messages to darkarachnia:
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from wbill :
flex time doesn't mean that I can come in whenever I want.. it means that I have flexibility on when i come in. if i come in real early.. i get to leave early.. if i come in later, i get to leave later.. but there are core hours that I have to be here. 10-2. which means that I can't be any later than 10 or leave any earlier than 2. but still it is cool.
from perplpassion :
I was hoping you weren't mad at me, I thought you were. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings because I was in a bad mood. Trying to pretend nothing was wrong, but I guess I unconsiously prooved myself otherwise. Only some of what I said was true. Don't take it to heart. I am sorry. :) <xxxxxxx>
from perplpassion :
Answers to complexing questions. Hope I don't hurt your feelings, it is not my intentions. Because we really don't know who we are. (? # 1) It's not that easy. You are afraid of being rejected again. Ones past always haunts the present. Trust? It's hard to earn, let alone maintain. Even harder to forget. Yes, you have always been like this, but don't beat yourself up over it. Yes, the little things are bothersome, but tis the little things that mean the most. Yes, you do too often judge and sentence accordingly. As for being defensive, it's the fear of rejection thing again. Afraid of loosing? Yes, because you have lost so much already. Easy to dissapoint? Yes because you do too often forget people make mistakes without realizing it might hurt someone else. Not everyone is perfact and at times, only superman can reach you super human standards.
from perplpassion :
I don't understand his trust issue with me either. I have never given him a reason to dought me. I do blow off his faults which could be a bad thing. It hurts for him not to trust me. I love him more then anything. He says I never try to make it work. I'd like to know where I haven't tried. Sometimes it's too much, even for me. I don't know what his deal is with you eather. He doesn't know you, but that makes me curious to what he has done, that makes him so suspicious of me. I will come visit. He won't stop me. The only problem might be the money issue. You and I are more important now, then him and me. You are a true friend. Besides, you have been in my life since before high school. We fought and forgave, why can't it be that easy for men? Stoopud little bois.
from perplpassion :
After all these years of seperation between us, you can still put my feelings into perspective for me. I hate you for writing "Sometimes", because the truth hurts worse comming from the mind of someone else. I love you for being such a great friend, and being the only one there for me, and being on my side. I need that sometimes. Your a great friend. Even though I mannaged not to cry all night until I read this. But that's okay, cause I do feel better. xoxoxox
from jenaia :
you said: "in that very same store with the glass dildos, they have METAL ones...the biggest weighs like 6 or 7 pounds. "-------------------- and i say... JeeeeSUS! Well, i guess that means you get a workout AND you get worked out ;) Drop by anytime... usually nothing but senseless drivel going on anyways, but I like visitors. More people should visit me and learn to appreciate the subtle and irresistable beauty that is angie *grin* ta *wave*
from perplpassion :
I can understand your poetry, only because we used to write together. Though we had different styles of writing, we understood more then just eachothers thoughts on paper. I don't know which book it came from because I don't read Ann Rice, but I know what you are saying. And yes, Edward Furlong is cute, much cuter then Bono...hahaha........
from perplpassion :
When I think of that special place over the railroad tracks, I think of the song "This used to be my Playground" by Madonna. Those memories are still there. It seemed the only place that truely brought us peace. As long as we were together we were content. We have more memories of eachother then we could ever forget. Jeremy asked about you. If you were ever comming back if even to visit. When I said no he said if I wanted to see you, you had to come here. He wouldn't be able to keep an eye on me. Boy, that brings back memories too, doesn't it. One day we will go back to our place of peace and content, until then I am content maintaining a friendship that has made it through long distance loses. 11 years is a long time to be friends. That day will come.....on the other side of the tracks.

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