The Blue-ish ('fountain of cleverness') Thing

Massive Manic-Romantic... Minutae-Obsessed... kind of an eyesore after 2020... still mostly harmless... finally made it to a career in Showbiz™... halfway through decade #5... need to get out more if I want to see decade #7...

My favorite diaries:

baggage profile - diary
comments: Middle-of-the-night ruminations on things meaningful. Sincere and impassioned. Writes music and plays it on his guitar. Miss your updates, man. Hope you're ok out there.
hulamoons profile - diary
comments: Long-time diarist. Life. Pain. Happiness. This is my long-overdue shout-out... then, radio silence.
shoeboxdiary profile - diary
comments: Returned after extended hiatus. No recent entries, as far as I can tell.
adept profile - diary
comments: 1) hell yes 2) existential body horror 3) or is that redundant?

My favorite music:

comments: Glacially spacious cinematic ambience.
comments: Crunchy beats. Clever samples. Strange, atmospheric and beautiful. Seems to be deep in cryo-sleep these days.
The Loud Family
comments: A singer/songwriter with an IQ of 400, and more hooks than a fucking tackle box . Once on permanent hiatus, recently reconstituted. "she's a little like / Tendon-slash dimension crash entropica / Cryogen magenta kevlar ebola"
R.L. Burnside
comments: Legenday North-Mississippi blues man.
The Brian Jonestown Massacre
comments: damaged perfection / perfected damage

My favorite movies:

comments: Bleak. Horrific. Funny as hell.
Touch of Evil
comments: Not Orson Welles' best film. But my favorite, I think... in either form.
comments: Zero-budget, mid-to-late 60's monster movie. A true labor of love. Never mind the cheese.
The Iron Giant
comments: Made me cry. On a date.
comments: Microcosmically contains everyone I know and everything I've ever done.

My favorite authors:

Neal Stephenson
comments: His 'Barouqe Cycle' took me a year to read; I was truly sad to finish it.
Cory Doctorow
comments: Endlessly inventive, funny and touching science fiction.
William Gibson
comments: Slipstreams you into thinking you're reading some slick-assed 'cyberpunk' shit; like any great author he's actually showing you your own world.
William Least-Heat Moon
comments: Not the most prolific author, but the man truly lives his subjects.
Loren Eisley
comments: A scientist who wrote of things cold and finite, but whose words still reach through to your heart and mind.

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last updated: 2024-09-01 04:11:57
this user's total entries: 235
user since: 2000-07-07

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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