messages to evilreindeer:
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from wherwhenwhy :
Glad to see you are doing do well, and how do you get a job where you only have to work three days? I want one of them. And I think we have both given up on the house work, no need to when you have no one there complaining about it. It's great, no piles of other peoples dishes just your own so you don't feel obligated to do them. lots of love
from wherwhenwhy :
sorry. love
from wherwhenwhy :
That's the kind of thing I'm looking for. But you have to see the place, it just looks like the all got up and left a decade ago and the building is slowly dying without them. There's packets of unopened complan in lying about and chairs sitting infront of fireplaces. You half expect everyone to come back any minute and wonder what the hell happened to the place. And 1963 must have been a bad year, my Dads cousin hung himself in he woods up the back of Invergordon that year, so much for the coolest decade in history. Anyway, I'm glad to hear from you and I hope you are doing fine and lots of love.
from hamiltonian :
from bite-review :
Generally, I'm an okay person. If you want me to review you, you'll need to email me.
from bite-review :
Would you like a review?
from wherwhenwhy :
Can I ask a really stupid question? What is a copy editor? I am demeaning your new job which I think is great, sounds fucking ace, but I can't think what it is. Sorry. Hope you are enjoying it though, whatever it is. lots of love
from wherwhenwhy :
Congrats on the new job and I really hope all goes well. The whole world of style and fashion is a completely alien thing to me so I don't really know what it all entails but I can tell you are excited about it so I am excited for you as well. good luck and take care, lots of love
from wherwhenwhy :
Have a good anniversary for tomorrow and all the love in the world. I hope you are very very proud and very very happy, and if you aren't you should be. Pain comes and goes, it is the consequences of what you do to deal with it that hangs around like a bad odour and is the real killer. Have a great day. lots of love
from purplebanana :
1. Do a search for people living in London. 2. Click on a username that you find interesting. 3. Read an entry you really like. 4. Say hi. ("hi!")
from wherwhenwhy :
When my Dad stopped drinking he attacked the kithen with a sledge hammer and took apart alot of cars, it kept him busy and he seemed to enjoy himself. I would come home from school and another wall would be missing. The trick to decorating is not to worry about it going wrong because anything can be rescued with a tin of white emulsion and a damp sponge. So go, have fun. Have you thought about OU, you can do that in your own time, less pressure and takes up the spare time you want to fill without taking on full time work. I did it for a year, to get the art history that Grays were supposed to teach but didn't. Good luck in whatever you decide and take care. lots of love
from wherwhenwhy :
I couldn't remember the name of the ep thingy but I can now so it will be added, and I don't much care for bb after he left Suede, but there's no accounting for taste. lots of love
from onesteptofar :
sorry, I never noticed this note. Happy birthday again. And I know all the balanced diet and every vitamin and mineral I need, I've been like this for ten years and have had plenty time to research it. I find the problem is when I do look for help it kind of labels me and then gives me excuse to carry on. I've had all the help and that didn't work so I am trying to do it on my own with food I know I am pretty safe with to start with. At least I am keeping down what I eat at the moment, that's a start. Thanks for the note and it is much appreciated it is just I am not good at support groups because I just end up wanting to hit people. I've been to a few. And dates frighten me so I don't think about them because that is just another excuse, "I've been good since.........what the hell" kind of thing. I have a feeling this is going to be very slow. lots of love and thanks
from wherwhenwhy :
have a good birthday and i hope it is quiet and peacefull, and I'll think of you up here while I am trying to get to sleep through all the fire works, I'm definitely buying slepping tablets. take care and lots of love
from wherwhenwhy :
Thanks for the notes and I hope you are still smiling because I am starting to smile again to, thank god. lots of love
from wherwhenwhy :
I hope you feel you are invincible and keep smiling forever, I was smiling reading it and well done for surviving another year. And watch out for the stairs (that is todays motto seeing that I got attacked by some this morning) lots of love
from wherwhenwhy :
I got a SIndy Range Rover one christmas. My Dad bought it for himself though and never admmitted it. The first thing he said to me whne I opened it was "don't lose any of the parts" so it sat on top of my wardrobe for twenty years because I may have been young but I knew I was good at losing stuff. It has now got pride of place in his living room and is full of his beanie Tiggers (he has a bit of a tigger obssession. You have no idea what it is like to be late twenties in a cinema watching the Tigger moviee wiht your Dad and all these six year olds) lots of love
from wherwhenwhy :
From the beginning. I am secretary of a voluntary organisation called Limousine Bull (set up by a farmers daughter me thinks, it is an artists collective where we run projects for local artists to try (and I stress the word try, there is a word that flies around the committee and that is apathy, nobody wants to do anything)One of my projects, which started moths ago, was Art on the Move where it basically meant putting local artists images on the buses over christmas. We wanted 11 images and out of 75 or so members we got 5 and three of them were handed in after the deadline. I spent a week harrassing people down the phone for some sort of image. It wasn't as if they didn't have plenty of warning. Anyway there is one image that was to go on the side of a bus, and that was Nicola's and I saw it today and went "that was me I did that" which of course I didn't but I felt quite chuffed about the fact that through nagging and freaking out at people I organised a project that was destined to end up costing a lot of money in cancellation fees. And Nicola helped so much and she saved my skin basically. hope that clears up matters. lots of love
from wherwhenwhy :
You have to be selfish to get yourself better, I know it goes against the grain because it is giving all the time that got you into that mess in the first place, trying to always please other people in the hope the will like you or at least leave you alone. So when you are suddenly confronted wiht the option of going out there and doing what you want and trying to make yourself happy, it scares the shit out of you as you have never thought about it before, or have no idea what you want or you feel that you change into the person that you have always hated in others. It's not quick and it is not painless but it is worth it and you will be one day glad you managed to do it. And the people who really care about you will understand and the ones that don't fuck them. You'll make knew friends, ones that are worth hanging onto. Take care of yourself today and my thoughts are with you, I remember watching my Dad go through the same thing and it nearly broke my heart, but if you saw him today. lots of love
from wherwhenwhy :
You are expecting to much of christmas, try and forget it is happening and don't let people make you feel guilty about it, it is as much your day as it is theirs and you do what you want with it, and if that means sitting in a corner feeling miserable and sorry for yourself just do it. There will be plenty more to come, and if you aren't in the right frame of mind for this one don't try and force yourself, you'll make yourself worse. How's that for a bit of therapy, I remember being told that along time ago and it is very true, although I'm not actually a christmas person people know that now and tend to leave me alone. I actually got pulled out of hospital in the middle of a nervous breakdown to attend a christmas that I got blamed for single handedly ruining. And when you go cd shopping get "This is just a Modern Rock Song" by Belle and Sebastian and "Lipstick traces" by the Manics because it has a brilliant version of Take the Skinheads Bowling. Happy shopping. Lots of love
from wherwhenwhy :
I never did the homework on the bus thing as a could never get over the shakey handwriting bit, come to think of it I don't actually think I did homework, that'll expalin alot. 30th brithday then? Lets hope your Dad dosen't celebrate it by being attached to drip after having a death by chocolate binge. Hope you get on well with finishing step 4, the first seven years is always the easiest because you never remember much about them. lots of love
from wherwhenwhy :
Wasn't the Transvision Vamp one "Baby I Don't Care", that,s going to bug me now. Transvision Vamp rocked, I was a huge fan, Wendy James on the Smash Hits Poll Winners Party. Now there's a vision in leopard print. lots of love
from wherwhenwhy :
Now I usually go for the natural as well but then I thought I was eating so little fruit so I combined the two and stupidly read the pot. All that frenzy for a bit of fruit. My bones are a bit of worry to me to now that slippy season is upon us, but I think I kind of deserve it and the punishment will be a lifetime of eating yoghurt and spending hours in Holland and Barratt, the best shop in town I might add, you sort of get the impression you will never have to eat again when you are in there. take care and lots of love
from wherwhenwhy :
You spell grannie the same way as me, I used to get slated in school for that because it was meat to be spelt with a y but mine thought she was being clever as her name is annie, all it did was make me look stupid, mind you that wasn't very hard. It took me years before I made the connection, I was in my twenties at least. I'm on a bit of a spelling thing today. Any way the questions you want answers to don't have answers, things happen because they happen, only worry about the things you can control, the rest will take care of itself while you take care of yourself. congrats on the anniversary and lots of love
from wherwhenwhy :
My Dad is/was an alchoholic. He was given six months to live because he was that bad. When he decided to stop the doctor sent him to an AA meeting. Half way through the meeting he got up, walke out, went straight back to the doctor and said "If you want me to stop drinking never sned me back to there again" so he didn't and my Dad hasn't drank in sixteen years, although he has a habit of wanting to watch other people (his children) get drunk. I think it is the ED thing, you don't eat but you enjoy watching others eat. The twleve steps has its plavce but made no sense to me or my Dad. Keep fighting the fight and I hope you'll be around in sixteen years. lots of love and take care
from apologize :
Hi there love, its Notalice. :) I just started reading from page one and I am looking forward to getting to know you better. Its a funny thing, the internet, in that I can learn about you with out meeting you in person (& w.o your consent LOL)
from trancejen :
I can't even begin to tell you how thrilled I am to hear from you!!!! E-mail is on the way.

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