the house of satellitebob

"The truth is, threesomes are lamer than doing cheap coke with your parents at a Linkin Park concert, in the rain, on your period, with a really itchy rash, during a breakup, in broken sandals." - JAMES SEWALL, vice magazine

My favorite diaries:

dooki profile - diary
comments: poop. shit. stuff like that, good dirty stuff
boardho profile - diary
comments: she makes it with boys
cruel-irony profile - diary
comments: I think she lives in a hotel, which kicks ass
kristintracy profile - diary
comments: ballerina
spitonmybike profile - diary
comments: go here, read her last entry, then look at the date. you would think that her boyfriend killed her for the wrapper, but its ok, she's alive, she's my real life friend. good people.
onewetleg profile - diary
comments: teaches me things, like how to do what I am doing right now.
mssassypants profile - diary
comments: " love road head. Its a great idea. No better way to show a guy some love then to slobber on his knob doing 75 mph down the freeway. Love it."
epeter2025 profile - diary
comments: air horn goodness
scaredpretty profile - diary
comments: "my pussy is a tractor and this is a tractor pull... "
healingscabs profile - diary
comments: hate, but love.
twomothers profile - diary
comments: kristintracy + epeter2025 = air horns and titties.
rokazu profile - diary
comments: real life friend. go, read, enjoy.
wherwhenwhy profile - diary
onejjaday profile - diary
comments: ohh yeah baby!
bedawang profile - diary
comments: it seems like yeah, it was here once, but its not now, or I just know the name from somewhere or it isnt updated much but for some reason the name stands out. fsvotire because dooki says so.
nymphosquest profile - diary
comments: who doesn't like a good nympho
miss-k2 profile - diary
comments: boardho
cornmo profile - diary
comments: accordian + bad mother fucker = corn mo
heelandlass profile - diary
comments: heelandlass says, " Lots of wood hunting commenced, a trip to the shop to purchase more booze and then another night of garbled gibberish chat and too much booze and drugs." oh yeah I reply
coldooze profile - diary
comments: made my site look the way my site looks. out of sight. yup.
bodybyjj profile - diary
comments: making me laugh since 2004
buck88 profile - diary
comments: flash flash blink blinky
yakkety-yak profile - diary
dailyspoo profile - diary
pollymagoo profile - diary
shutupnkisme profile - diary
chillier profile - diary
glimmerfadin profile - diary
kingshrug profile - diary
comments: man, that dude is fucking hot. i like to touch him in the shower

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last updated: 2010-06-30 08:58:10
this user's total entries: 814
user since: 2002-02-06

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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