messages to definingme:
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from love3n1 :
eye candy, yummy eye candy. oh did i say that, i mean, nice, respectful young men.....umm yeah
from love3n1 :
i love you, just thought that you should know.
from love3n1 :
if your new sleep schedule fails you, you know that i will be awake. who needs sleep? oh right, we do. oops. good luck with all that
from love3n1 :
i am totally in. nunnery here i come. one catch, there must be Mtn. Dew on tap. anything else matters not. love you much chicky
from goody2shoe :
Amen to that unrequited love entry. I would join your nunnery anyday. (P.S. I have a picture of nuns hula-hooping on my door in honor of my own convent aspirations.)
from pinkybinky :
that story you wrote was very good. i liked it a lot. B
from goody2shoe :
If you ever need to talk to someone - outside your regular circle, that is - feel free to call me anytime. Keep your head up, Krista. I love you.
from goody2shoe :
Believe me, I know all too well how that feels.
from goody2shoe :
Thanks for quoting me. I'm glad I can share stuff that's inspiring. Speaking of which, I loved your entry today: "So often we beg for miracles, when we don't realize that we are the miracles." Awesome! See you soon!
from the-escape :
IF YOU HAVE ANY INFOMATION ON ANDRIA OWEN, LIVING IN CALIFORNIA. PLEASE CONATACT ME: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] learn why:
from rougesupreme :
maybe he is just scared of you Krista...not scared of you by yourself but what you could mean to him...I am no expert, but it sounds like he is trying to make himself less scared of that.
from rougesupreme :
Yay! that is so cool. I have never been so excited to buy coffee!
from rougesupreme :
I am proud of you Krista. Sometimes it is so hard to do the right thing, but I think you are. You made the decision to chose taking care of yourself over pleasing others, and i respect. I wish you the best of luck on the new leg of this crazy journey we call life. Stay strong, because, obviously, you have it in you. You are a strong person.
from rougesupreme :
sometimes I just want to go down there and pick you up and take you up here with me so we can drive and laugh and not talk about problems but just be silly like we used to be because sometimes you just deserve to be happy. I wish I could drag you out of bed and do that for you. If I could, baby, I would. Fo sho.
from goody2shoe :
Happy Valentine's Day Krista! I'm so glad you're finally finding your place at school. I love ya!
from rougesupreme :
hey girlie! email me your school address, ok? [email protected]
from goody2shoe :
I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in how you feel. I question all the time whether I am depressed or not and whether I should go home or not. The only thing I can say is not to give up home and always believe that things can get better. And if you ever need a support group, I'm here for you. We can start College Haters Anonymous or something.
from rougesupreme :
babe...all I can say is beware...and stick with friends as long as possible. He is the biggest flirt if I ever saw one. I hve been there my love. And, I got is because I am observant, and I know you.
from rougesupreme :
please tell me it is a Hamilton...hahah..pleeeeease!!!!!!!!!!!!
from rougesupreme :
love will look exactly like what you see in the morning when you look in the mirror. But with a penis.
from rougesupreme :
isn't the whole part of a christian relationship is falling deeply in love with someone who makes you fall even deeper in love with Christ? Don't be so sacred of love. It is a good thing.
from rougesupreme :
Dude, Krista: It is called caffeine! Hello!!!!! Haha
from rougesupreme :
I have a christmas card for you. We need to hang out. You are probably sleeping today, but call me, k? We can go shopping or something else we shouldn't be doing. Luv ya and miss ya!
from rougesupreme :
no, you will find someone who isn't superficial and will see past it all to what really matters: your heart. You won't miss Mr. Right. Because Mr. Right won't let you go when you find him. Mr. Right will find you. If he dosen't, then he wasn't Mr. right in the first place. You have a beautiful smile, a beautiful personality. Those are the things tha count. If he wants skinny girl, he is just gonna be disappointed after she pops out kids and gets fat. He will love your heart and your brains and that is all there is to it. that is why he will be Mr. Right.
from goody2shoe :
I understand how you feel about not fitting in. Sometimes everything seems like it's too much. Just so you know, I'm always here if you need to talk. Otherwise, just know that there are others who feel the way you do. We're all less alone that way. (P.S. When are you getting home? I can't wait to see you again!)
from rougesupreme :
Liar! college students never have anything to do but procrastinate and complain about how bored we are! that is why were spend hours online, haha

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