mood swings and roundabouts - this is locked for a bit while I lose the feeling that people I know are staring at me

i know they know i know, i don't care, i have stuff to do, so read this instead, and if you want a password, leave a note or email me at [email protected].


Man in Regent Street is auto-destructive.

Rockets, nuclear weapons, are auto-destructive.

Auto-descructive art.

The drop dropping of HH bombs. Not interested in ruins (the picturesque).

Auto-destructive art re-enacts the obsession with destruction, the pummeling to which individuals and masses are subjected.

Auto-descructive art demonstrates man's power to accelerate disintegrative processes of nature and to order them.

Auto-destructive art mirrors the compulsive perfectionism of arms manufacture - polishing to destruction point.

Auto-destructive art is the transformation of technology into public art. The immense productive capacity, the chaos of capitalism and of Soviet communism, the co-existence of surplus and starvation; the increasing stock- piling of nuclear weapons - more than enough to destroy technological societies; the disintegrative effect of machinery and of life in vast built-up areas on the person...

Auto-destructive art is art which contains within itself an agent which automatically leads to its destruction within a period of time not to exeed twenty years. Other forms of auto-destructive art involve manual manipulation. There are forms of auto-destructive art where the artist has a tight control over the nature and timing of the disintegrative process, and there are other forms where the artist's control is slight. Materials and techniques used in creating auto-destructive art include: Acid, Adhesives, Ballistics, Canvas, Clay, Combustion, Compression, Concrete, Corrosion, Cybernetics, Drop, Elasticity, Electricity, Electrolysis, Electronics, Explosives, Feed-back, Glass, Heat, Human Energy, Ice, Jet, Light, Load, Mass-production, Metal, Motion Picture, Natural Forces, Nuclear Energy, Paint, Paper, Photography, Plaster, Plastics, Pressure, Radiation, Sand, Solar Energy, Sound, Steam, Stress, Terra-cotta, Vibration, Water, Welding, Wire, Wood.

My favorite diaries:

big-hungry profile - diary
ska-t profile - diary
silvermelody profile - diary
comments: I remember being a self harming,clinicaly depressed, anorexic twentyone year old. Hang in there
thisisjohn profile - diary
comments: mood music
dialzero profile - diary
comments: funny girl with a spree obsession
cornmo profile - diary
cdghost profile - diary
comments: has to be my favouritist diary
agoatnamedaz profile - diary
billybob87p profile - diary
comments: I'm kind of missing manga lady
mytwocents profile - diary
comments: A girl in love
kitchenlogic profile - diary
comments: I want a mother like that
twobobs profile - diary
scarstrucked profile - diary
comments: Don't really know what to say. It's like watching a car crash
farkdaddy profile - diary
affablealien profile - diary
megmosa profile - diary
clauren profile - diary
comments: the charmed girl floating about on a sea of ice cubes. No, really.
andrew profile - diary
comments: the creator
leapyear84 profile - diary
damik profile - diary
strummer- profile - diary
youareokok profile - diary
evilreindeer profile - diary
comments: She aint evil and she aint no reindeer
slick45 profile - diary
undesirable profile - diary
satellitebob profile - diary
comments: can only be read on a select few computers, the priviledged
stealinghope profile - diary
onewetleg profile - diary
comments: San Fransico's calling us, the Giants and Mets will play, Piazza New York catcher, are you straight or are you gay? (it's a Belle and Sebastian lyric which keeps popping into my mind everytime I log on, it's a catchy little tune)
omegaalpha profile - diary
comments: It's the same car crash
onejjaday profile - diary
anorexic90 profile - diary
marn profile - diary
comments: running way out in front
usinclair profile - diary
discothekid profile - diary
piehole profile - diary
soillsich profile - diary
epeter2025 profile - diary
agitated profile - diary
comments: She has a daisychainsaw diaryring, how cool is that!
its-a-con profile - diary
comments: the collection
fourstseven profile - diary
comments: ABC diary 1
onesteptofar profile - diary
comments: ABC diary 2
teachin-usa profile - diary
incinerated profile - diary
refusal profile - diary
groovetastic profile - diary
heelandlass profile - diary
mad-duck profile - diary
hinterland profile - diary
calmish profile - diary
comments: well there's eeyore and..........
flicka profile - diary
mycostume profile - diary
jenne1017 profile - diary
shutupmom profile - diary
thedrink profile - diary
onebluegreen profile - diary
Trashpunk profile - diary
theyknew profile - diary
comments: scary reading for some one who knows nothing about American politics
pollymagoo profile - diary
comments: Because I am listening to that Magoo cd as I am writing this, still have to have a bit of a read though
bambamam profile - diary
themoodswing profile - diary
sodead4 profile - diary
haloaskew profile - diary
comments: her banner reminded me of a quote in an album cover about a music teacher telling a 11 year old that he had "the voice of an angel and the mouth of a sailor". And also a thoroughly good read! (did I say thoroughly? Oh god!)
wizer profile - diary
punktheboy profile - diary
spicychicken profile - diary
nightlynews profile - diary
greenneerg profile - diary
comments: I think she likes green. I like green
chicagojo profile - diary
amomsmusings profile - diary
stars4skulls profile - diary
weekend-crew profile - diary
candoor profile - diary
baggage profile - diary
art-thug profile - diary
ottodixless profile - diary

My favorite music:

Manic Street Preachers
Belle and Sebastian
The Delgados
Echo and the Bunnymen

My favorite movies:

Mary Poppins
The Philadephea Story
anything with Christoper Lee in
The Ladykillers

My favorite authors:

Ian Banks
Franz Kafka
Bill Drummond
Charles Dickens
Stuart Murdoch

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diaries which list wherwhenwhy as a favorite diary
last updated: 2009-02-20 00:43:49
this user's total entries: 1006
user since: 2003-08-17

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