messages to fairy-autumn:
(click here to add new message):

from burnman :
Holy hell... you're still active here! :D
from hitch-hike :
Thanks for the add!! I hope to be reading more of you in the future!
from lobsterchick :
Hi, you offered to help me with PhotoShop... can you IM me on AIM? My name is lobstersand on there.
from fairy-autumn :
aparnas- Welcome to diaryland! I'm curious to know how you happened across my diary :) I know this may sound silly but thankyou for reading and finding them at least of some interest. Good luck with your Diary... Utilize it to its fullest...It REALLY can help.(I also tried leaving you a note on your site but they too were turned off).
from fairy-autumn :
franz11- Hello there. Yes I'm Really 25. why do you ask? (tried leaving you a note on your site but they were turned off)
from aparnas :
Hi, I am new to diaryland. in fact i am new to the art of keeping a diary. i saw ur diary and loved it. hope we get to communicate bye
from franzs11 :
are you realy 25?:)
from wiccanlife :
MMMMM fried chicken... yummy and chocolate is so good it should be a sin :-)
from wiccanlife :
Some guy grabed me...but it was my chest, and my friend went nuts on him.So I know what your talking about. Guys can be pigs.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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