, if youll come, then well know. and maybe meet first somewhere. see ya? ps! and if you know anybody who might not have listed the location and is from estonia or you just know some other fun people youre so welcme to invite them also! |
from vampodrama : |
nii et paneme siis k�iki, jah? |
from twilight78 : |
blaaah.. see sinu hotmail kahh.. on nagu umbes.. imelik, proovime m6nikord uuesti, 2kki n2kkab? a see ut aadressile saab niisama vist vaid kirjata, eks ole? ahh ahh... et siis nyyd ei m2leta, et k2isid mu synnip2eval. ok, annan siis vihjeid, saime seal tuttavaks, palju kyynlaid, kadriorg, kitarr, belle ja sebastian, sina, k, j, r, and me. ja siis ehk m2letad rulluisutamist. ok, loodan, et koidab... |
from twilight78 : |
tead, mul kah sinu nimi ei l2he, 2kki see on selle p2rast, et mul pole su mailiasja nime. oled sa @hotmail? |
from twilight78 : |
well, just things got out of hands.. but.. if you really want, i can give you a key... write to me in msn: [email protected]. ma ei saanud sind kuidagi sisse toksitud ise... :( |
from shes-my-sin : |
you got all this from my diaries and journals, right? then i guess we both know what i have to do. |
from shes-my-sin : |
but how can i expect, that you think the thoughts i do, feel the things i do, when you are not me? yes, it would be great if you did the things i fear you dont. but you just said you have no idea what those things are even supposed to be. ask me. i will tell you. but then i am terrified you will not want anything to do with me. thats why it is easier to assume you dont. cos youre too great to lose. |
from shes-my-sin : |
how can you expect me to think you understand when even i dont?? but you have the right to do whatever you want. and you know that. and if you detest me for some reason and never want anything to do with me, thats your right too. i wouldnt understand, but you have the right. eveyone has the right to lock themselves away. |
from shes-my-sin : |
so this is where i have become a threat, huh..? may i ask how am i a threat? |
from vampodrama : |
aga muuseas, on kaks eri varianti, kas Fluanxol s�stitaval v�i tableti kujul, ja tabletid siiski on n�idustatud depressiooni puhul: Short term symptomatic treatment of depression of mild to moderate severity (with or without anxiety). ilmselt ma siiski ei ole skiso ;) |
from vampodrama : |
wow. hmm. oled sa kindel? skisofreeniat ma endal n��d k�ll kahtlustanud ei ole... ja ta �tles, et ka kirjutab seda enamv�ehm k�igile... never trust keskerakond, I guess.... |
from vampodrama : |
kuule, ega sa juhuslikult ei ole plaaninud 9 novembril tallinna tulla? ;) |
from vampodrama : |
Fluanxol. kuule see shrink kessee iganes ka oli tegi k�ll imeliku asja jah... bleh. see on umbes nagu l�hed polikliinikusse ja registratuurimutt h�igub �le koridori, et praegu on teil k�ll m�ttetu Postinori k�sida juba... vms. kuigi tegelt. 21 on see iga mis tasub �ra oodata. usu mind. ;) |
from vampodrama : |
yikes@haiglad... sinna neil �nnestub mind ainult siis panna, kui ma olen koomas v�i muus samav��rses seisundis... kule mingit rohtu sain jah, mille nime ma ei m�leta... f t�hega mingi asi millest ma kuulnudki pole, aga ise ta kiitis seda (nagu arvata on). muide... ole ise siis esmasp�eval tubli :) igast murest saab �le onju ;) |
from vampodrama : |
ei noh... ega tal n��d suurt viga ei ole jah, kuigi ma ei m�leta, et ta mulle oma firmalauset �elnud oleks... irw.... ta r��kis mulle muid naljakaid lugusid, samal ajal kui mina olin too busy crying, et �ldse midagi kuulata.... ma vist ei ole loodud inimestega r��kima. kahju et ps�hhiaatrid m�tteid lugeda ei oska. ja muuseas. ta k�sis, kas ma haiglasse ei tahaks minna m�neks ajaks.... oumaigaad. ma vist siiski ei taha. :D |
from vampodrama : |
J�ri O.-M. Ennet. �tle n��d et ta on v�rdjas ja tema juurde ei tasu minna. :P |
from dektor : |
ei ei r�� arvasin et sa tahad unustada...[minu �ra]? |
from twilight78 : |
well, my sis uses it... and i love it too. got to go to work ;) |
from quell : |
yap. whodve known. et kui on ommik tuleb l6puks ka 6htu. siin pole t2pit2hti. |
from quell : |
ommik neh. |
from shes-my-sin : |
but.. my lj isnt private entries.. just backdated. is it? i dont think it is.. |
from shes-my-sin : |
but i sent you the password.. to you and also to some other people. to [email protected]. i thought you got it.. to find out what your or other peoples pw-s are, log in as me. pw is haldjas as always. and i know i should tell eneli too cos she asked but im too tired.. |
from twilight78 : |
no, it does not make me nor anybody in your list your friend, but i just thought that after all youve been here rather long time so.. some people are friends to you, no? well... nothingh more to say, just that i like your diary a lot. if u dont like mine thats fine. i wont put an obligation to anybody to like it nor at least to say that they like just because i like someones... take care u too |
from twilight78 : |
hei, miks nii kurb? kuidas sa saab �elda, et keegi ei hooli ega m�tle su peale.. sul on ometi nii kohutavalt palju online s�pru, kes k�ik polegi ju �ksnes virtuaalsuses su buddyd! Anyhoo... ma saan tegelikult aru sest maailmas pettumisest- pettud korra, kaks.. better get use to it... or just.. let it be.. kui ei oota miskit, ei saa ta ka sulle pettumust valmistada. va loomulikult juhul, kui maailm ootab, et sa miskit ootaksid ja sinu pettumus sel juhul oleks selles, et asi sind rahul ei j�ta. vms. igast, kui sellest aru ei saanud, ple hullu- ma ka ei saa ;) igast- parimat sulle |
from bhw : |
V�ga, v�ga,v�ga vabandan, ma olen arg. Mis ma parata saan, et ma selline olen? Kui mind n�ed saad aru, ma nii pisike ju. Ja need plaadid teen ma sulle ikka �ra, anna aega - muud ma ei palu.Aega seep�rast et ma saan neid ainult s�branna juures ju k�rvetada. Toorikud ostsin juba �ra ju ja puha.~nutab~ |
from explodingboy : |
@ Whats in - the Australian News Paper today, proclaimed that 'the mini skirt is back", maybe you should get a black one! |
from vampodrama : |
jah,aga tead, ma olen suutnud neli aastat liigelda ilma �htegi korda bussist maha j��mata (grammatika longab, ma tean), ja kuna ma ei ole enam laisa �li�pilase staatuses, kellel ei l�he midagi katki, kui ta �igeks ajaks kohale ei j�ua... �hes�naga mind ajas see korralikult n�rvi. ise�ranis sellep�rast, et ma pidin t�na hommikul kell 4.40 �les �rkama. |
from shes-my-sin : |
miinus se omse asi sest omme on juba t2na. :) |
from shes-my-sin : |
merekurat on nunnu song-music-asjapulk. nagu hundi loomine aga mitte metsat?ll. vot. (((kalli))) ja mu pea k2ib ringi ja omme veidi rohkem kui 12 tunni p2rst olen ma tartus. see yous. |
from shes-my-sin : |
mai tea peast.. ma kirjutan mis pileti peal on, eks :) -->PILET Linnusehoov 31.08.02, Killemboth, Bestia, Catafalc, Forgotten Sunrise, Whispering Forest, Tharaphita. hehe. can you imagine me moshing? thats a sight not to be seen.. at all? but i did :) |
from piilu : |
from shes-my-sin : |
mina tegin teste ja sain teada et ma olen jube igav ja jube slut ja jube romantic type. blech. ja nyyd ma l2hen magama sest ma pole ommikust alates oma silmi lahti suut oida. anything else? :) ja sa? on p6nev? *) |
from shes-my-sin : |
hingan kohe hergemalt. ma juba m6tlesin siin Asju. |
from dektor : |
ma t�in peletise juurest veel palju pilte endast...v��ga kohutavad seeriad...�hes ma magan vannis...�kki paneme ikka siukse kus ma v�ike ja rumal alles olen? |
from dektor : |
t�na teen mina grafomaanilist alles hakkan keevitama... |
from dektor : |
aga ma parandasin selle kirjavea � teadsin koguaeg et seal on ma ei viitsind kunagi seda lihtsalt lootsin et keegi ei m�rka. |
from dektor : |
selgus et mu t�nane probleem oli globaalne :) |
from dektor : |
dzhiisas eila ma ei saand oma p��vikusse sisse ja t�na on mu buddy list kadund [what the hell is going on?] |
from shes-my-sin : |
my mom went to see the riverdance deal too. loved it. but. why do you want to see millu? i mean.. . . ? |
from dektor : |
ei ei ei see pole v� ikka ei saa...selgub siin on �priski haige aparatuur...k�ik mis ma ei saa on tume...aga ma sain eila javascripti tehtud :))) it made my day...auka |
from dektor : |
nii. ma ei saa sulle siin t��juures k�laraamatu kirjata!!! sest siinne aparatuur pole mitte p��vikumaa s�bralik. grrrr.... m�ned asjad ei t��ta siin. ja see siin on �ldse mingi kahtlane koht. ma t�na hetk tagasi leidsin siit just ventilatsioonis�steemi. ja keegi pole vaenund seda terve 1,5 n�dalat t��le panema kui v�ljas on siuke tappev saffari...dzhiisas...siin valitseb t�eline �htne kontorivaim: kui sureme siis k�ik koos!!! |
from shes-my-sin : |
aga ta on ju.. |
from bhw : |
OK. Ma peaks vast Tallinnas terve see n�dal olema, nii et kui tuled siis j�ta note v�i midagi :) |
from dektor : |
mis su see uus ja keeruline aadress ongi? minul siin on meeletu grafomaaniline tung ;) |
from bhw : |
kui soovid v�in sulle plaadid kirjutada siis on sul endal kah olemas :) |
from bhw : |
ikka v�ib laenata :) |
from shes-my-sin : |
oh, goodie :) youve crossed over to the other side now :) welcome, hun *) aga.. oled tallinnas or sth? wanna go there wednesday or thursday? details then :) |
from shes-my-sin : |
eip. sa ei r22kind mulle. keegi ei r22gi mulle midagi huvitavat. k6ik tuleb kogemata kellegi teise kellegi teisega r22gitud jutu sees v2lja mida mina juhuslikult juhtun pealt kuulma. .. .. ... [always the last to know]. .. .. hmm. juhe? miks juhe? *) |
from dektor : |
huh...t��p�ev sai l�bi...siis on siin t�itsa hea...�ks online arvuti ja slaavikeelne turvamees...kui keegi mulle midagi s��a ka veel tooks ma ei tulekski siit �ra...�leval korrusel on piljard ja saun :))) i`m in heaven...irw |
from shes-my-sin : |
kus olen?. .. ..olen pilvede vahel. ... .merelainete ja p2ikesekiirte vahel .. .. .vihmapiiskade vahel olen. . .. ..ja DnD phb lehek�lgedevahel olen ma :) ma olen igal pool ja eikusagil samal ajal. nukker ja r��mus. kindlameelne ja keiu. samal ajal. siin ma olen :) |
from shes-my-sin : |
plus ta sai geograafiasse sisse. plaa. tead. mis. .. . .. (((kalli))) .. . .. [i just needed a hug] |
from quantum87 : |
I know a girl who cries when she practices violin cause every note sounds so pure. It just cuts her, and then the melody starts pouring out of her eyes. Now to me everything else seems like a lie. |
from shes-my-sin : |
ei. aga siuke asi on olemas nagu 6ppemaksulaen. |
from shes-my-sin : |
kas see k2is minu pihta v6i mis..? :] ei vist. a ma tundsin ennast puudutatuna. ju ma siis olen. adopt me :] |
from shes-my-sin : |
:] |
from shes-my-sin : |
:( .. :[ .. :(( .. ehh.. njah.. eks sa ise tead ju mis sa teed.. |
from shes-my-sin : |
"But I got a Dimmu Borgir CD from P�rnu." .. hmm.. ::makes ever-so cute and convincing puppy-dog eyes:: .. lend me sometime..? .. :) yay..shes ba-ack :) |
from dektor : |
ma olen ikka hea kirjutasin sulle selle eelmise teate oma note`ide kohta...aaaa ma ei viitsi pr��gast otsida kust seda �ra saab....dumbdumb me :) |
from dektor : |
tr��d. ikka p� s�itsin t�na duos korda su majast m��da ja m�tlen et �tleks �ppaks l�bi �tleks tere :) t�na t�in ehitusmaailmast veel 7,5kg pahtlit...sujub...ja su PORTISHEAD`i plaat on niiiiiiii hea pahteldan ja kuulan...mul on juba piraat sellest kah :)...murra aga pintslit edasi ((kalli)) |
from dektor : | oled tagasi v�i??? aga jahh praegast on mul lollid triibud niiehk ma sain keiult v�rvikoodid...�htaks teen uhkemad triibud....viimane oli muusjas idiooditest ka ;))) |
from quantum87 : |
Merci beacoup for the combinations of letters and parentheses, the thought was tres bien.. Plenty of letters and parentheses back in your direction -- (((hugs))) (((hugs))) -Allysha |
from vampodrama : |
kuledsa. mul on vaja google vastast meta tagi. sul oli. ma tean. aga su diary ei n�ita enam source'i mulle. �kki sa poetad selle mulle kuhugi. :) |
from shes-my-sin : |
if i didnt mean it i wouldnt say it. honest :) hehe. like seymore, are we? ;) paranoid in reverse...but the whole world is plotting to make others happy. arent they? *) |
from shes-my-sin : |
*) |
from shes-my-sin : |
ja nyyd on palju maile et sul on palju uusi diarylandi note. oh joy, kas pole ;) |
from shes-my-sin : |
and i dont mind at all, actually, if you dragged me places :) iseasi kas sa tahad enam. njah. |
from shes-my-sin : |
so there. |
from shes-my-sin : |
hun. stop apologizing had fun and i had fun and from what i could tell so did eneli. and i actually decided to come and i knew he wouldnt and then he said he would. blah. but we had fun and that rocked, i think :) (((huggs))) |
from shes-my-sin : |
but you keep talking. :P andi couldnt pick any other one and believe, there were many. quotes. not like with some people that i have to read thru almost all. of what theyve written. so. go you. :) |
from fadedlight : |
neuroimmunology? wow, and i thought you were a music-girl... didn't know you were a scientist as well. take care... and cutting ... just leaves scars that are sometimes more visible than the scars from other addictions -- as for thinking clearly, i know what you mean... but many times, i don't *want* to be thinking too clearly about anything... i'll be a loser and a smoker if it will take my mind off life for a little while. love ya, kate. |
from fadedlight : |
sorry about your guitar exam *hugs* - i'll email you a password... it's a strange journal, though. |
from quantum87 : |
Hi. Thankyou for adding me to your favourites list.. I'm not quite sure why you added me, but still, thankyou. And after reading your diary, it now resides in my favourites list.. -Allysha |
from dektor : |
nii homme ma ostan omale tori amose plaadi. miuke k�ikse parem on? jahh sa m�jud. mitte v�he :))) |
from shes-my-sin : |
needs you where? here? but..yeah..somehow (its 20.12 now) i dont see you making to the 8pm bus. darn. |
from shes-my-sin : |
heh. how nice of you to offer...:)..thank you..but..i wouldnt mind if it stayed as it is. describes me the best, i think. absofuckinglutely blank. empty. but. thanks :) |
from shes-my-sin : |
:�( |
from fadedlight : |
ah, retook the code, no 'errors on page' messages anymore :o) thanks for fixing it... you're a sweetheart. :o) |
from fadedlight : |
dunno why you're so embarrassed about your design -- i've been getting tons of compliments!!! :o)*hugs |
from shes-my-sin : |
yap :::) nyyd sa l6puks tead :) ::) (((kalli))) |
from shes-my-sin : |
a tead. jack on ikka lahe ::) ise oled ka. ;) |
from shes-my-sin : |
(((kalli))) |
from shes-my-sin : |
t2hh :) |
from shes-my-sin : |
::) |
from shes-my-sin : |
on jah telekast :P aga nyyd tead :) ja yldse;) |
from shes-my-sin : |
jack the skelliton t2isnimega jack skellington. on peategelane multikas/filmis "nightmare before christmas". mis on parim. yldse. k6igest ::) |
from shes-my-sin : |
yap. nyyd ma alles sain:P tervelt 10 maili sain. koos lj commentiga :) yay. nyyd ma olen ise ka 2ra mailitud;) ::) |
from fadedlight : |
<grin> just playing around with layouts... can't see the flower changing colour or anything ... maybe because i'm using netscape. |
from dektor : |
hehee...lugesin su k�laraamatut. walker kas luurab mu j�rel [et mis v�rk on mingid uued s�brad] v�i tal l�ks sassi...mine sa ullu tea. ja v�imas turismiinfo on sul seal. pilt ja puha :) kui keegi suga l�puks ikka ei tule siis ma jooksuga tuleks :) |
from bhw : |
Sure! I'm not sure how the life-change works, but after watching X-files I'm sure we'll come up with a great solution.Love+kisses xxxx |
from dektor : |
kuule, kuna sa oled jube osav ja tead kuda asjad k�ivad, siis miks mu p��vikus see previous-next v�rk ei t��ta. see sakib totaalselt ja ajab mind jube n�rvi >/ |
from piilu : |
1. t�na internetist leitud kild: "V�idetavalt pidi eestlane olema �ks neist v�hestest rahvustest maamunal kellel kadedus on suurem kui sugutung ..." 2. hedgehogs DON'T suck!!! (even not occasionally) |
from dektor : |
tead sa oled nukitsamehe moodi :))) |
from fadedlight : |
hi -- i love the drawing of the dragon you have... and also the picture of you... somehow i'd imagined you a bit like that, but with black hair instead of red. anyway, fantastic layout!! and i really love your journal. you are very perceptive and somewhat poetic. take care, darling. hope you find someone *interesting* to live with! |
from shes-my-sin : |
you are here, updating and all, and yet i miss you...strange... |
from piilu : |
hedgehogs don't such you know... |
from shes-my-sin : |
yeah...:)..she rocks:)..taxine, i mean:)..and i rhymed just now:)..cos thats how much she rocks:) |
from shes-my-sin : |
sure do:::) without the note too::) st thanks for the note, sweetie:) |
from piilu : |
k�ukast on Sul t�isa valearusaam j��nd (kaua �ra olnud, tagantj�rele lugesin). ta on ju nii casual ;) (misiganes ma ka ta'st ei arva;)) |
from lattefairy26 : |
Okay, neither of those messages were from the real lattefairy26, that would be me. And I'm pissed. Someone got my password and left that same message on about 5 peoples notes so far. I'm telling everyone that it happened to what the real deal is and I just changed my password. Sorry for what happened. |
from lattefairy26 : |
from lattefairy26 : |
from shes-my-sin : |
indeed. abandoned industrial landscapes rule. rule. |
from vampodrama : |
kust ta seda k�ike v�tab? lambist? ma ei usu.... freaky. :H |
from vampodrama : |
��rmiselt ruuliv luuletus, kas pole? ;) nagu... noh, rusikas silmaauku v�i nuga veeni v�i nii... |
from vampodrama : |
��rmiselt ruuliv luuletus, kas pole? ;) nagu... noh, nuga veeni v�i nii... |
from ego-trip : |
ega vist.... unless you're wearing a guitar... :)) |
from ego-trip : |
olen kus olen ;) �tleme nii, et praegu p�hjaosariikides, �htuks aga VPLis ;) |
from ego-trip : |
vorbel oli taotluslik ;) BTW: kui Sind t�na n�en, �tlen tere... �� on veel noor sotosay |
from ego-trip : |
jah... see oli selline cremlins+kreml nali ;) (a typo, actually). kreml jah... vorblit h��d! |
from ego-trip : |
'tisnot my photo :( see on kremlini tshikk ;) |
from shes-my-sin : |
yes, it is, isnt it, aga ma arvan et ta tahab ikkagi peale selle, et ta nii eriline ja kallis on, nime identity..:) |
from shes-my-sin : |
on jah. :)..aga tal pole nime ju veel isegi..;) |
from bikini-kill : |
hi. i like your layout and you are a great writer. |
from angstrom : |
thanks for the 'thank u'. its a rareity. |
from bhw : |
I will never ever kill myself, I hope ,cos it's the saddest way to die.But thank you for caring.You sweet ,sweet girl:)Hugs and kisses xxxxx |
from bhw : |
Oh! Thank you ,thank you , thank you :) <---Owns a counter now :))) |
from bhw : |
Hei kust sa ja kuidas sa counteri oma saidile said??Ma tahaks v�ga endale kah aga noh meie Barbie nukud neid asju eriti ei jaga:) Stay Beautifulxxxxx |
from shes-my-sin : |
kay:)kui sa ytled pidasin silmas et siis ta oleks maailmas tunduvalt tegijam...cos muhv kicks intergalactic ass:) |
from shes-my-sin : |
on kyll:) ja kuidas veel:)oleks k6ik teised kaa muhvid oleks eesti lastekirjandus...well...umm...nm:) |
from shes-my-sin : |
leaving notes for oneself is the bestest:) me thinks...vaata kasv6i muhvi:) |
from chagrine : |
and now i'm leaving notes for myself... sigh... |
from myflatland : |
Alright smack smack girl, you've totally gotta check out my site: I've read your journal for a long freaken time, you own me! ;) peace. p.s. leave me a note. |
from shes-my-sin : |
or something. |
from shes-my-sin : |
jusht. |
from shes-my-sin : |
no pity coming from this direction. believe it if u want dont if u dont want. ts ok. |
from ego-trip : |
it kinda was the intention... although i'm trying to keep a "low" "profile" if u know whatimean ;) love! caught, huh.... |
from ego-trip : |
thinkthinkthink... total 11 page views... you must have been confused? |
from shes-my-sin : |
if you say so. nothing will be ok..cant be..and im not supposed to take more than 2 pills a day cos of my heart...and i just took both...2hrs ago when i got home...and im still as much a wreck if not more. where did those 2hrs go::yllatund:: |
from shes-my-sin : |
yeah..kay..itd help if you were actually here...or anyone...but thanks, i guess...for. |
from shes-my-sin : |
mai tea...jolegi midagi muud 8elda...valus on m6elda ja valus on niisma...inimesed on sead...ja pealegi...i need my gillette blade...v6i sygavat j6ge..ja seekord pole jevi kaa.oh well. everyone suck. |
from shes-my-sin : |
wasnt it the world...the world is a to drain secret des....yeah...sry...but i love "bullet with butterfly wings". |
from fadedlight : |
my dear -- i love your new layout. you are a very cool girl :o). |
from premitive1 : |
get on aim and im me, lol. [premitive1] |
from premitive1 : |
well ya know what whoeth? u ROXXOR, and as long as i'm on ur favorites list, i promise u'll got ot heaven fine... |
from crazgrrl : |
Hey girl! Long time no write! Thanks for letting me know that you still read my sctuff! It does mean a lot! :) I've also added a place to the bottom of my diary to join my notify list- if you care to know when I've updated! Take care, chica!! Melissa |
from premitive1 : |
hi, who are u, and why did u add me to ur list?and don't take this as an agressive note, i just wanna know, cause i like poeple who add me to their list lol bye |
from shes-my-sin : |
midagi mul nagu gif-e jpg-ks saada ja mingi imaging-v�rk ma ei jamanud sellega t�na...n�dala pooleteise p�rast peaks nad elfwoodis �leval olema:) thanks to you...t�hh:) |
from curiouskitty : |
I was browsing though some diaries and then I saw yous, and I recognized the word chagrin and I thought hummm, french? Well Im french. So I started readng and it felt as if you were an older version of me from the baudelaire books to the cutting to the black, EVERYTHING. I enjoyed yur diary Just wanted to let you know :) |
from shes-my-sin : |
kay...:) |
from shes-my-sin : |
umm...pidasid silmas seda n2dalavahetust...?..sest siis sai oleks ju yksi...:) |
from shes-my-sin : |
you dont know what it is...? ok...go to the search engine there write "christopher johnson"...and then be amazed...cos he is the best one there... |
from shes-my-sin : |
et elfwoodi yles riputada ikka, kallis, milleks siis sure...? dont mind...?.....:) |
from vampodrama : |
eee... telefon? |
from vampodrama : |
hmm... kui v�tmes�naks on MSN (n�iteks) siis s��dista ainult IT-d. |
from vampodrama : |
ilma entsefaliidita paluks :) |
from vampodrama : |
oota... ma r��gin k�ll inimestega... kogu aeg... mida sa silmas pead? |
from shes-my-sin : |
you havent..? somehow i always thought you had.. |
from shes-my-sin : |
kay..:) |
from shes-my-sin : |
there are 62 estonians on lj...and you need a paid account or something to see the users...but you probly already know that.. |
from bhw : |
Wow, I have never met Estonian person who likes Sylvia Plath and Fiona Apple at the same time and hasn't copied it from me.Nice to meet you.There ARE beautiful minds in this windy country:)~hugs~ |
from shes-my-sin : |
naah...dont feel guilty...ja pealegi...see guilt l2heb yle..i know..yeah. kay...cos of everything else, then...kui see sul 88sel paremini magada aitab :) wasnt being mean, honest... |
from shes-my-sin : |
besides. why else. |
from shes-my-sin : |
cos. |
from shes-my-sin : |
And, oh yeah, I ended up with fourth diary.....yeah. |
from shes-my-sin : |
yeah..thinking..who needs it anyhoo...aga kui sa mu viimast asjapulka silmas pidasid, siis...umm...your 4th is cos of me. vot nii. |
from shes-my-sin : |
about me..? mitte ei saa aru... |
from faithnomore : |
hey now, I check my list of favorites almost everyday to see if there's something new. and when there is, I thank the people who listed me =) it's that simple. thanks giving me the password to your diary, by the way. |
from faithnomore : |
hey, I noticed that you added me to your list of favorites. thanks! that's really nice of you. your diary is locked it seems =( ah well. thanks again! |
from shes-my-sin : |
you can have thoughts...and write about them...and the stuff you wrote...i told you i can stop...which i probly will cos you arent comfortable with me reading it...but i cant be like you like this...yes, i can think, but not write about kills me enough when its there once, i cant reread it and go thru it all over again...etc etc etc...and i am an alien. |
from shes-my-sin : |
:)...first i read it from school...and then it was under 1000...and the next i read was at home....i dint notice then but you had that "soon to be 1000"-entry then...and the next time it was already sth like...100..3? so perhaps i am... anyhoo...:) |
from shes-my-sin : | reason to get jealous :H heh:) you sure its me...?lllahe.... |
from shes-my-sin : |
funny:) cos i have all of the above(comtrade, ie 5.0 and the yellow uninet thing too)...except windows you can breathe more easily knowing it is not me, you 1000th visitor... |
from shes-my-sin : |
from what i could find out, the 1000th visitor was from a comtrade connection, no? |
from fadedlight : |
hm yes... it somehow relocked itself. but i've reunlocked it... hrmm... |
from fadedlight : |
s'not locked anymore darling -- i only do it periodically when i get paranoid. :o) but of course you could have had the pw. |
from vampodrama : |
owwwwww you've locked your diary..... :( |
from vampodrama : |
parema k�e hoogt��kuu???? �ra ytle,et see on see, mida ma m�tlen... |
from fadedlight : |
i think your quotes are brilliant. thanks, i printed them out so i can peruse them at my leisure, probably in the bath tub with soap suds in my hair and no tears shampoo in my eyes. love ya. |
from tultz : |
damn 2 t�kki tuli... kas sulle ei tundu et need messid siin n�evad v�lja nagu luuletused? |
from tultz : |
loe siis minu oma ka, v�tsin siis k�tte ja tegin midagi. kujunduse poole pealt muidugi zero, nii et k�ik kommentaarid on teretulnud. |
from tultz : |
loe siis minu oma ka, v�tsin siis k�tte ja tegin midagi. kujunduse poole pealt muidugi zero, nii et k�ik kommentaarid on teretulnud. |
from tultz : |
Tultz |
from tultz : |
ok, j�udsin juba syvenema hakata juba enne seda kui avastasin disclaimeri. �ritan arvesse ja mitte s�damesse v�tta. ok - ei hakka karjuma, haletsema ka mitte, vihastamiseks pole p�hjust ja vaevalt ma sulle kunagi millegi p�rast k�tte maksta tahan (tahtlikult pole ma k�ll midagi kunagi halba kellelegi teinud). Lihtsalt *frankly* tunnen ma endas mingit haiget (kahtlustan, et siiski inimlikku) uudishimu..., nii et ma siiski vahel p�ikan lugema... loodetavasti sa ei pahanda :) |
from piilu : |
n�ssu l�ks, esimese korraga ei saand pihta. kiire kah.... tahtsin aint �elda, et lepkas= ladybird ;) you should've known that! ;) |
from piilu : |
piilu |
from damik : |
Hi, I wanted to welcome you to the selfdestruct diaryring, and thank you for posting the code. I really apreciate it. I'm sorry I didin't welcome you sooner, but I couldn't. |
from piilu : |
it's from the "Knigt's Tale". the movie is... all shit, exept for the glam-rock clothing and that guy... it's james purefoy, by the way. and he's not a GUY, he's born on 1964... if all men were like that, i'd beleive in them. :)) anyways, madli's tallinn-heritage is confirmes by me too. remembered i've met her mom too. it's a small world alright... |
from crazgrrl : |
Hm... I guess all is forgiven, then. Feel free to delete that last message of mine- guess I was a bit hasty and pissed-off when I posted it. I just didn't know that I'm not cool if I add a new thing to my diary. It's just not high school. It's a computer, man. But, yeah, I'll pass a blunt your way... *puff* |
from agitated : |
you are so pretty ! :) |
from piilu : |
love the disclaimer ;) |
from crazgrrl : |
"Ouch, NOW you have added an idiotic Comet cursor to your diary! I will never-ever read your diary again!!! Comet cursor SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will NEVER read your diary again. & it calls the visitors "fools" because they don't sign your guestbook? Got to hell. No wonder no-one reads you. Duh." Don't you even know who Mr. T is? "Fools" is his trademark. Besides. You were a total bitch about the loading time of my page, when your page fucking sucks ass- half the stupid pictures never load. I don't care who reads my diary, either. That's why it's a diary dumb-ass. Think before you speak, little girl. |
from piilu : |
m is missing :( nagu mingi d�sgraafik... |
from piilu : |
i', happy to report that the guestbook is there. rose nr 4 :) |
from piilu : |
one "been" missing... :( |
from piilu : |
it's just that sometimes people just SAY they don't like one thing or another just because it's trendy to think that way, to say that way. god knows i've such a "stupid girl" (you know, the garbage song, a line from which is this time's "short description"). i guess it's not about one's iq after all. maybe it's about age? i don't know... ps i'll think 'bout the guestbook... i've tried to avoid it for some reason. i keep steeling time anyway.... but i'll think about it ;) |
from piilu : |
well, some shit with the link there, but i'm sure you'll understand what i mean and can find your own way 'round the diary, it's yours for god's sake..... so why did i bother... nothing turns out yhe way i plan, lately. the good thing is- it can only get better. ;) take care! |
from piilu : |
i meant your entry from Jan 7th, actually |
from vampodrama : |
about that NBS gig: if I had been there, you would have seen me going nuts in the first row trying to climb into the pants of front singers (yes I know I'm pathetic). |
from piilu : |
the work "ask" is missing... :( |
from piilu : |
oh, one more thing: people smoke 'cos they like to. 'cos they are able to. 'cos it's a social habit. 'cos you can for light from strangers and therefor get new friends (Sex & the city yesterday):)) don't you smoke? oh, you've missed so much and yet so little, sweetie... ;) |
from piilu : |
the one thing you should do is... stop thinking. ;) it really helps sometimes. (this means getting a life.) but i guess you have to spend a lot of time with really stupid people to be able to that. my "ugly" entry was written on day just like that. it eats your f***ing brains out :))... don't worry... they really WILL grow back afterwards. and it is quite an experience... oggy, be well..farewell! |
from allthings : |
Thanks for the support. I don't mind anyone looking at my source to figure out how to do things. I learn best by seeing other people's work. Stealing, on the other hand, bothers me. I've emailed the girl. Hopefully, we can work things out. |
from heartshaped : |
hello. thank you for listing my diary as a favorite. i checked a few of yr entries out, and i'm impressed. mmm. and you've got amazing taste in music. keep in touch. cheers. |
from agitated : |
okay, i went through my entries back until mid-september, and i'm thinking it's one of these - /111701.html or /111001.html .. let me know! <3 |
from agitated : |
hi darling, thanks for visiting me. i'm going to go try to find the entry you were talking about, and i shall be back. xxxx |
from vampodrama : |
I know exactly how much do the tickets to Paris cost, indeed. And yes, they are talking about TIME. Pfft. |
from vampodrama : |
Lord Of The Rings is definitely translated into estonian. Just look for three books that are huge like bricks. I've read it three or four times, and I absolutely love it. I'd say that the Hobbit was aimed more at children, and LOTR is more adult, a bit more sinister and dark (not that it's a dark book, but it wasn't so happy-happy-joy-joy kind of thing as Hobbit). I'd recomment giving it a try, even though some people think it's full of old boring cliches and way too pointless. hehe. About de Sade... haven't read anything else by him, but 120 Days Of Sodom is basically a description of all the imaginable sexual perversions and debauchery. I like the way de Sade describes such *dirty* things in such an eloquent language... amazing. Ok pikk jutt tuli... hehe. |
from crazgrrl : |
Hi! I just realized you're from Estonia (duh on my part)~ I looked it up... By the Baltic! I bet it's beautiful there! I have a friend from Russia! Boy, is she EVER demanding! But she always gets her way! And she is quite charming, too. But, nice to meet ya! L8er! |
from vampodrama : |
merry christmas (even though I know there's nothing merry in that bloody holiday, lol). don't be too harsh on yourself with the food & eating thing though (experience speaking) it's not worth it. I might start quoting you otherwise ;) Take care!! K. |
from crazgrrl : |
Hi again! Thanks for keeping up w/ my diary craziness! I changed some stuff AGAIN- like, added mouse-click fireworks (actually weed-leafs) and some pix and stuff. Just thought I'd let ya know! L8er, chica! |
from crazgrrl : |
Just wanted to say HEY! Merry Christmas an' all dat. Hope my diary's faster now... :) |
from vampodrama : |
are you opening your diary soon now??? *looks impatient* :p And about the lyrics: I didn't do anything special, I just added them as normal entries, but I deleted the date and time fields and so they just disappeared from the archive pages. |
from crazgrrl : |
You are so right about Psych majors! Every one I know is pretty whacky! :) lol Thanks for the notes! So was the 1 minute something it took to load my page before or after I put most diaryrings on another page? I'm determined to make my site easily accessible, but still fun... |
from chagrine : |
yes, piilu, they were indeed :] |
from piilu : |
so... things were getting a bit too intimate? ;) |
from piilu : |
i really hate semiotics too... ;) pisut h�mmelduses olen ka n��d... hmmm 8:| |
from inarifox : |
jaa-jaa I know what u mean abt the christmas-thing, everyone looks as they were walkin-zombies & all the damn trash-mail, I havent even got time to count it..anyway its nice to see fellow-est.-ppl here (I read ur journal- pretty interesting,,,) |
from agitated : |
hey thank you for adding my new name to your fav's. list :) my tori song is 1000 oceans too.. i guess we're going through rough times? oh well... sorry i don't have a picture of a screw driver for you too... heh |
from go-fish : |
XOXOXOX hello |
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