messages to dramatize:
(click here to add new message):

from grlygrl :
I noticed you left a note to be reviewed by Grly Grl. For a while I kinda abondoned things, but I'm back now, and if you want a review it'd be really helpful if you left a message in the guestbook. Thanks. =)
from katress :
I have no idea. Rogue has totally not updated for two months. I've lost hope, and besides...I work 60+ hours a week since I have a promotion. I don't have the ability to post there either. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
from evilreviews :
Trophy girl, go check Evil Reviews for a message from yours truly, Patsy. Yes, I retire after one review, but only because people like you annoy the fuck out of me and if I get one more person who freaks out over honesty, I might shoot someone. Yeah, thanks. P*N
from eternalcalm :
Hi! This is Christine, the June layout designer, and a reviewer for Naked Reviews. When creating this layout the thought of making it a guy did cross my mind but finding good nude photography of men is very hard to do. Also, a majority of the reviewers and reviewees for Naked Reviews are female. You would think that this would cause us to use male nude models but it hasn't seem to come up. I am thinking that the next layout I do for Naked Reviews, whichever month that may be, I might use a male. I hope that you enjoy the layout, regardless of the fact that it is a woman. Thank you for taking the time for giving us your opinions. xoxo, Christine
from lacorneille :
Welcome to the Sandman diaryring!
from star-review :
review is ready.
from dreamreviews :
Sorry, that you were overlooked. My computer crashed and I lost some of the diaries to review, but I'm glad you told me. We'll get to you right away.
from shydime :
I really enjoyed your diary. Why I hadn't found it sooner I shall never know! Check out my diary sometime plese Ash
from angelicbytch :
Hi, thanks for the note in my guestbook. It really made my day. I love your diary as well. I was reading it and well, I just couldn't stop reading it. I'll definitely be back to read more. bbai~
from suga-chicka :
hello! Just stopping by to say thanks for reviewing me! :) Take care!
from adobogirl :
Nice page. I like. Welcome to Asian Pride. (^-^)
from liliput :
i like the new layout! i'm sorry you didn't do well with nakedreviews, but neither did i, so no need to worry. i actually think they're full of shit & don't even bother reading the entries. isn't it content which matters the most? que cera cera!

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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